

HOT TODDY 'REMEDY' Coronavirus UK – First Brit known to catch virus ‘beat deadly flu with glass of hot whisky and honey
Feb 2 2020, 18:00 ETUpdated: Feb 6 2020, 4:07 ET

THE first Brit known to have caught coronavirus has told The Sun he beat the killer bug with a “glass of hot whisky and honey”.

Teacher Connor Reed, 25, was diagnosed with coronavirus by doctors in Wuhan, China two months ago.
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He went to hospital after struggling to breathe and could not shake off a bad cough — all classic symptoms.

Shocked Connor was kept in hospital for two weeks.

Connor, originally from Llandudno, North Wales, has lived in China for three years.

He said: “'I was stunned when the doctors told me I was suffering from the virus. I thought I was going to die but I managed to beat it.

“I used the inhaler which helped control the cough and drank a hot whisky with honey until that ran out.

“It’s an old fashioned remedy but it seemed to do the trick.


"I did refuse to take the antibiotics the doctors prescribed me because I didn’t want to take any medicines.”

Connor, who moved to Wuhan last summer to teach English, was discharged from the Zhongnan University Hospital in the city.

He added: “It was only when I called back a couple of weeks ago that they told me I’d had the coronavirus.

"I’ve been off work and the boss thinks we will be reopening in a couple of weeks but I’m not so sure.

“Wuhan is becoming a real ghost town — there is hardly anybody in the streets and the shops are running low of fresh fruit and vegetables.

“And there is no medicine or masks left in the pharmacies.

“If you go out without a mask the police will arrest you.

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"Reed" is commonly believed to be a nickname-derived surname referring to a person's complexion or hair being ruddy or red.[1]

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