

China imposes Wuhan-style lockdown in a city bordering Russia after recording 127 new 'imported cases'

China has closed 2,670 mile border with Russia after the number of cases spiked
Suifenhe, a city of 70,000 people, went into full lockdown at 6am yesterday
Officials also ordered an emergency makeshift hospital to be built in six days
Video shows hazmat-clad medics stand with police officers guarding the entry
Comes as the former epicentre Wuhan lifts its 76-day restrictions on Wednesday

By Emilia Jiang For Mailonline

Published: 06:42 EDT, 9 April 2020 | Updated: 06:42 EDT, 9 April 2020


綏芬河市(すいふんが-し、中国語:绥芬河市、拼音:Suífēnhė shì、満州語: ᠰᡠᡳᡥᠣᠨ
ᡠᠯᠠ、転写:suihon ula、(錐(きり)の川の意)、英語:Suifenhe)は、中華人民共和国黒竜江省東南部に位置する都市。名目的には牡丹江市に属しているが、2011年以来黒竜江省の直轄管理下に置かれている。東はロシア連邦沿海地方と27キロにわたって国境を接し、面積460㎢、人口21万人。ウラジオストクまで210㎞、ロシアと100年余りの交流がある。1992年に中央政府より辺境開放都市に指定。ロシア側と鉄道・道路による輸送が行われ、ロシアからの輸入貨物のうち80%以上が木材で、市内には400社余りの木材加工企業がある。ロシアとの国境を跨いだ観光・居住・自由貿易地区「綏芬河貿易総合体」を建設している。下級行政区域は 綏芬河鎮、阜寧鎮、互市貿易区と辺境経済合作区に分かれる。 

Suifenhe (Chinese: 绥芬河) is a county-level city in southeastern Heilongjiang province, People's Republic of China, located where the former Chinese Eastern Railway crosses the border with Russia's town of Pogranichny, Primorsky Krai. In January 2014 Suifenhe became the only Chinese city in which trading with Russian Ruble is allowed.[1] The city shares its name with the Suifen River, and is under the administration of Mudanjiang Prefecture-level City.
Suifenhe and the surrounding border areas were scenes of vicious combat when the Soviet Union invaded Japanese-occupied Manchuria in August 1945. 


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