
Empire of Dreams Has Fallen

米ニューヨークの聖パトリック大聖堂(2015年9月24日撮影、資料写真)。(c)JEWEL SAMAD / AFP

【AFP=時事】米ニューヨークの聖パトリック大聖堂(St. Patrick's Cathedral)に17日夜(日本時間18日)、ガソリンが入った缶2個やライターなどを持ち込んだ男が逮捕された。

ニューヨーク市警(NYPD)のジョン・ミラー(John Miller)副署長によると、男は自分の車の燃料が切れ、近道をするため聖堂内を通ろうとしたと話しているが、供述は一貫性がなくあいまいだという。ミラー氏は「どういうつもりだったのか、動機が何だったのかはか分かっていない」としている。

15日にはフランス首都パリのノートルダム大聖堂(Notre Dame Cathedral)が火災に見舞われ、甚大な被害が出たばかり。

【翻訳編集】AFPBB News


The Cathedral of St. Patrick (commonly called St. Patrick's Cathedral) is a decorated Neo-Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral church in the United States and a prominent landmark of New York City. It is the seat of the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York as well as parish church, located on the east side of Fifth Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets in Midtown Manhattan, directly across the street from Rockefeller Center, facing the Atlas statue. It is considered one of the most visible symbols of Roman Catholicism in New York City and the United States.
The land on which the present cathedral stands was purchased in 1810.[5][6] The Jesuit community built a college on the site,[7] three miles north of the city. It contained a "fine old house" which was fitted with a chapel of St. Ignatius.[8] The school closed in 1814 and the Jesuits sold the lot to the diocese. In 1813, the diocese gave use of the property to Dom Augustin LeStrange, abbot of a community of Trappists (from the original monastery of La Trappe) who came to America fleeing persecution by French authorities. In addition to a small monastic community, they also looked after some thirty-three orphans. With the downfall of Napoleon in that year, the Trappists returned to France in 1815, abandoning the property. The property at this point was designated for a future cemetery. The neighboring orphanage was maintained by the diocese into the late nineteenth century. Some of the Trappists resettled to Canada and eventually founded St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts.[9]

In Giannina Braschi's novel Empire of Dreams (1994), the ringing of the church bells at the cathedral marks a pastoral revolution in New York City.

世界連邦と言う名の「Dream」is Over
Also known as:
By Victor Hugo

合言葉はEmpire・・・ - 匿名党
2019/03/09 - The Empire actor now faces a maximum of 48 years behind bars if convicted. He was facing ... He and his family owned Empire Egg Company, a company that distributed eggs to markets across the San Francisco Bay Area.

Easter Egg


2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Emperor of Dreaming Era (Hey! Say!) is scheduled to be Fallen very soon

匿名 さんのコメント...

( 2019/04/17)
