
ブレントン・タレント@Papa Nui


2010–2011 earthquakes

Papanui's location in the north western area of the city saved it from the worst of the liquefaction that was suffered by the eastern and southern areas. The Papanui Building (the first photo on this page) at 1 Main North Road was severely damaged by the first two main earthquakes and demolition commenced on 23 February 2011, the day after the second earthquake. All of the churches in the area were damaged to some extent. The St Paul's Vicarage was particularly badly damaged and has been demolished. St Paul's Anglican Church is still under repair with the scaffolding now being removed from the bell tower. A source close to the parish says it will reopen in September 2013. St Giles Presbyterian Church was also un-repairable and has been demolished. Only the parish centre now remains there. The status of St Joseph's Catholic Church and the Papanui North Methodist Church repair or demolition has still not been resolved. The Sanitarium factory was also significantly damaged and although production was halted for a while it is online with repairs being made. Many of the older shops in the Papanui Village were substantially damaged and demolished. It is pleasing to see the new buildings replacing the old broken ones. 

The Christogram IHS is a monogram symbolizing Jesus Christ.
From Greek it is an abbreviation of the name IHΣΟΥΣ (Jesus).
In Eastern Orthodox Church the Christogram is composed with letters X, P, I and X arranged into the cross. They are the first letters of one from two words in Greek language: Christ and Jesus Christ.
In the Western culture there exist the compositions: "IHS" and also "IHC" being the first letters (iota-eta-sigma) of the name Jesus in Greek alphabet: ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Ίησοῦς or ΙΗϹΟΥϹ with lunated sigma). The abbreviation in form "IHS" appeared in first time on the coins of Justinian II on the turn of the 7th and 8th centuries.
The order of Jesuits, in other words the Society of Jesus (Societas Iesu), adopted IHS as its fixed emblem - the symbol in 17th century. There appeared also Latin interpretations of the abbreviation IHS, among others:
  • Iesus Humilis Societas - Humble Society of Jesus,
  • Iesus Hominum Salvator - Jesus, Savior of men,
and also:
  • In hoc signo (vinces) - In this sign (you will win).
These developed inscriptions were most likely formed because in the Middle Ages people mistakenly read the letter E as H.
According to a legend, this inscription with the cross was seen by emperor Constantine the Great in his sleep before the battle against Maxentius in 312 on the Ponte Milvio.
Commentators unfriendly to the Catholic Church sometimes interpret the abbreviation IHS as derived from the solar idols of the Egyptian mythology: Isis, Horus and Seth. Nevertheless, present scientific knowledge does not confirm such interpretations.[1]

Chi Rho

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