

2017年09月09日 11時54分



(ここまで280文字 / 残り157文字)
2017年09月09日 11時54分 Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun


Mexico–Philippines relations

Mexico and the Philippines share a common history dating from when both countries were conquered by the Spanish Empire. There were 200,000 Mexicans with Filipino descent residing in Mexico as of year 2000, mostly in the states of Colima, Guerrero, and Michoacán.[1]


Mexico and the Philippines share many traditions and customs, which derive from ties established over 400 years. Both countries were dominated by the Spanish crown. In 1521 Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztec empire; and in the same year, Ferdinand Magellan travelled to Asia and claimed the Philippine islands for the Spanish crown. In 1543, after their discovery, the explorer Ruy Lopez de Villalobos sailed from Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico, to recognize and name these islands. They were named the Philippine Islands, in honor of Prince Felipe of Asturias. [2] In 1565, Spanish Governor General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi claimed the Philippines as a Spanish Colony and designated Manila as its capital in 1571. Due to its distance from Spain, the Spanish Government assigned Manila's administration and government to the Viceroyalty of New Spain for two and a half centuries. Evangelization and commercialization constituted the core of intercontinental ties between Asia and America that materialized with the Manila-Acapulco galleons trade. Due to the grand exchange with the Philippines in those days, many cultural traits were adopted by one another, with Mexicans remaining in the Philippines, and Filipinos establishing in Mexico, particularly the central west coast, near the port town of Acapulco. Many Nahuatl words were adopted and popularized in the Philippines, such as Tianggui (market fair) and Zapote (a fruit).

Under Mexican administration

Hence many of the Filipino governors were Mexican-Creole. The army was recruited from all the populations of New Spain, which led to ethnic and cultural mingling between Mexicans and Filipinos. Evangelization and commerce connected America and Asia, exemplified by the galleon trade. The trade between Canton and Acapulco passed through Manila, where Chinese ships came laden with silks and porcelain to be sent to America, in exchange for silver. And the exchange of ideas accompanied the exchange of products.The Philippines was built as a Spanish colony in 1565, when Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was appointed Governor General. He selected Manila as the capital in 1571. The islands were very remote, so the Spanish Royal Family commissioned the Philippine government administration to the Viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico) for over two and half centuries, In 1815 the insurgent movements in Mexico forced Spain to take control of the islands of the Pacific.

→Netherland was once a part of Spanish Empire








2 件のコメント:

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井の中の蛙 で 権力得てきている人たちには 「情勢複雑怪奇」 としか映らず。

欧米にアンテナ張っていても、チン○ミサイ○思考ですべてをとらえる人にとっても これまた、然り。


そうした経験を持つ、政治・経済の指導陣が、ほぼ皆無なのが いまの日本の 最大のアキレス腱。



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Pope bumps head on Popemobile in Colombia procession - YouTube

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Pope Francis got a cut on his brow and blood on his white cape when he bumped into the window of his Popemobile while waving to admirers in Colombia on Sunday. IMAGES

