Joji Obara (織原 城二 Obara Jōji, born 1952) is a Korean-Japanese man who has been convicted of committing multiple rapes in Japan. Most notoriously, he was tried for raping and murdering Australian national Carita Ridgway in 1992 and British national Lucie Blackman in 2000.
Joji Obara was born Kim Sung Jong (Hangul: 김성종; hanja: 金聖鐘)[1][2] in 1952 to poor Zainichi Korean parents in Osaka, Japan.[3] During his youth, his father worked his way from scrap collector to taxi driver to immensely wealthy owner of a string of pachinko parlours.[4] Obara was educated at prestigious private schools as well as having daily tutoring in a variety of subjects such as languages and musical instruments. At age 15, he enrolled in a prestigious prep school affiliated with Keio University. At graduation, students are virtually guaranteed entrance to highly selective Keio University. Two years later, upon his father's death, he inherited property in Osaka and Tokyo. After graduating from Keio University with degrees in politics and law, he became a naturalized Japanese citizen and legally changed his name to Joji Obara.[4]
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Obara invested heavily in real estate speculation and became extremely wealthy, having assets estimated at as much as 38 million dollars. After losing his fortune when the bubble burst and his firm collapsed, he reportedly used his business as a money laundering front for the yakuza syndicate, Sumiyoshi-kai.[5]
香港に設立のダミー会社通じ給与の一部支払、厚生年金保険料逃れ 2年間で免れた保険料は6千万円 厚労省調査へ
(ここまで386文字 / 残り373文字)
2017年09月25日 06時00分
4 件のコメント:
> Uber Sadiq Khan
「オカリナ奏者支援に使った」3500万円“脱税” - テレ朝News - テレビ朝日
10 時間前 - ANNの取材に対し、朴会長の代理人は修正申告や納税を済ませたとしたうえで、「2012年ごろから売り上げの確保が難しくなっていた」「不正とされる所得はオカリナ奏者の活動資金など、文化活動に使った」などと回答しています。
プロフィール|EAST KIMURA オフィシャルサイト
EASTの活動をサポートするRainbow Park Music Entertainmentは、株式会社第一建設の音楽事業部として1997年に発足しました。 “豊かな人生には、仕事だけでなく、文化が不可欠。 本業のワクを超え、積極的に文化活動を行い、社会に貢献する。”
活動履歴|プロフィール|EAST KIMURA オフィシャルサイト
9, 15, 北朝鮮 金剛山室内劇場, GO. 11, 4, 上野恩賜公園野外ステージ. 2008, 3, 22, 都立日比谷公園野外音楽堂 コンサート. 4, 19, 都立日比谷公園野外音楽堂 コンサート. 5, 1, 都立日比谷公園野外音楽堂 コンサート. 6, 30, 都立日比谷公園野外音楽堂 ...
US expands travel ban to include N Korea - BBC News
12 時間前 - The United States has expanded its controversial travel ban to include people from North Korea, Venezuela and ... The three new countries join five others from Mr Trump's original travel ban: Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and ...