

Great Ormond Street hits out at US doctor over Charlie Gard
The London hospital says Michio Hirano should "reflect" on the effect his statements had on the boy's family.

By Alan McGuinness, News Reporter

Great Ormond Street Hospital has accused an American doctor of giving the parents of Charlie Gard false hope in their fight over treatment of their terminally ill baby.

The hospital said in a statement that it would be giving "careful thought" to what it can learn from the "bruising" court fight, after Charlie's parents withdrew their application to take him to the US for treatment.

Michio Hirano offered to help Chris Gard and Connie Yates in their fight and travelled to London last week to examine Charlie for the first time and discuss the case with GOSH doctors.

In a statement read out at the High Court, Katie Gollop QC said the hospital hoped that those, like Professor Hirano, who "have provided the opinions that have so sustained Charlie's parents, their hopes and thus this protracted litigation with its many consequences, will also find much upon which to reflect".

The hospital said Professor Hirano had a financial interest in the Nucleoside Bypass Therapy (NBT) he said could help Charlie.

Sky News has attempted to contact Professor Hirano to get his response to GOSH's statement.

The hospital revealed on Saturday that it had contacted police following death threats and a "shocking and disgraceful tide" of hostility over the case.

Charlie's parents said they faced a "backlash" after the revelation, adding that they "do not and have not ever condoned any threatening or abusive remarks" towards GOSH staff.

The hospital had hoped Professor Hirano would be able to give Charlie's family renewed optimism, but said it had listened to his evidence to the court with "increasing surprise and disappointment".

"On 13 July he stated that not only had he not visited the hospital to examine Charlie but in addition, he had not read Charlie's contemporaneous medical records or viewed Charlie's brain imaging or read all of the second opinions about Charlie's condition (obtained from experts all of whom had taken the opportunity to examine him and consider his records) or even read the Judge's decision made on 11 April," the statement said.

"Further, GOSH was concerned to hear the professor state, for the first time, whilst in the witness box, that he retains a financial interest in some of the NBT compounds he proposed prescribing for Charlie.

"Devastatingly, the information obtained since 13 July gives no cause for optimism.

"Rather, it confirms that whilst NBT may well assist others in the future, it cannot and could not have assisted Charlie."

Defending Dr Hirano, Art Estopinan, whose son has been treated with experimental drugs in the US, told Sky News: "I believe that Dr Hirano is an angel. He's a saint. He saved my son and he's saved about 16 or 18 other children around the world with these devastating diseases."

Describing Dr Hirano as "a brilliant scientist", he accused GOSH doctors of shamefully allowing Charlie Gard to "waste away for eight months".

But Lord Robert Winston, Professor of Science and Society at Imperial College London, told Sky News that GOSH staff have just as much knowledge of Charlie's condition as other doctors across the world.

He said: "I have looked up Dr Hirano and what he has written - the fact of the matter is that they have not published details which show that they clearly could have changed this boy's life and the prognosis of the disease.

"I have to say it was rather wicked to give the parents the idea that somehow had this baby been treated earlier it would have made a difference.

"That is not our experience with this disease."

In its statement the hospital also paid tribute to the "bravery" of the decision made by Charlie's parents and concluded: "All of GOSH's thoughts go with Charlie and his mother and father - the hospital wishes each of them peace in their hearts at the end of this day and each day to come."


Robert Maurice Lipson Winston, Baron Winston FMedSci FRSA FRCP FRCOG FREng[2] (born 15 July 1940) is a British professor, medical doctor, scientist, television presenter and Labour Party politician.
Robert Winston was born in London to Laurence Winston and Ruth Winston-Fox, and raised as an Orthodox Jew. His mother was Mayor of the former Borough of Southgate. Winston's polymath father died as a result of medical negligence when Winston was nine years old, which in spite of popular reports, was not the inspiration for his eventual career choice. Robert has two younger siblings: a sister, the artist Willow Winston, and a brother, Anthony.[3]Winston attended firstly Salcombe Preparatory School until the age of 7, followed by Colet Court and St Paul's School, later graduating from The London Hospital Medical College, University of London, in 1964 with a degree in medicine and surgery and achieved prominence as an expert in human fertility. For a brief time he gave up clinical medicine and worked as a theatre director,[4] winning the National Directors' Award at the Edinburgh Festival in 1969.[5] On returning to academic medicine, he developed tubal microsurgery and various techniques in reproductive surgery, including sterilisation reversal. He performed the world's first Fallopian tubal transplant in 1979 but this technology was then superseded by in vitro fertilisation.
In 1973, Winston married Lira Helen Feigenbaum (now The Lady Winston). They have three children. He is a fan of Arsenal Football Club.[6] He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Garrick Club, the MCC, and the Athenaeum Club in London.[5] He owns a classic 1930s Bentley.[3]Winston was a council member of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Cancer Research UK, and until 2013 was a member of the Engineering & Physical Science Research Council where he also chaired the Societal Issues Panel.[5] He gives many public lectures a year on scientific subjects and has helped to promote science literacy and education by founding the Reach Out Laboratory in Imperial College, which brings schoolchildren of all ages into the university on a daily basis to do practical science and to debate the issues which science and technology raise.[3]


017.7.22 12:00更新
『欧米の侵略を日本だけが撃破した 反日は「奇蹟の国」日本への嫉妬である』 英国人記者の「文明対決論」


そのひとつを英訳した『英国人記者が見た連合国の歴史観の虚妄』(2016年、Hamilton Books)に対し、今年6月、国家基本問題研究所から「日本研究特別賞」が贈られた。本書はその記念出版であり、ストークス氏の最新作である。





(ヘンリー・S・ストークス著/悟空出版・1400円+税) 『悟空出版』第一編集部 編集長・河野浩







ヘンリー・スコット・ストークスHenry Scott Stokes, 1938年6月15日 - )は、イギリス出身のジャーナリスト。元ニューヨーク・タイムズ東京支局長。
経歴1938年サマセットグラストンベリー生まれ。ウィンチェスター・カレッジオックスフォード大学ニューカレッジ英語版にて教育を受けた。1961年オックスフォード大学修士課程修了後、1962年フィナンシャル・タイムズに入社[1]。1964年来日、フィナンシャル・タイムズ初代東京支局長(1964年 - 1967年)、タイムズ(1967年 - 1970年?)、ニューヨーク・タイムズ(1978年 - 1983年)の東京支局長を歴任[2]
三島由紀夫との親交でも知られ、伝記『The Life and Death of Yukio Mishima』(1974)の著者でもある。金大中韓国大統領とは30回以上にわたる単独インタビューを行っており1980年光州事件の際には金大中を支援したが、のちにニューヨーク・タイムズも自分も騙されていたとして、2000年に『光州暴動』を出版している[3]。金大中についてはノーベル平和賞を手に入れるための名誉欲に駆られた私欲の権化であったと評価している[3]
「翻訳者が無断加筆」捏造報道2014年5­月8日に共同通信が、著書『英国人記者が見た連合国戦勝史観の虚妄』(2013)において、「南京大虐殺」否定の部分は翻訳者が著者に無断で加筆していたと報道した[4]。この記事は東京新聞などが掲載したほか、The Japan Times[5]でも英文版が掲載された。しかし翌日、翻訳者に加筆さ­れたと報じられた部分は自分の見解と同じだとする「著者の見解」を発表し、報道の正確­性をめぐり波紋を呼んだ。5月14日、日本報道検証機構代表の楊井人文が東京都港区の法律事務所内で、ストークスにインタビューした。インタビューは事前準備なしに行われ、翻訳者の藤田裕行が同行した[1]が、このインタビューでもストークスは共同通信の記事を否定した[6]。また、翌年の産経新聞のインタビューでは共同通信の若い米国人記者による捏造記事だったと断じている[7]

金 大中(キム・デジュン、韓国語김대중1925年12月3日[1] - 2009年8月18日)は、大韓民国政治家、第15代大統領(在任:1998年 - 2003年)。本貫金海金氏は「後廣」(フグァン、후광)。日本名は豊田大中( - 1945年)。ニックネームは「忍冬草」。略称は「DJ」。カトリック教徒で、洗礼名は「トマス・モア立命館大学第37号名誉博士

Sir Thomas More (/mɔər/; 7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535), venerated by Roman Catholics as Saint Thomas More,[1][2] was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman and noted Renaissance humanist. He was also a councillor to Henry VIII, and Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to 16 May 1532.[3] He also wrote Utopia, published in 1516, about the political system of an imaginary ideal island nation.
More opposed the Protestant Reformation, in particular the theology of Martin Luther and William Tyndale. More also opposed the King's separation from the Catholic Church, refusing to acknowledge Henry as Supreme Head of the Church of England and the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. After refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy, he was convicted of treason and beheaded. Of his execution, he was reported to have said: "I die the King's good servant, and God's first."
Pope Pius XI canonised More in 1935 as a martyr. Pope John Paul II in 2000 declared him the "heavenly Patron of Statesmen and Politicians."[4] Since 1980, the Church of England has remembered More liturgically as a Reformation martyr.[5] The Soviet Union honoured him for the Communist attitude toward property rights expressed in Utopia.[6][7][8]




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