
The Verdict

Scholem 1949,  p. 246:"In the beginning these designs had no special names or terms,  and it is only in the Middle Ages that definite names began to be given  to some of those most widely used. There is very little doubt that terms  like these first became popular among the Arabs, who showed a  tremendous interest in all the occult sciences, arranging and ordering  them systematically long before the Practical Cabalists thought of doing  so.
It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that for a long time both the  five-pointed and the six-pointed stars were called by one name, the  "Seal of Solomon," and that no distinction was made between them. This  name is obviously related to the Jewish legend of Solomon's dominion  over the spirits, and of his ring with the Ineffable Name engraved on  it. These legends expanded and proliferated in a marked fashion during  the Middle Ages, among Jews and Arabs alike, but the name, "Seal of  Solomon," apparently originated with the Arabs. This term they did not  apply to any one design exclusively; they applied it to an entire series  of seven seals to which they attributed extreme potency in putting to  flight the forces of the Demon."


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