

フィリピン麻薬戦争 英国人貴族の娘が射殺される
2016.09.20 Tue posted at 19:07 JST

(CNN) 麻薬撲滅への取り締まりが続くフィリピンだが、首都マニラ近郊で、英国人貴族の娘が射殺されていたことが20日までに分かった。麻薬撲滅戦争において最も知名度の高い犠牲者の1人となった。








Antony Patrick Andrew Cairne Berkeley Moynihan, 3rd Baron Moynihan, 3rd Baronet of Carr Manor (2 February 1936 – 24 November 1991) was a British hereditary peer.[1]
Moynihan was born on the 2nd of February 1936 to Patrick Moynihan and his wife Irene Helen Candy. Patrick Moynihan later that year became the 2nd Baron Moynihan. Patrick's father Berkeley Moynihan had been made a peer for his services to medicine in 1929. His mother was the daughter of Cairnes Candy, an Englishman who had immigrated to Western Australia.[2][3] After attending Stowe School, Moynihan served in the Coldstream Guards.[3]In 1955 Moynihan married Ann Herbert, an actress and model.[4] After a domestic dispute and an affair on Moynihan's part, he left for Australia where he intended working on his uncle's sheep farm. In Sydney he met Shirin Berry, a Malaysian who danced under the name Princess Amina. Returning to England in 1957[5] he reconciled with Ann, however this was short-lived. He married Shirin in 1958 after converting to Islam.[6] He was soon on the move again, leaving for Ibiza with his wife. After the collapse of his nightclub business he returned to England.
In Tokyo in 1960 he challenged Al Ricketts, an American journalist, to a duel after he criticised Shirin's dancing. Moynihan defeated Rickets in the unusual duel that involved the two combatants attacking each other with their buttocks.[7][8] In 1961 he and his wife converted to the Bahá'í Faith.[3] At this time, Moynihan worked as a driver for Peter Rachman.[3] After the death of his father in 1965 he became the 3rd Baron Moynihan, taking a seat in the House of Lords. In the Lords he took the Liberal Whip.[3]In 1970 after facing a series of fraud charges he left England for Spain, later moving to the Philippines.[9] In the Philippines he operated a brothel and was linked to the drug trade. In 1980 he was named by the Woodward Royal Commission in Australia as an associate of a prominent Australian drug trafficking group operating between Manila and Sydney.[3][10]During the late 1980s Moynihan worked as an informant for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, for which he was given immunity from prosecution. His testimony led to the conviction of Howard Marks, a Welsh drug smuggler.[11][12] "He's a first-class bastard", Marks said.[3]

Dennis Howard Marks (13 August 1945 – 10 April 2016) was a Welsh drug smuggler and author who achieved notoriety as an international cannabis smuggler through high-profile court cases. At his peak he was supposedly smuggling consignments of the drug as large as 30 tons,[1] and was connected with groups as diverse as the CIA, the IRA, MI6, and the Mafia. He was eventually convicted by the American Drug Enforcement Administration and handed a 25-year sentence to be served at Terre Haute; he was released in April 1995 after serving seven years. Though he had up to 43 different aliases, he became known as "Mr Nice" after he bought a passport from convicted murderer Donald Nice.[2] After his release from prison, he published a best-selling autobiography, Mr Nice, and campaigned publicly for changes in drugs legislation.
Marks was born in Kenfig Hill, near Bridgend, Wales, the son of Dennis Marks, a captain in the Merchant Navy, and Edna, a teacher.[3] Brought up as a Baptist, he later turned to Buddhism, though he did not become a devout follower.[4] He attended the Garw Grammar school in Pontycymer. He was a fluent Welsh speaker.[5]
He gained a place at Balliol College, Oxford, after he impressed Russell Meiggs in his interview,[6] and read physics there from 1964 to 1967. At the university he was first introduced to cannabis by Denys Irving.[7] After his friend Joshua Macmillan (son of Maurice Macmillan) died, Marks swore off ever getting involved with hard drugs.[8] Among his other friends at Balliol were the epidemiologist Julian Peto and the journalist Lynn Barber.[8] Through a mixture of cheating and last minute cramming, he passed his finals; this was despite months of taking drugs rather than attending classes and a serious infection he developed a few weeks before the exams.[9]

In 1967 he began teacher training, and married Ilze Kadegis, a Latvian student at St. Anne's College, Oxford, who was also training to become a teacher.[10] He gave up teacher training to continue his education at the University of London (1967–68; Grad. Inst P.), then back to Balliol, Oxford (1968–69; Dip HPh Sc), and then on to the University of Sussex (1969–70) to study philosophy of science.[11]

"Between 1975 and 1978, twenty-four loads totalling 55,000 pounds of marijuana and hashish had been successfully imported through John F. Kennedy Airport, New York. They had involved the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, the Thai army, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Pakistani Armed Forces, Nepalese monks, and other individuals from all walks of life. The total profit made by all concerned was $48,000,000. They'd had a good run."
— Marks concluding the JFK episode of drug trafficking in his Mr Nice autobiography; the run had ended after the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) began intercepting the drugs and arresting Mafia associates in New York.[38]


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