
Remember 天皇の百済学の指南役


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100年ぶり、大正天皇にならわれ 神武天皇式年祭

神武天皇没後2600年式年祭、両陛下が参拝 2016年04月03日

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津軽藩 Has Fallen

site:tokumei10.blogspot.com 津軽藩 - Google 検索

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向日市 http://kyoto-np.jp/kp/rensai/kyuto/ren23.html

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桓武 南 郊祀 

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ミトコンドリアかもしれないけど ならなぜ選ばれたのかっていうか、、

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日朝国交促進国民協会 上田正昭

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iaea north korea plutonium reprocessing

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Daily News

S.Korea media report Emperor's possible abdication

News of Emperor Akihito's intention to abdicate has made headlines in South Korea.

The country's public broadcaster KBS said on Thursday that abdicating the throne while still alive is extremely unusual in Japan.

The Chosun Ilbo paper put the story on the front page of its Thursday morning edition. The article said Emperor Akihito is the first in 200 years to express his intention to step down. It said the last emperor to do so was Kokaku, who abdicated in the early 19th century.

The paper added that the Emperor will decide when to abdicate in view of the situation at home and abroad.

The Hankyoreh newspaper profiled the life of Emperor Akihito. It said he became a pacifist who respects Japan's pacifist Constitution after experiencing the end of World War Two at the age of 11.

It cited his remarks in the past about the Imperial family's ties with the Korean Peninsula. It quoted him as saying in 2001 that he felt a sense of connection with South Korea after learning from historic records that the mother of Emperor Kanmu was a descendant of a ruler in an ancient Korean kingdom.






>The Hankyoreh newspaper profiled the life of Emperor Akihito. It said he became a pacifist who respects Japan's pacifist Constitution after experiencing the end of World War Two at the age of 11.

It cited his remarks in the past about the Imperial family's ties with the Korean Peninsula. It quoted him as saying in 2001 that he felt a sense of connection with South Korea after learning from historic records that the mother of Emperor Kanmu was a descendant of a ruler in an ancient Korean kingdom.

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天皇陛下「生前退位」のご意向 韓国メディアも一斉に報道
07/14 17:16


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Pre-birthday celebration for the Japanese Emperor in Seoul makes some 'uncomfortable'

by: Bobby McGill | .Busan Haps Magazine | .published: December 09, 2013
SEOUL, South Korea -- The Japanese embassy in Seoul hosted a congratulatory party on Friday for Japanese Emperor Akihito's upcoming 80th birthday on December 23rd. According to Korean media outlets, the occasion made "some Korean citizens uncomfortable with the occasion."

While several Korean business leaders, along with former government officials, were in attendance, no currently serving Korean officials accepted invitations to join in the gathering at the Lotte Hotel in Jung-gu.

Though often at the center of controversy in Japan-Korea relations, the Emperor has long sought to establish stronger ties between Korea and Japan —a task which is often dismissed by parties in both countries.

Akihito was quoted in a 2012 magazine interview saying that he hopes that “Japan and Korea maintain good relations in the coming days.”

Despite the strict restriction placed upon his constitutional position, Akihito has issued several wide-ranging statements of remorse to Asian countries in the 1990s, for their suffering under Japanese colonial rule.

In a 1990 meeting with Korean President Roh Tae Woo, Akihito said: "Reflecting upon the suffering that your people underwent during this unfortunate period, which was brought about by our nation, I cannot but feel the deepest remorse"

Six years later, in a speech at a dinner with the South Korean president Kim Dae Jung, the Emperor stated, "There was a period when our nation brought to bear great sufferings upon the people of the Korean Peninsula. The deep sorrow that I feel over this will never be forgotten"

The Emperor’s Korean Family Background

Akihito's desire to mend relations with Korea goes deeper than mere geopolitics or a simple desire for reconciliation. In 2001, he told reporters that he feels a deep kinship with Korea, noting that the grandmother of his eighth-century imperial ancestor was born in the Korean kingdom.

“I, on my part, feel a certain kinship with Korea, given the fact that it is recorded in the Chronicles of Japan that the mother of Emperor Kammu was of the line of King Muryeong of Paekche.”

Kammu, ruled Japan from 781 to 806 AD, while Muryeong reigned over the Paekche Kingdom on the western half of the Korean peninsula from 501 to 523 AD.

The fact that the Emperor acknowledges his bloodline runs through Korea has raised the ire of Japanese right wing conservatives and observers note that those same people would like to hem the Emperor in.

In 2005 Akihito spontaneously stopped his motorcade to offer prayers and place flowers at a Korean peace memorial during a visit to the U.S. territory of Saipan, the site of a World War II battle between the United States and Japan. This act of contrition came after calls from Saipan Koreans for him to do so went unanswered by the Japanese embassy there.

Busan Haps Magazine website

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上田正昭 帰化人 学習院大学

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The emperor's new roots | World news | The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › ... › Japan
2001/12/28 - The Japanese emperor has finally laid to rest rumours that he has Korean blood, by ... Cup finals, Akihito said he felt personal attachment to Korea because of the blood ties of his ancestors.

Japan Rediscovers Its Korean Past - The New York Times
www.nytimes.com › 2002/03/11 › world
2002/03/11 - Article in increasing recognition among Japanese of Korea's importance as contributor to Japan's ... Speaking of the culture and technology brought to Japan via Tsushima, Emperor Akihito said that ''it ...

Korean influence on Japanese culture - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Korean_...
Korean influence on Japanese culture refers to the impact of continental Asian influences transmitted through or originating in the ...... By contrast, the admission by Emperor Akihito that the Imperial Family of Japan ...

Koreans, Japanese Are Like Twin Brothers - The Seoul Times
theseoultimes.com › read
Emperor Akihito Korean? In a press conference he ... For the next 35 years, Japanese occupation forces tried to eradicate Korean culture and to replace the Korean language with Japanese in schools. The effort was a ...

Is the Japanese emperor 100% ethnically Japanese? - Quora
https://www.quora.com › Is-the-Japanese...
The imperial family of Japan is at least in part of Korean descent. We know this because the current Emperor of Japan admitted this ... when the two countries will co-host the World Cup finals, Akihito said he felt personal ...

Are the Japanese descended from Koreans? - Quora
https://www.quora.com › Are-the-Japane...
"I, on my part, feel a certain kinship with Korea, given the fact that it is recorded in the Chronicles of Japan that the mother of ... Miyazaki Hayao claims to have been profoundly influenced by the “broadleaf evergreen ...

Imperial origins (Korea) | Green Shinto
www.greenshinto.com › 2013/06/10 › i...
2013/06/10 - “It has been theorized that the Japanese imperial line has Korean ancestry. As reported in National ... Even the current emperor [Akihito] has said that he has Korean ancestry.” Since 1976, foreign ...

Korea and Globalization: Politics, Economics and Culture
https://books.google.co.jp › books
James B. Lewis, ‎Amadu Sesay - 2013 - ‎Social Science
Politics, Economics and Culture James B. Lewis Amadu Sesay ... By way of formal apology, Akihito mentioned ancient relations in some detail and the 'great impact' of Korean culture on Japan. He then said he was ...

Akihito's Korean roots: The Paekche sources of Fujiwara power - Yosha Bunko
www.yoshabunko.com › history › Akihit...
2006/04/04 - Akihito's 68th birthday present Press conference | Akihito's remarks | Media response .... Korea [ People who migrated, and people who were invited, from Kankoku ] introduced culture and technology.

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いろいろな食品の健康効果について、きわめて限定された条件のもとでの実験結果にすぎないのに、つまり、可能性として、may で報告されただけであるのに、まるで保証された推奨食品のように扱う社会実験に無防備に参加する愚

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「天皇は過去の戦争について反省している」(2) | Joongang Ilbo | 中央日報
japanese.joins.com › article › article
Jan 11, 2010 · 独島(トクト、日本名:竹島)問題はどう考えるか。 「独島問題は日本が教科書に記述する事項では ない。歴史からは事実を性格に記述することが重要だ。理念に基づいて歴史を書かなくてはならない」 ――韓日間 ...

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「植物性乳酸菌 匠乃キムチ」が機能性表示食品として受理 - 東海漬物
PDF www.kyuchan.co.jp › news › image › 17...
酸菌 匠乃キムチ」が、機能性表示食品として消費者庁に受理され、届出番号が発番されました。 当社では、漬物由来乳酸菌 ... ただし、特定保健用食品と異なり、消費者庁長官による個別審査を受けたものではあり. ません。また ...

キムチ初の機能性表示食品! 「植物性乳酸菌 匠乃キムチ」新発売 - 東海漬物
PDF www.kyuchan.co.jp › news › image › 18...
東海漬物株式会社(本社:愛知県豊橋市、社長:永井英朗)は、キムチ初の機能性表示食品として「植物. 性乳酸菌 匠乃キムチ」 ... ただし、特定保健用食品と異なり、消費者庁長官による個別審査を受けたものではあり. ません ...

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2.生活習慣病の予防 (1)がん - 弘前市
PDFwww.city.hirosaki.aomori.jp › files
動喫煙を含む)、過剰飲酒、低身体活動、肥満・やせ、野菜・果物不足、塩分・塩蔵食品の過剰摂取など生活習慣に関連する ... 弘前市のがん検診受診率は低迷を続けており、子宮がん検診を除き、青森県に比べ. 低くなっており ...


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伎楽 - Wikipedia
伎楽(ぎがく)は、日本の伝統演劇のひとつ。日本書紀によれば、推古天皇20年(612年)、推古天皇の時代に百済人味摩之(みまし)によって ... そのほか、1980年代ごろから「真伎楽」という形での復興もおこなわれ、奈良の ...

伎楽面 - Wikipedia
伎楽面(ぎがくめん)は、古代日本で演じられた仮面舞踊劇である伎楽に用いられた仮面。世界最古に属する面としてその歴史的意義は ... 百済人味摩之(くだらひとみまし)帰化(まうきおもむ)けり、曰はく、「呉に学びて伎楽(くれ ...

論文>韓国仮面劇と日本伎楽の比較研究 - Core
その当時,摂政であった聖徳太子は伎楽を厚遇し、大和の桜井邑に楽戸を設置し,少年達に教. 習し伎楽を寺院における法楽とした(註1)。 百済の人,味摩之によりもたらされた伎楽により日本の演劇史が始まった。李杜鉉は,演劇の.

<Special Wide>日本で伝承される「百済」(04.7.14) - 在日本大韓民国民団
狂言の野村万之丞一門 四天王寺そばの金剛組 伎楽の復興に執念 師の遺志継承を誓って 連綿1400年の歩み 寺造工の始祖誇る 百済から伝来した伎楽を「真伎楽(しんぎがく)」と名づけて復興し、韓日国民交流年の02年には百済の ...

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【譲位まで1年】琵琶・和歌…皇太子さま、文化継承にご意欲 - 産経ニュース
2018/04/30 · 皇太子さまの学友で、天皇と音楽の歴史を研究する豊永聡美・東京音楽大教授は、皇 太子さまがそう話されるのを聞いたという。 豊永教授は昨年上梓(じょうし)した「天皇の音楽史」のあとがきで ...

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日本の「楽劇真伎楽」、北京で上演 - 中国国際放送局
2008/12/10 · 公演に先立って、中日友好協会の許金平秘書長と「楽劇真伎楽」代表団の西原春夫団長が挨拶しました。 ... 創始者の狂言師野村万之丞さんは10年間にわたり、アジアをフィールドワークしてその地に残る芸能 ...

asahi.com:仮面劇にアジア融合 「楽劇真伎楽」中国で上演 - 演劇 - 文化・芸能 - 朝日新聞デジタル
2007/11/26 · 故万之丞さん(没後に八世万蔵を追贈)が「楽劇真伎楽」として再創造し、01年の東京を皮切りに、 韓国と北朝鮮 ... シルクロードのまち、西安などでの中国公演(団長・西原春夫元早大総長)は、急逝したその ...

文化庁月報 | 連載 「文化交流使の活動報告」 - 文化庁
演目の一つである「大田楽」は中世芸能「田楽」を狂言師,故野村万之丞が現代に再生した作品で,公演地元の市民 ... 今年は,ジョージワシントン大学において,日本の芸能史の座学(野村万蔵・セインカミュ氏)と大田楽の躍りの ...

“史上最大”の六本木ヒルズ盆踊り…和洋のダンスが融合 | レスポンス(Response.jp)
2015/07/28 · 楽劇 六本木楽』は、2006年にスタートした六本木ヒルズオリジナルの芸能演目。 ... 六本木楽』は、 総合芸術家・狂言師であった故・野村万之丞が日本古来の祭りを現代風に復活させた音楽舞劇「大田楽」を ...
