


10 JMB militants may have entered India, says Bangladesh; border states on high alert

Kangkan Acharyya Jul 12, 2016 08:34 IST

Security forces in West Bengal, Assam and Meghalaya have been put on high alert after the Bangladesh government sent a list of 10 Jamaat-Ul-Mujahideen (JMB) Bangladesh cadres to Government of India along with their images, who are suspected to have sneaked into the Indian territory.

“A message has been circulated in the offices of superintendents of police about the infiltration of the JMB militants,” said a high-level source in Assam police on condition of anonymity.

“The message was sent two days ago which also had the names of the 10 possible JMB infiltrators,” he added.

Bangladeshi security agencies also suspect the involvement of the 10 youths in the Dhaka attacks that left more than 20 dead in an upmarket café.

Sources said that the infiltrators are suspected to have taken shelter in North Bengal where police have launched a massive search operation.

The revelation comes after Sheikh Hasina, the Bangladesh Prime Minister ordered a probe into the number of students absent from educational institutions for more than 10 days in the country.

As per reports, most of the suspected JMB militants among the above 10 are students who have been absent from school for more than a year. Bangladesh government suspects that they took arms training during this period.

The Bangladesh government has also sent the names, addresses and images of the 10 JMB militants to the Indian government. Sources in the Indian intelligence have identified them as Asharaf Mohammad Islam (Dhaka), ATM Tazuddin (Lakhipur), Ibrahim Hassan Khan (Dhaka), Zubaghedur Rahim (Dhaka), Junoon Sikdar, Mohammad Bashar Zaman (Dhaka), Mohammad Saifullah Ozaki (Sylhet), Nazibullah Ansari (Sapainbabganj), Tamim Ahmed Choudhury (Sylhet), Baddar Junayak Khan (Sylhet).

As per sources in Assam police, the militants have sneaked through the porous Indo-Bangla border in Meghalaya. “A significant part of the Indo-Bangla border in Meghalaya is not fenced,” said Lurinjyoti Gogoi, general secretary of All Assam Students Union.

The fenceless Indo-Bangla border, even after the much-hyped land swap deal with the neighbouring country, is a threat not only to the culture and heritage of the North Eastern region, but also to the security and sovereignty of the country.

A regional newspaper in Assam has reported that illegal Bangladeshi immigrants continue to take shelter in various districts of Assam, taking advantage of the state's demographic similarity with that of Bangladesh.
Assam police busted a JMB camp in Chirang district two months back, which was used for training purpose of local youths.

The porous Indo-Bangla border is also seen as a way out to build links with ‘Jihadi’ groups based in Bangladesh.

As per police sources, Shahnur Alam, a JMB operative, one of the accused of the Burdwan blast was picked up from Indo-Bangla border by the militant group and moved to Bangladesh to indoctrinate him. Another accused of the Burdwan blast, Sahidul Islam, a resident of Assam, cannot be traced after the blast. He is suspected to have taken shelter in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh’s ISIS Problem
Posted on November 11, 2015 by Study Group Writer

This past year has seen a rise in murders targeting Westerners and anti-Jihad bloggers in Bangladesh with noticeable Islamic State (IS) flavor, much to the annoyance of the Bangladeshi government. The truth is no matter how hard they try to pretend that they “don’t have an IS problem,” its there, Jihadists from the country have made the trip to Syria, and the problem is only getting worse. The individual leading the IS effort in Bangladesh is dual-Bengladeshi/Canadian citizen Tamim Ahmed Choudray. As the operational leader of the IS network developing in the country, he serves as the main interlocutor between the pro-IS elements in Bangladesh and the structural IS leadership in Syria. One of the things he’s been heavily involved in is facilitating the travel of jihadists to Syria, which is bank-rolled by Japan-based financier Dr. Sarjit Chandra Debnath aka “Saifullah Ozaki.” The point-man serving as the go-between for Choudray was IS facilitator Muhammad Aminul Islam Baig, who was arrested in May 15. Debnath’s fundraising efforts are done collaboratively with the infamous Hasan Ko Nakata (Check out the following for more details on the Nakata-Debnath relationship – “Japan: The New IS Support Hub” and “Japan: ISIS Recruiting Ground?“).

Japan: The New IS Support Hub

Japan: ISIS Recruiting Ground?

Baig was the point-man for receiving/distributing funds sent by Debnath to support operations in Dhaka and bank-roll the travel of select personnel to Syria. Its worth noting that Baig is associated with the jihadist organization known as the Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT). In fact, most of the Choudray-led IS-Bangladesh members were drawn from ABT and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). Choudray has a particularly close relationship with former JMB Dhaka Division Chief Abdullah al-Tasnim aka “Nahid Tasnim,” who was arrested on 18 SEP 14. Choudray is also close to a second individual identified as Sadiq Ali aka “Muhammad Sadiq Ali. We’re still working to ascertain Ali’s role in the organization. That said, he appears to functions much like Baig, although intel gaps on his role still exist.

15 IS suspects held in Bangladesh in 1 year: Police

JMB chief’s son, 7 others arrested

Bangladesh arrests head of banned Islamist group

According to our sources, Choudray has maintained close contact with Syria-based IS External Operations Division personalities such as Abu Khalid al-Bengali. It was through this individual that Choudray has received operational guidance. The Dhaka cell started out small by targeting individual bloggers and foreigners. The murders of Italian citizen Cesare Tavella and Japanese citizen Kunio Hoshi are two examples of the attacks that Choudray had a hand in planning.

ISIS says it killed Italian on streets of Bangladesh capital

The British Islamic State members facing UN sanctions – profiles

Masked gunmen kill Japanese national in Bangladesh


Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 2.08.24 AM
Sally Ann Jones
Source: The ISIS Study Group

However, the late-OCT 15 bombing that targeted a Shia gathering commemorating Ashura was what really put these guys on the map. The attack itself involved three IEDs that occurred a few weeks after the two foreigners were murdered and marks the first time that the Shia community was targeted in the country. We suspect this attack was merely a test run for a much larger attack. The specific term heard was “PETN,” which we assess to be pentaerythritol tetranitrate. What is it? PETN is an ivory white, crystalline or granular powder that is produced by treating pentaerythritol with nitric acid. Its less sensitive than nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose, but a bit more sensitive than RDX and a lot more sensitive than tetryl. PETN’s maximum velocity of detonation is 8,300 m/sec. PETN was used on two separate occasions. The first was the 2001 “Shoe Bomber Incident,” where Richard Reid tried to set off a device hidden in his shoes. The second incident was the 2010 “Underwear Bomber” fiasco where Umar Farouk Abdulmulallab failed in his attempt. However, in both cases airport security failed to detect the PETN used in the explosive devices – basically the only thing that saved us was dumb luck. The reason security failed to detect the substance is due to the fact that it has low vapor pressure, which makes it difficult for bomb-sniffing dogs to detect.

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack in Bangladesh

Passenger jets carried Dubai bomb

Shoe bomb suspect ‘did not act alone’

PETN [Pentaerythritol tetranitrate]

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Source: The ISIS Study Group

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Source: The ISIS Study Group

Attacks in the country (especially in Dhaka) have been increasing in both frequency and scale over the past year. Momentum is clearly building for the Choudray-led network to elevate their game to the next level – the question is what they plan to target? The Bangladeshi security forces’ corruption is matched only by their incompetence. Sure, they’ve been able to detain a few members of this network – but they’ve only been able to do so after being led by the hand by Western governments to specific personalities and activities. But hey, at least they’re trying – that’s got to count for something, right? Unfortunately, Prime Minister Hasina is in complete denial and is of the mindset that if she keeps telling herself that “IS doesn’t exist” in her country that it will somehow become “true.” We’re afraid that the IS presence in Bangladesh is very much real and a clear threat to Hasina’s government and to any Westerner foolish enough to vacation there. The sooner Hasina comes to terms with this inconvenient truth, the better off her country will be – although that may be asking for too much.




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