100人超死亡の消毒剤事件、謝罪した企業トップに平手打ち 韓国
AFP=時事 5月2日 19時13分配信
被害者の大半が、英国に本社を置く多国籍企業レキットベンキーザー(Reckitt Benckiser)の韓国法人、オキシー・レキットベンキーザー(Oxy Reckitt Benckiser)が国内で2001年から販売していた液体の加湿器消毒剤「オキシー・サクサク」を使用していた。
オキシー・レキットベンキーザーのアタル・サフダール(Atar Safdar)代表はソウル(Seoul)市内のホテルで謝罪会見を行ったが、遺族らは英語で「遅すぎる」「許さないぞ」などとサフダール代表に怒声を浴びせた。
ようやく会見が再開されると、代表は被害者全員に「心から謝罪する」と述べ、数百万ドル規模の補償を行う方針を明らかにした。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (RB) (LSE: RB) (
![About this sound](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Loudspeaker.svg/11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png)
RB's brands include French's Mustard, the antiseptic brand Dettol, the sore throat medicine Strepsils, the hair removal brand Veet, the air freshener Air Wick, Calgon, Clearasil, Cillit Bang, Durex, Lysol, Mycil and Vanish.[5] It has operations in around 60 countries and its products are sold in almost 200 countries.
RB is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It had a market capitalisation of approximately £44 billion as of December 2015.[6]
Johann A. Benckiser founded a business in Germany in 1823. Its main products were industrial and consumer goods industrial chemicals.[7] Benckiser went public in 1997.[8][9]
Reckitt & Sons started in 1840 when Isaac Reckitt rented a starch mill in Hull, England.[7] He diversified into other household products and after his death in 1862, the business passed to his three sons.[10] In 1886, Reckitt opened its first overseas business in Australia.[10] The firm was first listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1888.[7] Harpic Lavatory Cleaners was acquired in 1932, and that same year, Dettol was launched.[10]
In 1938 Reckitt & Sons merged with J. & J. Colman, which had been founded in 1814 when Jeremiah Colman began milling flour and mustard in Norwich, England,[7] to become Reckitt & Colman Ltd.[7] The company made several acquisitions, including the Airwick and Carpet Fresh brands (1985), the Boyle-Midway division of American Home Products (1990), and the Lehn & Fink division of Sterling Drug (1994). It acquired several brands from DowBrands in 1998.
Reckitt & Colman sold the Colman's food business in 1995.[7]
5 件のコメント:
うん 私もそう思ったけど韓国はイランに投資中 インドネシアで戦闘機だから
亡命アフガニスタンかもしれない 「きんを増やした閥」なんでそ
Australia Reckitt Benckiser painkiller
Suboxone Reckitt Benckiser