
Adrian Greenwood's ? is J. K. Rowling's ?

Stolen Harry Potter edition found in carrier bag
17 November 2010
From the section Oxford

Image caption Thames Valley Police would still like to speak to a man captured on CCTV

A limited first edition of a Harry Potter book stolen from an Oxfordshire art gallery has been found in Abingdon.

The rare copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, worth almost £6,000, was taken from the Creative Art Gallery in Woodstock on 30 October.

Police said the book was discovered in a plastic bag outside Boots, in Bury Street, on Monday.

A 36-year-old woman from Woodstock was arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of theft and is being questioned.

Officers say they would still like to speak to a man seen on CCTV in the gallery.

Police said the book - one of between 300 and 500 copies published - was taken from under a display box while the assistant was occupied by a group of people.

The book's owner, Adrian Greenwood, a rare books dealer from Oxford, said: "I'm very happy to discover the book has been found and I want to wholeheartedly thank Thames Valley Police for all the work it has done, and is still doing, in connection with this investigation."


2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

David Gest 'found dead'

匿名 さんのコメント...

大昔 Duran2 John Taylor が あ? あぁ
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飾ってあったのなぜか覚えてます 今Harmonia 浮かんだですわ

なぜか La Wally を急に聴きたくなり、、オペラのあらすじも うん?ですが、、
仏映画:DIVA だっけとあらすじ確認してみたら、、
Diva は Cynthia Hawkins
Postman は Jules
悪役が Jean Saporta に L'Antillais に le Cure なんじゃそりゃぁ
で事件の発端 Tape 録音機 Nagra
からの Kennedy から USSS に行っちゃいまして
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Montgomery Blair さんは Postmaster-General
stamp の Scott Catalog C66 って何かあるんでしょか
で、どこから行ったかTape で Water Gate に行っちゃいました
あ、Queen って映画の役者さんからとかだっけか

でご紹介の映画 奥さん策士だねぇ って教訓なのでせうか
あ、元首相のBlair さんは半田某さんと親交が深いんですか?日本語wikiですけど
奥様はSacred Heart

ちなみにこのGreenwood て人はアッシュヘア意識してるんでしょうかね