


30 件のコメント:

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Hash Bush

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Blaw-Knox Japan Gilbertson

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University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies

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Josef Franz Prach von Habsburg-Lothringen Michigan

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野田聖子 - Wikipedia
野田 聖子(のだ せいこ、1960年9月3日 ‐ )は、日本の政治家。自由民主党所属の衆議院議員(8期)。総務大臣(第3次安倍第3次改造内閣)、内閣府特命 ... 田園調布雙葉高等学校を中途退学、ミシガン州ジョーンズヴィル・ハイスクールを卒業後、1983年、上智大学外国語学部比較文化学科を卒業。同年、帝国ホテルに入社。フロント業務などを経て、帝国ホテルの女性従業員で初めて国際セールス部員に抜擢される。 1984年、祖母・ 

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Melon heads - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Melon_...
Melon Heads is the name given to legendary beings and urban legends in parts of Michigan, Ohio, and Connecticut generally described as small humanoids with bulbous heads, theorized in the 1970s, who occasionally ...

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Jacques Marquette - Wikipedia
Father Jacques Marquette, the great Jesuit missionary and explorer, died and was buried by two French companions somewhere along the Lake Michigan shore on May 18, 1675. He had been returning to his mission at St. Ignace which he had left in 1673 to go exploring in the Mississippi country.

Father Jacques Marquette S.J. (June 1, 1637 – May 18, 1675 ...
In 1668, Father Marquette was moved by his superiors to missions farther up the St. Lawrence River in the western Great Lakes region. He helped establish the mission at Sault Ste. Marie in present-day Michigan in 1668. “Here, with the help ...

Jacques Marquette - Missionary, Explorer - Biography
2014/04/02 - He founded missions in present-day Michigan and later joined explorer Louis Joliet on an expedition to ... Marquette studied and taught in the Jesuit colleges of France for about 12 years before his superiors ... In 1668, Marquette sent to establish more missions farther up the St. Lawrence River in the western Great ... He helped establish missions at Sault Ste. Marie in what is now ...

Jesuit missions in North America - Wikipedia
Jesuit missions in North America. Map of New France (Champlain, 1612). Port Royal circa 1612. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, Gabriel Sagard, 1632. Mission San Xavier del Bac, The mission of Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. Jean de Brébeuf and Gabriel Lallemant stand ready for boiling water/fire "Baptism" and flaying ..

"St. Ignace" "Ignatius Loyola" Michigan

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”Shio Sakanishi” "Naomi Fukuda" Michigan

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"Naomi Fukuda" Michigan Reischauer 

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PDF https://ci.nii.ac.jp › contents110004323631
“modernization” of Japan, and those “Japanese studies” are categorized into such three paradigms as. “ Japanology”, “Japanese ...... 『The Japanese』Edwin O. Reischauer, Charles E. Tuttle Co. 『Japan as ...

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新渡戸 坂西志保

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www.swan2001.jp › swanindex09052
思ひだせばはやいことなのではっきりした記憶もありませんけれど子供の頃からえらい勉強が好きで小学校を出ますと直ぐ静修女学校へ入り出てからはクララ・ローズといふ外人の経営する幼稚園やスタンダード会社の通訳などをやって ...

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Michigan quarterly review: Vol. 2, No. 4 - University of Michigan
https://quod.lib.umich.edu › mqrarchive
1 Japanese Woman of These Time.s EDUCATION OF A HEATHEN: POSITION OF WOMEN IN THE NEW JAPAN BY SHIO SAKANISHI N TOKYO, in the early spring of 1921, I took the college ...

University of Michigan Official Publication
https://books.google.co.jp › books
1962 · Education, Higher
It is hoped that (his period of informal sociability will permit friends old and new to meet. ... Poet; and Literary Critic Subject: Education of a Heathen: Position of Women in the New Japan ...

The President's Report to the Board of Regents for the ...
https://books.google.co.jp › books
University of Michigan · 1963
Dr. Shio Sakanishi, a Barbour Scholar from 1925 to 1929, adviser to the Japanese Government, poet, and critic, spoke on the subject "Education of a Heathen: Position of Women in the New ...

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日本との対話 : ライシャワー博士の考え方 (時事通信社): 1961|書誌詳細 ...
iss.ndl.go.jp › books
目次:, 解説(坂西志保) / p1 (0006.jp2). 目次:, I 断たれた日本との対話(論文) / p21 (0013.jp2) ... 目次: , VI 坂西志保女史との対談(NHKテレビおよびラジオ) / p149 (0077.jp2). 目次:, VII 日米 ...

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エレノア・ルーズベルト - Wikipedia
https://ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › エレノア...
アナ・エレノア・ルーズベルト(Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884年10月11日 - 1962年11月7日)は、 アメリカ合衆国第32代 ..... アメリカの良心 ルーズベルト夫人伝 (坂西志保 日本評論社 1950年); 内気な ...

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陸軍中野学校 - Page 139
Nakano Kōyūkai (Tokyo, Japan) - 1978
わが国の戦時放送として今も問衆人の印象に残っているものは、いわゆる大本営睦海軍報道部であるが、その総合運用に当つ ... 年四月士百ル贅ズベルト米大続領の死に当つて、坂西志保民らと脇読のうえ、捕関達に三日間にわたって自由伊野部重珍 少住(こ ...

ラジオ・トウキョウ: 敗北への道 - Page 216
北山節郎 - 1988 -
上坂冬子「対米謀略放送の裏す」(現高知相互銀行代表取締役伊野部重珍の談話、一九七七死を弔わせるだけのゆとりを持つてい ... ドイッはの坂西志保さんらと相談して、 三日間捕虜たちに番組を四五)年四月十二日に私は駿河台にいましたが、評論家「ル— ズ ...

中央公論 - Volume 93, Issues 1-3
1978 - ‎
... 現高知相互銀行代表取締役の伊野部重珍氏が、「ルーズヴェルト大統領の亡くなった昭和二十(一九四五)年四月十二日に私は駿河台にいましたが、評論家の坂西志保さんらと相談して、三日間捕虜たちに番組を明け渡して自由に哀悼の辞を述べさせました。

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The US Army's Intensive Japanese Language School | U-M LSA Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) - International Institute - University of Michigan
https://ii.umich.edu › cjs › history-of-cjs
With local interest piqued, in January 1943, Major General George V. Strong, an assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, felt it necessary ... Joseph K. Yamagiwa teaching at the Army's Intensive Japanese Language ...

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...Crown Prince Akihito with assistant football coach Wally Weber and Robert B. Hall (back). (1953)

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Zacharias "Dr. Kiyoshi Inouye" Michigan Waseda Southern California

The Michigan Alumnus - Volume 52 - Page 143
1945 - ‎Full view
The former Michigan man comes into the story after Zacharias' 12th broadcast warning Japan of the consequences of their refusal to surrender. Dr. Inouye ... and Migration courses at Waseda and Tokyo Universities. Earlier he had been a professor at the University of Southern California. In 1927 ...

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They called her Tokyo Rose - Page 55
Rex B. Gunn - 1977
One was Foumy (Fumi) Saisho, undoubtedly the first actual broadcaster at Radio Tokyo referred to as Tokyo Rose by listening GI's. Another was Ruth ... First, Tamba questioned the original Madame Tojo, Foumy Saisho. 3 "Did you ever hear ...

Re/orientation: The Politics of Japanese American Representation
Elena Tajima Creef - 1994
12 What makes "Tokyo Rose" especially unique—even problematic as a subject for study in Asian representation—is her status as a ... Other Japanese female radio personas were dubbed Madam Tojo and Radio Rose and were heard throughout the Pacific, ... While the bombing of Pearl Harbor signals one such moment of extreme agitation and bias against Japanese and Japanese Americans alike, 42.

Scoundrels Who Made America Great
Martin Henley - 2016
Four days after Pearl Harbor, Eckberg picked up a shortwave radio broadcast by a woman who called herself Madame Tojo. According to Eckberg, she crowed, in a phony Oxford accent, “Where is the U.S. fleet? I'll tell you where it is, boys. It's laying on the bottom of Pearl Harbor.” Eckberg called her “Tokio Rose.” After the Pearl ...

ラジオ。トウキョウ: Haiboku e no michi - 213 ページ
北山節郎 - 1968
最所フミは、一九三五年発足以来、海外放送が生みだした生えぬきのコメンテーターとして、その力を発揮していた。その向うを張るのが坂西しほ〔志保〕である。一九四三年春の国際局第二部南方班名簿に「坂西志保子」とある。彼女は、次の番組改正時、五月二 ...

Michigan Ensian - Volume 36
1932 - ‎Full view
... Maynard Helen Metheney Alice Morgan Mary Morrison Catherine Moule Director Business Manager Clerk of Student Office House Nurse Night Chaperone Assistant Night Chaperone President Vice-President Social Chairman Treasurer Secretary Elizabeth Ralston Wadady-Khuri Mackdici Fumi Saisho Celine Smith Hadie Supe ...

The Michigan Alumnus - Volume 54 - Page 479
1947 - ‎Full view
1 FuMI Saish0> '32> A.M.'33, now * ~* known as Foumy Saisho, may be addressed as follows: Sang etsu-so Apartments, 2, Nishi-machi, Nihonenoki, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan. She is ... A great share of the profits received by the University of Michigan Club of Omaha went to the Children's Memorial Hospital. On the following ...

Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan
Alisa Freedman, ‎Laura Miller, ‎Christine R. Yano - 2013 - ‎Preview
Kinai was joined in her second year at Michigan by an older Tsuda graduate, Shohara Hide (class of 1915). Like Kinai, Shohara graduated in three years. At least four more Tsuda graduates came to Michigan for undergraduate degrees: Hoshino Hanako and Sato Kikue in 1929 and Oi Fumi and Saisho Fumiko in 1930. As they did ...

Our Michigan: An Anthology Celebrating the University of ... - Page 59
Erich A. Walter - 1966 - ‎Full view
BARBOUR SCHOLAR Shio Sakanishi, A.M. '26, Ph.D. '29, D.H.L.(hon.) '63 Shio Sakanishi before coming to Michigan in 1925 had earned the A.B. degree at Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. "She has written with learning and penetration on both Eastern and Western aesthetics, has rendered Japanese poetry into highly ...

University of Michigan Official Publication - Volume 40 - Page 162
1939 - ‎Full view
Yuen Zang Chang, Lecturer on Chinese Civilization and Literature, National Central University, Nanking, and the University of Michigan . ... Instructor in Russian Language/Vniversity of Michigan - James M. Plumer, Lecturer on Far Eastern Art, University of Michigan Shio Sakanishi, Lecturer on Japanese Civilization and Literature, ...

Michigan Ensian - Volume 33 - Page 293
1929 - ‎Full view
... Masao Nishio Secretary Кон Sanada Treasurer MEMBERS Katsutoshi Ando Kikusaburo Asai Yoshio FlKCHARA IlCHlRO F. Kawasaki Paul Y. Kirlmura Susumu Ковк Ikuko Koizumi Sugi Mibai Atstjbhi W. Miyanaga Asa Xakao Dr. Masao Nishio Kikiji Sakamoto Shio Sakanishi Koii Sanada Ai Sasaki Hide Shohara Hide R. Tamura ...

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Madame Tojo @ミシガン

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Laudanum - Wikipedia
Laudanum is a tincture of opium containing approximately 10% powdered opium by weight (the equivalent of 1% morphine). Reddish-brown .... In 1929–30, Parke, Davis & Co., a major US drug manufacturer based in Detroit, Michigan, sold "Opium, U.S.P. ..... the plot of which deals in part with the smuggling of expensive raw opium into France from the Empire of Trebizond. ... Confessions of ...

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616 (number) - Wikipedia
Earth-616 is the name used to identify the primary continuity in which most Marvel Comics' titles take place. 616 film, a medium film format. Area code 616, an area code in Michigan.

Earth-616 - Wikipedia
In the fictional Marvel Comics multiverse, Earth-616 is the primary continuity in which most Marvel Comics titles take place. Contents. 1 History of the term; 2 References to Earth-616; 3 In other ...

 The 616th harmonic number is the first to exceed seven.

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Scholar learns remains of Japan war criminals "scattered" in Pacific
KYODO NEWS KYODO NEWS - 1 hour ago - 07:01 | All, Japan

A Japanese researcher has found official U.S. documents detailing how the American military scattered the cremated remains of Japan's wartime Prime Minister Hideki Tojo and six other executed Class-A war criminals in the Pacific Ocean, shedding light on decades of mystery over their whereabouts.

The declassified documents, discovered by Hiroaki Takazawa, associate professor at Nihon University College of Industrial Technology, at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, contain a statement that a U.S. Army major "personally scattered the cremated remains" of the criminals over the Pacific Ocean.

A U.S. military truck carrying seven bodies of executed Japanese Class-A war criminals, including wartime Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, departs Sugamo Prison in Tokyo for a crematorium in Yokohama on Dec. 23, 1948. (File Photo)(Kyodo)
It is the first time that details over the final disposition of the Class-A criminals' remains were found in official documents. While speculation and hearsay have circulated that their remains were scattered in the Pacific Ocean or Tokyo Bay, there had never been any official documents to back the claims.

Tojo was among 28 Class-A war criminals comprising Japanese political and military leaders who were indicted for crimes against peace after World War II, and seven, including the former premier, were hanged.

Major Luther Frierson wrote in one of the documents by the Eighth Army dated Jan. 4, 1949, that the paper is "a detailed account of the activities of the undersigned in connection with the execution and final disposition of remains of seven war criminals executed 23 December 1948."

Frierson was present at the scene of the execution of the criminals after midnight on Dec. 22, 1948, at Sugamo Prison in Tokyo, according to the document. A truck carrying the bodies departed the prison at 2:10 a.m. on Dec. 23 and arrived at the area occupied by the U.S. military's 108th Quartermaster Graves Registration Platoon in Yokohama at 3:40 a.m.

At 7:25 a.m., the truck left the area arriving at a crematorium in Yokohama 30 minutes later. The bodies were moved directly from the truck into the incinerators by 8:05 a.m.

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After the cremation, the remains were placed in separate urns and transported to the Eighth Army Liaison Air Strip and put aboard a liaison plane piloted by one of the Eighth Army pilots, with Frierson as a passenger.

"We proceeded to a point approximately 30 miles over the Pacific Ocean east of Yokohama where I personally scattered the cremated remains over a wide area," Frierson wrote in the document.

According to the Yokohama municipal government, the airstrip was located two kilometers from the crematorium.

The document indicates that the dispersion of the remains occurred on the day of the execution, but it did not specify the exact location or time of the scattering.

"If the remains were returned to nature, that is better than being abandoned somewhere else," said Hidetoshi Tojo, 48, great-grandchild of the executed former prime minister.

"I had no idea (what happened to the remains) as there was somehow no talk about it," he said. "It is disappointing that we cannot pinpoint the location in the Pacific. It was made difficult to know the exact location by scattering them in the sea, and it is my understanding that the U.S. military was making a thorough effort to ensure that they not be deified."

Yoshinobu Higurashi, professor at Teikyo University, said the U.S. military scattered the remains in the ocean to prevent the deification of war criminals just as the remains of executed criminals of Nazi Germany convicted at the Nuremberg trials were dispersed in a river.

"The discovered documents are highly significant for writing in detail about how the remains of the executed Class-A war criminals were disposed of," he said.

Regarding the disposals of the remains, William Sebald, chief of the Diplomatic Section at the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers, which occupied Japan after the war, wrote in his book that the cremated remains would be scattered as their graves could have been deified. Sebald was also present at the executions of the Class-A war criminals.

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Tojo denture

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Allied Powers Avenged Crimes 35 Years Ago. - 38 ページ
books.google.co.jp › books
The Day · ‎1983/12/22 · ‎新聞 · ‎全文表示
Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime prime minister and the man listed by a postwar military tribunal as No. ... at 0001 hours or "as soon thereafter as practicable," on Dec. 23. The accused had been in the prison in northwest Tokyo since September 1945. ... The bodies of the seven executed men were taken secretly to Yokohama, where they were cremated and the ashes dropped at sea by a U.S. military aircraft.

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ハワイ日系米兵: 私たちは何と戦ったのか? - Page 263
荒了寬 · 1995
東条大将から浦崎ドクターへ送られた軍服は、元「ヒロ・タイムス」編集長の大久保清氏の手をわずらわせ、東条勝子未亡人のもとへ手渡された。未亡人は、「長い間さがしもとめておりました。勲章は全部、私の手元に大切にしてありますが、東条が日常胸 ...