
The British Royal Bloodline

DNA analysis of the descendants of Henry Somerset, 5th Duke of Beaufort has suggested that at some point between Edward III, who died in 1377, and the 5th Duke of Beaufort, who died in 1803, there was a break in the male lineage as the wives of one of the men listed above were unfaithful to them. If that occurred before Edmund, the 2nd Duke of Somerset, who was born in 1406, then it could call in to question the Tudors claim to the throne, and so the current Royal family whose lineage is traced back to the Tudors through Henry VI. However, the break could also have occurred on the York side of the family tree and so Richard III's claim could also have been illegitimate

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2857524/Does-Richard-III-s-DNA-question-Queen-s-right-throne-Analysis-reveals-relative-monarch-conceived-wedlock.html#ixzz3KpfdkoOF


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