Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hres774ih/html/BILLS-113hres774ih.htm
Pledged to bolster the nation's cyber defenses, and criticized Sony for pulling release of "a satirical movie" in the wake of threats from North Korea and its supporters.
"Yes, I think they made a mistake," Obama said, warning that Sony's response could lead to attempts to censor documentaries and other forms of expression.
"I wish they had spoken to me first," he said.
Obama did not discuss what sort of response he might order toward North Korea, which he accused of sponsoring the hack. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eXX326DaW8EJ:www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/12/19/obama-news-conference-cuba-immigration-sony-republican-congress/20633591/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
4 件のコメント:
Honoring the life, accomplishments, and legacy of Louis Zamperini and expressing condolences on his passing.
December 8, 2014
Paramount Cancels 'Team America'
Pledged to bolster the nation's cyber defenses, and criticized Sony for pulling release of "a satirical movie" in the wake of threats from North Korea and its supporters.
"Yes, I think they made a mistake," Obama said, warning that Sony's response could lead to attempts to censor documentaries and other forms of expression.
"I wish they had spoken to me first," he said.
Obama did not discuss what sort of response he might order toward North Korea, which he accused of sponsoring the hack.