
ISISの”人質”の”英国人”、John Cantlie は大英帝国の英雄、孫文の命の恩人で真の師匠だったジェームス・カントリーの曾孫(爆wwwwwww





In 1877 Cantlie became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and Assistant Surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital; in 1886 he became Surgeon at Charing Cross. In 1888 he resigned to take up a position in Hong Kong. While in the colony, he co-founded the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, which later grew into the University of Hong Kong. One of his first pupils at the College was the future Chinese leader Sun Yat-sen. Cantlie's work in Hong Kong included investigations into leprosy and into various tropical diseases; in 1894 he encountered an outbreak of plague.
In 1896 poor health – caused by his untiring work as a teacher, researcher and practicing doctor – forced Cantlie to return to London. Later that year, Dr. Sun visited him, and was kidnapped by the Imperial Chinese secret service. Sun was imprisoned in the Chinese Legation, and would have been shipped back to China and executed had it not been for Cantlie, who led a media campaign which not only succeeded in releasing Dr. Sun, but also made him a hero in Britain.


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緊急対談 テキサス親父×アパ代表 傲慢朝日を断罪「真摯な会見と思えなかった」 (笑)

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John Cantlie and Jeroen Oerlemans, British and Dutch

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The College was the predecessor of the Medical Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. The London Missionary Society founded the establishment in 1887.
>ロンドン宣教会 1795年
Alumni of the medical faculty include Patrick Manson, who first proposed malaria was transmitted by mosquito, founder of the tropical medicine field and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Manson also found Dairy Farm in 1886, now a leading pan-Asian retailer and a listed company on the London Stock Exchange.
The Kai Tak Airport was namesaked after Kai Ho, who along with Patrick Manson and Graeme Cantlie established the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese in 1887, which later became University of Hong Kong in 1911. Sun Yat-Sen was also educated by Aberdeen University alumni at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese.
Peter Shepherd introduced the concept of teaching first aid to civilians.
Another Aberdeen graduate, James Cantlie, published Shepherd's lecture notes as "first aid to the injured" following Shepherd's death in the Battle of Isandlwana in 1879.

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British journalist John Cantlie used as 'Isil reporter' inside Kobane
John Cantlie, a British journalist who is being held captive by Isil inside Syria, has appeared in a sixth propaganda video

John Cantlie: British hostage 'reports' from Kobani in new Isis propaganda video

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Investigators ponder fate of lone Briton still held by Islamic State
By Mitchell Prothero