

Pesukei dezimra (Aramaic: פְסוּקֵי דְּזִמְרָא, P'suqế dh'zimra "hymnal verses") or zemirot, as they are called in the Spanish and Portuguese tradition, are a group of prayers that are recited daily during Jewish morning services. The prayers consist of various blessings, psalms, and sequences of verses.
The purpose of pesukei dezimra is so an individual will recite praises of God prior to making requests of God which take place later during Shacharit and throughout the day.[1]

Spanish and Portuguese Jews are a distinctive sub-group of Sephardi Jews, mostly descended from families forcibly converted to Catholicism in Spain and Portugal which later left for other countries where they could revert to Judaism. The main Spanish and Portuguese Jewish communities are in Western Europe, Italy and the Americas.


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