
Jiverly Wong(ジベリー・ウォン)通名Jiverly Voong(ジベリーブーン)が銃を乱射

本名はLinh Phat Voongさん、ベトナム人だそうです。

��訂正:正確にはJiverly VoongのIDを所持とのこと)


Updated | 7:59 p.m. A law-enforcement official said that Mr. Wong had a New York State pistol license that listed two pistols, a 45-caliber Beretta and a 9-mm Beretta. The authorities matched the serial numbers of two guns found with the gunman’s body to the serial numbers on his license. The authorities were trying to trace the guns to determine where Mr. Wong obtained them and their history.

Updated | 7:25 p.m. The New York Times has now identified the alleged shooter as Jiverly Wong, who used the alias Jiverly Voong, according to law-enforcement officials.

Updated | 7:05 p.m. There seems to be a mix-up about the alleged shooter, whose name police are still not releasing.

Representative Maurice Hinchey, whose district includes Binghamton, had told The New York Times and The Associated Press that the alleged shooter had been laid off from I.B.M. But a person familiar with the I.B.M. plant in Johnson City tells us that the alleged shooter did not work for I.B.M.













Senior Fatally Shot in Oakland

By Anna Widowson
Contributing Writer
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Category: News > City > Crime Printer Friendly
Comments (6)
UC Berkeley graduating senior Vincent Choi was fatally shot early Saturday morning outside a bar in Oakland. He was 22.

Choi was shot at 1:30 a.m. in front of Dan Sung Sa, a Korean bar and restaurant on the 2700 block of Telegraph Avenue, according to an Oakland Police Department release.

Choi and two friends each sustained a gunshot wound, said Jeff Thomason, public information officer for the department.

According to Michael Voong, who was injured in the incident, Choi and five friends, including Voong, had been engaged in a verbal altercation with a group of about a dozen people sitting nearby in the bar.

Voong, who left the bar with Choi and another friend, said they were attacked by members of the group they had been arguing with.

"We walked outside because we were getting ready to leave," he said. "Then all of a sudden they pulled out a gun on the corner and started firing."

Alameda resident Jason Ma, who had known Choi since middle school, said he exited the bar after hearing a car alarm, but quickly retreated back inside when he realized shots were being fired.

"I went outside and I saw a guy lying on the ground but I didn't recognize (him) as Vincent because he was bleeding so much," Ma said.

Choi was declared dead at the scene of the crime, Thomason said.

Voong said he and the other victim were taken to Highland Hospital in Oakland and released later that day.

According to Thomason, the department is investigating several suspects and "following up on some very good leads."

Choi will be remembered as a gentle and open-minded individual, according to UC Berkeley senior Albert Chun, a childhood friend. He was a devout Baptist who aspired to be a police officer and enjoyed playing paintball.

"He was someone that was not afraid to show people that he loved them," he said. "He had one of the most sensitive consciences that I know of."

Choi spent three days a week working at a church in Oakland, where he volunteered for a homeless outreach program, according to Chun.

Chun said he admired Choi's honesty, recalling that in middle school, Choi was awarded by police for returning a wallet and bicycle that he found.

Ji-Whan Yun, one of Choi's GSIs, said the political science major was a modest and hard-working student.

"I met him several times during and after the semester and liked him very much," Yun said. "He always said to m e, 'I want to be a policeman who can help weak persons.'"

Choi's family held a viewing yesterday evening. His funeral service is scheduled for today at 10 a.m.

"He was one of my best friends so this is totally unbelievable," Chun said. "But I don't believe in a God of stray bullets and random acts of violence and I rest surely in knowing that this is part of something bigger."

Contact Anna Widdowson at awiddowson@dailycal.org.

13 件のコメント:

* さんのコメント...


ミネラルルルルルー さんのコメント...

大学で乱射のアノ国の って思わすだけに。。

通名Jiverly Wong さんのコメント...

The suspected gunman carried ID with the name of 42-year-old Jiverly Voong of nearby Johnson City, N.Y., but that was believed to be an alias, said a law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
A second law enforcement official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the two handguns were registered to Jiverly Wong, another name the man used. Both officials were not authorized to speak publicly.

あか さんのコメント...


匿名最前線 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — The community center was filled with people from countries as far off as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, all working to become more a part of their new home — learning English, taking a class to gain U.S. citizenship. The gunman may have walked a similar path to become an American decades ago.
��Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

匿名最前線 さんのコメント...


匿名最前線 さんのコメント...


* さんのコメント...


てんこもり野郎 さんのコメント...

An anonymous law enforcement source told the Associated Press that the gunman had an identification card that said he was Jiverly Voong, 42. Authorities searched his home in nearby Johnson City on Friday and confiscated computer hard drives, a rifle case and luggage.
A second law enforcement official said the two handguns found with the body were registered to Jiverly Wong, another name the man used. He once lived in Southern California.
Paulus Lukas, human resources manager for Kikka Sushi in Inglewood, said Jiverly Wong worked for the company as a deliveryman for nearly seven years, until July 2007. Kikka Sushi is a caterer serving supermarkets and corporate and school cafeterias.
>Kikka Sushi
Pakistani Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud claimed responsibility for the attack on an immigration services center in Binghamton, N.Y., the Press Trust of India reported Saturday.

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アンチョゴリ さんのコメント...


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