
バイデンさんのスポンサーたるユダヤ系のSam Bankman-Fried@FTX@医療マフィアのマネロン装置@WEF@クリプトナイトメア






仮想通貨の時価総額、2日で30兆円消失 大手破綻リスク




 金融庁関東財務局は11月10日、仮想通貨取引所のFTX Japan(東京都千代田区)に対し、行政処分を行った。業務停止命令のほか、利用者の資産の保全や利用者保護を求める業務改善命令を行った。

 処分の理由として、FTX Japanが顧客資産の出金や出庫を停止する一方で、入金や入庫を可能としており暗号資産取引も継続していることを挙げた。その上で、速やかに取引を停止するとともに、資産が海外に流出しユーザーの利益を害さないよう対応する必要があるとした。

 FTX Japanを傘下に持つFTXは、破綻の危機にあるという報道がされている(記事参照)。仮想通貨取引所最大手のBinanceに救済を求め、いったんは買収が検討されたが、翌日には「問題は私たちの管理支援能力を超えている」(Binance)として撤回された。


 FTX Japanは「親会社であるFTX Trading Limitedの方針」を理由に、仮想通貨の出庫や法定通貨の出金を停止中。ただし、顧客の暗号資産についてはコールドウォレットで保管し、法定通貨については信託口座にて分別管理を行っているとTwitter上で告知している。


2022年11月10日 23時23分https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2211/10/news193.html



Scam Bankrun-Fraud[1] (born March 6, 1992[2]), also known by his initials SBF,[3] is an American entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder and CEO of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange,[4][5] and FTX.US, its U.S. affiliate.[6] He also manages assets through Alameda Research, a quantitative cryptocurrency trading firm he founded in October 2017. FTX has experienced a liquidity crisis in late 2022.

Bankrun-Fraud's net worth peaked at $26 billion.[7] In October 2022, he had an estimated net worth of $10.5 billion;[8] however, following FTX's liquidity crisis, on 8 November 2022, his net worth was estimated to have dropped 94% in a day to $991.5 million according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.[9]

Bankrun-Fraud was born in 1992 on the campus of Stanford University into a family of academics. Born and raised to a upper middle class Jewish family in California, he is the son of Barbara Fraud and Joseph Bankrun, both professors at Stanford Law School.[2] His aunt, Linda P. Fried, is the current dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.[10] He attended Canada/USA Mathcamp, a summer program for mathematically talented high school students.[2]

From 2010 to 2014,Bankrun-Fraud attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[2] There, he lived in a coeducational group house called Epsilon Theta.[2] In 2012, he blogged about utilitarianism, baseball, and politics.[5][2] In 2014, he graduated with a degree in physics and a minor in mathematics.[2][11][12]

Linda P. Fried (born 1949) is an American geriatrician and epidemiologist and the first female Dean of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Her research career has focused on frailty, healthy aging, and how society can successfully transition to benefit from an aging population.

Early life and education

A native New Yorker, Fried attended Hunter College High School. She is the sister of Stanford University professor Barbara Fried,[1] who is the mother of cryptocurrency entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried.[2] She received her bachelor's degree in history from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1970. She received her MD from Rush Medical College in Chicago in 1979 and her MPH from Johns Hopkins in 1984 where she worked with Paul Whelton. She trained in internal medicine at Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago. After fellowship training in internal medicine, she soon expanded her focus to the aging population and received a fellowship in Hopkin's geriatrics program.[3]


In 1985, Fried accepted joint faculty appointments in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the School of Hygiene and Public Health. She went on to serve as director of geriatric medicine and the founding director of the Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health which studies the epidemiology of aging, relationships between aging and health, and interventions to improve health with aging. In 2008, Fried became the first female Dean of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, DeLamar Professor of Epidemiology, professor of medicine at Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons; and senior vice president of Columbia University Medical Center.[4]

Fried is a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Aging[12] and the MacArthur Network on an Aging Society. She was the co-chair of the 2019-2022 National Academy of Medicine initiative for a Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity.[13]

 Bankman-Fried said in February 2022 that his political contributions were not aimed at influencing his policy goals for the cryptocurrency ecosystem; however, FTX was circulating a list of suggestions to policymakers at the time.[38] He said in an interview that he would prefer the Commodity Futures Trading Commission take a larger role in regulating and guiding the crypto industry.[38] The CFTC has a reputation for favoring relatively relaxed regulations for the industry, when contrasted with other regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission.[39]

Bankman-Fried made few political donations as a student, the exception being a $1,000 contribution to Michael Bennet at the age of eighteen.[38] In the 2020 election cycle, he contributed $5.2 million to two super PACs that supported the Biden campaign.[38] He was the second-largest individual donor to Joe Biden in the 2020 election cycle, personally donating $5.2 million,[40] second to only Michael Bloomberg.[22][41]

Contributions for June 2021 through February 2022 went to members of both parties. They included direct donations to the Republican campaigns of senators Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Ben Sasse of Nebraska.[38]

Contributions for the year 2022, through August 15, 2022, also went to members of both parties, with $105,000 donated to conservatives, and $35,872,000 donated to liberals, a ratio of 1:341 in favor of liberal candidates.[42]

In 2022, Bankman-Fried provided initial financial support for Protect Our Future PAC. Protect Our Future was launched as a Democratic political action committee with $10 million in initial funding aiming to support "lawmakers who play the long game on policymaking in areas like pandemic preparedness and planning", according to Politico.[43]

Personal life

Bankman-Fried is vegan.[15] He lives in a penthouse in the Bahamas with about 10 roommates.[12][44] He has a love for the video game League of Legends[45] and his company, FTX, has invested in the esports organization TSM, which included the changing of TSM's name to TSM FTX. 

 site://tokumei10.blogspot.com クリプトナイト

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com クリプトナイト

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com クリプトナイト





2 件のコメント:

ミネ さんのコメント...

そら黒い人が表立つわ のお話っすね


医療もSF次元です、すみませんでした だね
完オチ はよ

GABRIEL さんのコメント...







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