
岸田リーダー リチャード@感染症流行対策イノベーション連合にDeiligなお布施 5年で3億ドル

岸田首相 ワクチン開発に5年で3億ドル拠出の考え









感染症流行対策イノベーション連合(かんせんしょうりゅうこうたいさくイノベーションれんごう、英語: Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations、略称: CEPI)は、世界連携でワクチン開発を促進するため、2017年1月ダボス会議において発足した官民連携パートナーシップ。




2017年の発足時に、CEPIは創設者からの5年間の財政的な誓約を発表し、その額は4億6,000万米ドルに達し、日本(1億2,500万米ドル)、ノルウェー(1億2,000万米ドル)、ドイツ(1,000万米ドル)の政府主権政府からのものであった。 2017年だけで600万米ドル(後に9000万米ドルになった)、ゲイツ財団(1億米ドル)、ウェルカム・トラスト(1億米ドル)の世界的な財団からの資金提供があり、インドは資金面での関与を最終決定していたが、後にまもなく実施された[2]。 最初の5年間(すなわち2022年1月まで)の運営に10億米ドルの資金調達目標が設定された[2]。「ネイチャー」誌によると、調達した金額については、次のように述べている。「これは、潜在的な伝染病の脅威であるウイルスに対する史上最大のワクチン開発イニシアチブである」[3]

CEPIは、その資金調達構造の一環として、複数年にわたる主権者からの資金提供の約束を「前負荷(frontload)」するために「ワクチン債(vaccine bonds)」を利用してきた。2019年には、予防接種のための国際金融ファシリティ(The International Finance Facility for Immunisation, IFFIm)は、ワクチン同盟であるGAVIアライアンスを通じてノルウェーがCEPIへのコミットメントをフロントロードするために、6億ノルウェークローネのワクチン債を発行した[4][5]

2019年3月、欧州委員会はCEPIにEUの「Horizon 2020」プログラムへのアクセスと、より長期的な資金調達プログラムへのアクセスを認めた[6]。CEPIノートのプレゼンテーションによると、EUの資金コミットメントは2億米ドルであり、これにシード額(ドイツの全額のコミットメントを含む)を加えると、7億4000万米ドルになる[7]

2020年2月までに、CEPIはオーストラリア、ベルギー、カナダ、英国政府からの追加寄付を受け、総額7億6,000万米ドルを調達したとBloomberg Newsは報じている[8]。CEPIは、ブティック型の研究開発企業と大手ワクチンメーカーを結びつけ、規制当局と協力して承認プロセスを合理化し、特許紛争をその場で解決することができる、とブルームバーグは報じている。CEPIの科学諮問委員会には、ファイザー、ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン、日本の武田薬品などの幹部が参加している[8]


寄与者 カテゴリー 拠出額
ノルウェーの旗 ノルウェー 共通プール 81.7
ドイツの旗 ドイツ 共通プール 39.3
日本の旗 日本 共通プール 25.0
ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団 共通プール 20.0
EC Chik & RVF 18.4
イギリスの旗 イギリス 共通プール 13.0
カナダの旗 カナダ 共通プール 7.5
EC エボラ出血熱 3.7
バルカン社英語版 エボラ出血熱 2.5
オーストラリアの旗 オーストラリア 共通プール 0.7
ウェルカム・トラスト 共通プール 0.1
為替調整 -0.9
総額 211.0 

 The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is a foundation that takes donations from public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations, to finance independent research projects to develop vaccines against emerging infectious diseases (EID).[4][5]

CEPI is focused on the World Health Organization's (WHO) "blueprint priority diseases", which include: the Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the Nipah virus, the Lassa fever virus, and the Rift Valley fever virus, as well as the Chikungunya virus and the hypothetical, unknown pathogen "Disease X".[6][5] CEPI investment also requires "equitable access" to the vaccines during outbreaks, although subsequent CEPI policy changes may have compromised this criterion.[7]

CEPI was conceived in 2015 and formally launched in 2017 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. It was co-founded and co-funded with US$460 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust,[3] and the governments of India and Norway, and was later joined by the European Union (2019) and the United Kingdom (2020).[3][5] CEPI is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.[4]


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Richard Hatchett is an American oncologist[1] and epidemiologist who has been serving as chief executive officer of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in Oslo and London since 2017.[2][3] He was awarded the Secretary of Health and Human Services’s Award for Distinguished Service.[4]

Hatchett grew up in Alabama.[5] He graduated from Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.[6] He completed an internship and residency in Internal Medicine at New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Center, and a fellowship in Medical Oncology at the Duke University Hospital.[7] He was also a research associate at the National Heart & Lung Institute at Imperial College London and spent three months in northeast Gabon investigating three closely related Ebola outbreaks.[8]


Early career

In 2001, Hatchett worked as an attending in the urgent care center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and was planning to start an oncology fellowship in the summer of 2002.[9] In the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks, he volunteered at the World Trade Center site.[10] He subsequently moved to Washington, D.C. to help set up the new Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) in 2002.[11]

Career in government

From 2005 until 2006, Hatchett served as Director for Biodefense Policy on the United States Homeland Security Council and was a principal author of the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan.[12] He was also on a pandemic planning team, under President George W. Bush.[13][14][15][16] In this capacity, he devised the concept of social distancing as a non-pharmaceutical intervention intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease.[17]

From 2005 until 2011, Hatchett served as Associate Director for Radiation Countermeasures Research and Emergency Preparedness at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the leadership of Anthony Fauci.[18] In 2007, he was the lead author of a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America comparing public-health responses to the Spanish flu in cities like St. Louis and Philadelphia.[19] He also advised on the US government’s handling of the 2009 swine flu pandemic.[20]

In addition to his role at NIAID, Hatchett served as Director for Medical Preparedness Policy on the Homeland Security Council under President Barack Obama from 2009 until 2011.

Hatchett was the Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director of the United States Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) from 2011 to 2016 before becoming the organization’s acting Director in 2016.[21] At BARDA, he oversaw programs to develop medical countermeasures against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases and led or helped lead the development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics for a number of emerging viruses, including the H3N2v and H7N9 influenza viruses, MERS, Ebola and Zika.[22]

CEO of CEPI, 2017–present

In 2017, Hatchett was appointed as CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, succeeding interim CEO John-Arne Røttingen.[23] In May 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, he was appointed to the expert advisory group for the UK Government’s Vaccine Task Force.[24] When the UK held the rotating presidency of the Group of Seven (G7) in 2021, the government also appointed him to served as a member of the Pandemic Preparedness Partnership, chaired by Patrick Vallance.[25][26]

Under Hatchett’s leadership, CEPI funded early development of COVID-19 candidate vaccines. CEPI also teamed up with the African Union to fund African vaccine production.[27][28] Together with Seth Berkley, he developed the concept for COVAX in early 2020.[29] CEPI is organizing a 2022 Covid summit.[30][31]

In March 2020, Hatchett warned about Covid-19.[32] He does not think Intellectual property rights significantly contributes to vaccine shortages.[33][34] He is concerned about supply chain problems,[35][36] and export controls.[37]


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