
Richard Branson@Virgin Galactic


Richard Branson, 71, is sued after 'deliberately sending faulty rockets to space', lawsuit claims

  • Sir Richard Branson, 71, knowingly sent defective passenger rockets into space, a lawsuit by Virgin Galactic shareholders claims 
  • He is accused of concealing his spaceships' problems and selling off £346 million worth of company shares while the stock price was 'artificially inflated' 
  • Lawsuit alleges the spacecraft 'were not designed for commercial purposes' 


ヴァージン・レコードVirgin Records)は、イギリスレコードレーベルで、ユニバーサル ミュージック グループの傘下。


  • 1972年リチャード・ブランソン、サイモン・ドレイパー、ニック・パウエルが設立する。
  • 1973年、第1回発売新譜として、大ヒットしたマイク・オールドフィールドの『チューブラー・ベルズ』を含む4作のアルバムを発売した。レーベル設立当初は、ヘンリー・カウファウストタンジェリン・ドリームなどプログレッシブ・ロック、アヴァンギャルド、クラウトロックなど実験的でアート色の濃いレコードを発表していた。レーベルの経営難を救ったのは、パンクセックス・ピストルズの大ヒットである。そのプロモーションの際には、ブランソンほかの面々が逮捕されたりもしている。

  • Branson and Powell had initially run a small record shop called Virgin Records and Tapes on Notting Hill Gate, London, specializing in krautrock imports, and offering bean bags and free vegetarian food for the benefit of customers listening to the music on offer.[14] The first real store was above a shoe shop at the Tottenham Court Road end of Oxford Street.

    After making the shop into a success, they turned their business into a fully fledged record label. The name Virgin, according to Branson (in his autobiography), arose from Tessa Watts, a colleague of his, when they were brainstorming business ideas. She suggested Virgin – as they were all new to business – like "virgins".[15] The original Virgin logo (known to fans as the "Gemini" or "Twins" logo) was designed by English artist and illustrator Roger Dean: a young naked woman in mirror image with a large long-tailed lizard and the word "Virgin" in Dean's familiar script. A variation on the logo was used for the spin-off Caroline Records label.[16]

    Krautrock (also called kosmische Musik, German for "cosmic music"[9][10][11]) is a broad genre of experimental rock that developed in West Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s[10] among artists who blended elements of psychedelic rock, electronic music, and avant-garde composition among other sources.[12] These artists moved away from the blues influences and song structure found in traditional Anglo-American rock music,[13] instead utilizing hypnotic rhythms, tape-music techniques, and early synthesizers.[14][12] Prominent groups associated with the krautrock label included Neu!, Can, Faust, Kraftwerk, Cluster, Ash Ra Tempel, Popol Vuh, Amon Düül II, Tangerine Dream, and Harmonia.[5]

    The term was popularized by British music journalists, who adopted the term "krautrock" as a humorous umbrella-label for the diverse German scene,[15] though many so-labeled artists disliked the term.[16] The movement was partly born out of the radical student movements of 1968,[17] as German youth rebelled against their country's legacy in World War II and sought a popular music distinct from traditional German music and American pop.[10] The period contributed to the development of ambient music and techno,[8] and influenced subsequent genres such as post-punk, new-age music, and post-rock.[5][18]


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