
1812 Overture 改め The "English" symphony


プロトコルX@ウクライナ=Operation: Zero Tolerance





チャイコフスキー1840年5月7日、ウラル地方ヴォトキンスクで、鉱山技師(工場長)イリヤ・ペトローヴィチ・チャイコフスキーの次男として生まれた。チャイコフスキーとは祖父ピョートル・フョードロヴィチの代にチャイカ(Чайка: 伝統的なウクライナの苗字で、カモメを意味する)から改めた姓であり、家系は現在のポルタヴァ州に領地を持っていたウクライナ・コサックチャイカ家に出自を持つ[2]。また、チャイコフスキーの祖先には軍に関係のある人が多い。父親のイリヤは軍の中佐として鉱山を指揮した[3]。祖父のピョートル・フョードロヴィチは軍で軍医の助手をし、のちにウドムルト共和国グラゾフで市長を務めた。曽祖父のフュードル・チャイカはサポロージエ・コサックの生まれであり[4]、1709年の北方戦争におけるポルタヴァの戦いで、ピョートル1世のもとで活躍し、有名になった[5][6]。母のアレクサンドリアは、イリヤの2人目の妻である。フランスに出自を持ち、イリヤの18歳年下である[7]。父はフルートを吹き、母はピアノを弾き歌を歌うなど、音楽的な家庭であった[8]。しかし、いずれの祖先にも職業音楽家はいなかった[9]。チャイコフスキーには6人の兄弟がいたが、とりわけ親しかったのは妹のアレクサンドラと双子の弟アナトーリーとモデストだった。アレクサンドラの子どものウラディーミル・ダヴィドフは、のちに作曲家となり、チャイコフスキーと親しくなった。チャイコフスキーはダヴィドフのことを「ボブ」と呼んでいた[10]


Cardiff Philharmonic removes Tchaikovsky from programme in light of Russian invasion of Ukraine

The orchestra had an all-Tchaikovsky concert scheduled for next week, but has decided to change the programme having deemed it to be 'inappropriate' at this time 

The Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra has removed Tchaikovsky from its programme of its upcoming concert ‘in light of the recent Russian invasion’.

Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture was due to be included in the orchestra’s upcoming all-Tchaikovsky concert at St David’s Hall on 18 March, but it was considered by the orchestra ‘to be inappropriate at this time’.

The orchestra will instead present a programme centred around Dvořák’s Symphony No. 8, with John Williams‘s The Cowboys Overture opening the concert, and a performance of Elgar‘s Enigma Variations in the second half.


The Year 1812, Solemn Overture, Op. 49, popularly known as the 1812 Overture,[1] is a concert overture in E major written in 1880 by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to commemorate the successful Russian defense against Napoleon's invading Grande Armée in 1812.

The overture debuted in Moscow on 20 August 1882 (Julian date: 8 August 1882),[2] conducted by Ippolit Al'tani under a tent near the then-almost-finished Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, which also memorialized the 1812 defense of Russia.[3]

The 15-minute overture is best known for its climactic volley of cannon fire, ringing chimes, and a brass fanfare finale. It has also become a common accompaniment to fireworks displays on the United States' Independence Day. The 1812 Overture went on to become one of Tchaikovsky's most popular works, along with his ballet scores to The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, and Swan Lake.[4]

 Dvořák had the London firm of Vincent Novello publish the symphony in 1890, because he had disagreements with his regular publisher Fritz Simrock, who was more interested in shorter works as moneymakers.[1][2] Simrock wanted to publish the movement titles and the composer's name in German, which Dvořák refused as a "proud Bohemian".[1] Because of the country of its first publication, this symphony has occasionally been known[where?] as the "English" symphony,[4][5][6][7] though "it would be more correct to call it the 'Czech', at least in comparison with its predecessor in D minor which was modelled more on Brahms."[7]


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