



米国のEUA(Emergency Use Authorization)の最低基準であるVE=50%を満たす統計的結果を得るために回復者への不必要な接種は行われた

     Where Is Biden’s Vaccine Mandate?

It may prove more useful as a Sword of Damocles than a real requirement.

Regarding David Rivkin Jr. and Robert Alt’s “Biden’s Lawless Vaccine Mandate” (op-ed, Sept. 29): A more accurate headline would be “Biden’s Nonexistent Vaccine Mandate.” Surprisingly, Messrs. Rivkin and Alt often use the present tense when discussing the mandate. This could lead people to believe that a nonexistent mandate carries the full force of federal authority.

The mandate’s nonexistence shields the Biden administration from legal challenges that may ultimately restrict the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s authority. Yet the mandate is still effective at compelling industries and companies into compliance, as it leaves room for any eventual issuance to target noncompliant entities. This implied cudgel is particularly effective on industries and companies that are dependent on federal spending or the goodwill of federal regulators. The nonexistent mandate also allows so-inclined state and local governments and companies to issue their own mandates, seemingly in lockstep with Washington.

The Biden White House has been well-served by presenting a nonexistent mandate as a done deal. We can expect this mandate to not be around for a long time.

Bruce Atkinson

Micanopy, Fla.

Contrary to what Messrs. Rivkin and Alt write, OSHA has full statutory authority to issue an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) requiring that larger employers require that their employees be vaccinated or tested for Covid. Section 6(c) of the OSH Act grants OSHA authority without rule-making to issue an ETS to take immediate effect if “employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to . . . agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful” and if the “standard is necessary to protect employees from such danger.” There could be nothing more dangerous than an unvaccinated and untested employee transmitting Covid to another employee, leading to that other employee’s death or severe illness.

The ETS clearly meets the Supreme Court’s test that OSHA standards address significant risk and are technically and economically feasible. The words of Sec. 6(c) are so clear that it is hard to see how this could be an unconstitutional delegation.

In 1971 OSHA-required hard hats were initially resented by workers. But wearing them soon became a badge of honor for workers. Won’t that happen with the vaccine?

Charles Gordon

Gaithersburg, Md.

Mr. Gordon is a retired OSHA attorney.

Copyright ©2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Appeared in the October 6, 2021, print edition as 'Where Is President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate?.'




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嘘を嘘とは 企業もそうなれば知らぬ存ぜぬで、引っ張るでしょうね 始めから責任など取らない気だったのでしょう 酷い話です

ミネ さんのコメント...

Outになるかも なのに、ならない って

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バイデン民主党が上程している「infrastructure bill(インフラ法案)」の条文にこっそりと、

