
不正投票に異常に寛容だったリチャード・ピルガー(Richard Pilger)@アメリカ合衆国司法省にロックオン!



アメリカ合衆国司法省 異例の不正選挙の全米での捜査へ 何故か省内選挙犯罪担当者Richard Pilgerが辞任 疑惑が深まる

Why the Justice Department is ignoring widespread voter fraud

www.washingtontimes.com › news › dec › why-the-just...

Dec 3, 2017 Richard C. Pilger has headed the Election Crimes Branch in the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department ...

One of the biggest challenges facing the president in draining the Washington Swamp is ferreting out the activists who continue to pursue a progressive agenda in federal agencies.

Richard C. Pilger has headed the Election Crimes Branch in the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department since 2010. Appointed by former Attorney General Eric Holder, Mr. Pilger is in charge of prosecuting public corruption cases, and specifically “voter fraud and campaign financing offenses.”

Despite evidence pouring in that some local and state election officials are allowing massive numbers of noncitizens, felons and other ineligible names to remain unchallenged on voter registration rolls across the nation, Mr. Pilger‘s department has responded with a Parisian-style shrug.

Annual reports to Congress during Mr. Pilger‘s tenure from 2010 to 2015 (the latest published report), list only three cases of prosecuted vote buying schemes — one in Texas in 2014 and two in Kentucky in 2012 — but not a single case involving fraudulent voter registrations.

It’s not as if the unit hasn’t had opportunities handed to them on a silver platter.

Over the past eight years, the Public Integrity Section and particularly its Election Crimes unit has ignored potential cases of voter fraud by failing to investigate or prosecute them,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission and a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

“That includes information on hundreds of noncitizens in Virginia who illegally registered and voted in violation of federal law. Apparently, Rip Van Winkle is the role model of the lawyers who work there when it comes to protecting the integrity of our elections.”

Mr. von Spakovsky is a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity and a Policy Board member of the American Civil Rights Union, which has been suing counties in several states to force them to clean up their voter rolls.

A few years ago, the Fairfax County, Virginia Election Board, on which Mr. von Spakovsky served, sent a letter informing Mr. Pilger that 278 noncitizens were found on the county’s voter rolls, which indicated a strong possibility that vote fraud was occurring.

“The Justice Department never did a thing about it,” Mr. von Spakovsky recalled. “We also sent it to the Commonwealth’s Attorney of Fairfax and the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. Again, nothing happened.”

Opponents claim that vote fraud is either non-existent or trivial. But if officials ignore clear evidence of corrupt voter rolls, vote fraud can go undetected for years — or forever.https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/3/why-the-justice-department-is-ignoring-widespread-/

事の重大さにマスコミが気づく頃はToo Lateですかねえ、、、(爆wwwwwwwwwwwwww


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Mr Richard Pilger
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