

ロナウジーニョ逮捕の裏に犯罪組織のニオイ。いったい何が起きた ...
sportiva.shueisha.co.jp › ... › 海外サッカー
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Mar 9, 2020 - ロナウジーニョが逮捕された。このショッキングな事件は世界中で報道され、かつて彼の華麗なプレーに魅了されたサッカーファンを嘆かせている。日本でも、2002年W杯での彼の活躍を覚えている人は多いことだろう。 それにしても、今回の ...

ロナウジーニョの偽造パスポート作成費用が明らかに(SPORT.es ...
headlines.yahoo.co.jp › ...
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39 mins ago - ブラジルのポータルサイト『Globosport』は、ロナウジーニョと彼の兄の偽造パスポートのコストを明らかにしている。ここまでロナウジーニョはすでにパラグアイの拘置所で11日以上過ごしている。ロナウ.

In March 2018 Ronaldinho joined the Brazilian Republican Party which has links to the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.[19] Ronaldinho endorsed presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 Brazilian presidential election.[20]

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) (Portuguese: Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, IURD) is an Evangelical charismatic Christian denomination with its headquarters at the Temple of Solomon in São Paulo, Brazil. The church was founded in 1977 in Rio de Janeiro by bishop Edir Macedo,[4] owner of the multi-billion television company RecordTV.[5]In 1999, it claimed to have 8 million members in Brazil and was already considered a "commercial church"[6] and had established temples in the United Kingdom and in Africa and India, claiming a total of more than 12 million members worldwide that year.[7][8] By 2013, the church had congregations in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, and—according to the website of the Universal Church in the United States—now has more than 300 congregations in 33 U.S. states.[9] The church openly supports Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro.[10]In 2017, the church was accused of adopting children in Portugal and taking them abroad illegally. It has also been accused of Cult-like illegal activities and corruption, including money laundering,[11] charlatanism,[12][13][14] and witchcraft,[13] as well as intolerance towards other religions.[15][16] It has been subject to bans in several African countries. A London UCKG pastor in 2000 arranged a service to cast out the devil[17] when his help was sought for an ill and badly injured child whose guardians thought she was possessed; she died and her guardians were convicted of murder.[18] There have been accusations that the church extracts money from poor members for the benefit of its leaders.[19]


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