
英国 外来種のロブスターを違法放流した中国系仏教徒の夫婦に罰金刑

Buddhist animal lovers are fined £15,000 after releasing thousands of live lobsters into the English Channel in sacred ceremony that caused 'untold damage' to the environment

Zhixiong Li and Ni Li released £5,000 worth of crustaceans into the Channel
They have been fined £15,000 for causing 'untold damage' to the environment
The animals which are not native to Britain could threaten other marine life

By Xantham Leatham For The Daily Mail

Published: 21:09 EDT, 22 September 2017 | Updated: 02:18 EDT, 23 September 2017



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The Guardianより

The pair were part of a group of almost 1,000 people celebrating the visit of the Taiwanese Buddhist master Hai Tao.

Their ritual was performed in the belief that returning animals to the wild is good karma. But because the crustaceans were not native species, they threatened other marine life and government agencies had to spend thousands of pounds in an attempt to recapture the shellfish, offering fishermen a bounty to reel them in.


ミネ さんのコメント...

完全に湖内の生態系ぶっ壊したブルーギル放流剤逃亡犯を国外追放の刑にしなきゃ だわw
