





「民主党県連代表として2009年の衆院選を戦い、内閣府の政務官を務めた元日銀マンの津村氏(岡山2区・当選3)。前年まではほとんどなかった企業・団体献金が、09年は県内の百貨店や建材会社など5社から計130万円、寄せられた。(中略)岡山理大などを経営する加計学園からも100万円のパーティ券収支があった」(岡山県版 2011年1月18日)

もともと加計学園の地元・岡山における「陳情ルート」は「学校法人加計学園国際交流局顧問」(逢沢一郎オフィシャルウェブサイトより)を務めている、自民党の逢沢一郎衆議院議員と決まっていた。「朝日新聞」がおこなった「金脈」調査でも「岡山理科大や倉敷芸術大学を運営する学校法人加計学園は逢沢氏側へ100万を献金していた」(岡山県版 2009年6月13日)とある。


津村 啓介(つむら けいすけ、1971年10月27日 - )は、日本政治家民進党所属の衆議院議員(5期)。元内閣府大臣政務官鳩山由紀夫内閣菅内閣)。
2005年第44回衆議院議員総選挙では自民党公認で前岡山市長の萩原誠司を岡山2区で破り、再選(萩原も比例復活、熊代は郵政民営化法案の衆議院本会議における採決で造反し、反対票を投じたため自民党の公認を得られず出馬を断念した)。2007年世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)のYoung Global Leadersの1人に選出された[2]


Wafic Rida Saïd (Arabic: وفيق رضا سعيد‎‎) (born 21 December 1939) is a Syrian-Saudi Arabian financier, businessman and philanthropist, who has been resident for many years in Monaco.[4]
Saïd lived in Syria until his early twenties and studied in Beirut and London. In 1963 he left Syria for Switzerland where he worked as a banker, before making his fortune in the Saudi Arabian construction industry in the 1970s. Saïd came to public prominence after helping facilitate the Al-Yamamah arms deal between the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s. He established the Saïd Foundation in 1982 and the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford in 1996 with an initial £20 million donation to the University. Saïd owns several international properties, including Tusmore Park in Oxfordshire, but is officially a resident of Monaco.

Saïd was born in Damascus, Syria, in 1939 to a prominent Syrian family. Saïd's grandfather had served in the Turkish army during the Ottoman period, reaching the rank of general, and was a colonial governor of Ottoman Syria. Saïd was the youngest son of Rida Saïd, a prominent Syrian eye-surgeon and ophthalmologist who had been asked by King Faisal I of Syria to found a Faculty of Medicine, and was the founder of the Syrian University in Damascus in 1926.[4][5]
Saïd's father died when he was still a child, and after initial schooling by Jesuits in Beirut, Lebanon, Saïd studied at the Institute of Bankers in London.[4] Saïd had been offered a place at the University of Cambridge, but was unable to take up the place as a result of political instability in Syria in which his family's assets were sequestrated.[6][7]
In 1969 Saïd married Rosemary Thompson, who he had met in Switzerland, and they had three children together; two sons, Karim and Khaled, and a daughter, Rasha.[4][8] In 1981 their son Karim died tragically in an accident at the home of Prince Sultan in Saudi Arabia; Saïd was attending a ceremony at the prince's house at the time to receive Saudi citizenship by royal decree.[4][9] To honour his son Saïd established the Karim Rida Saïd Foundation to help disadvantaged children and young people of the Middle East.[8]
Saïd has been ambassador and head of the delegation of St Vincent and the Grenadines to UNESCO since 1996.[10] Saïd is also St Vincent and the Grenadines ambassador to the Holy See.[11]

In March 2016, Saïd was told by British banking firm Barclays that he could no longer bank with them, despite having been a long-standing customer; the BBC reported that "The bank is understood to be concerned about holding accounts that are linked to what are described as 'high-risk countries'". In response, Saïd said he would be taking legal action against Barclays.[12]

Saïd assisted the future Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with securing a place in Britain to study ophthalmology in 1992, and was acquainted with the Anglo-Syrian family of Assad's wife, Asma al-Assad (née Akhras). In a 2012 interview with Charles Moore in The Spectator, Saïd said that he had found Bashar '...civilised, nice, polished', and that he admired Asma as 'a caring person'. Saïd welcomed Bashar's ascension to the Presidency of Syria following the death of his father, Hafez al-Assad, feeling it was Syria's 'only salvation. His acceptance speech in 2000 was music to my ears. He said he wanted to reform the legal system, revoke the [now 50-year-old] emergency laws, and fight corruption.' Saïd helped introduce Western politicians and businesspeople to Syria, and helped push for political reform in the country. Visiting Syria in 2011 at the advent of the Syrian uprisings in response to the Arab Spring, Saïd told Asma that 'the winds of change are contagious. Please tell the President to promise free elections. He must be the champion of change.'[5]
Saïd was appalled by the resulting Syrian Civil War and was summoned to see Bashar al-Assad in June 2011 [13] as he wished to gauge Western views of the conflict. Saïd implored Assad to enact promised reforms and to engage with his political opponents. Saïd welcomed the Arab Spring and wished for a secular government in Egypt modelled on that of Turkey's.[5]


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>Saïd Business School

