
神戸市 18日に「ヒアリ」対策本部を設置





Fire ant queens, the reproductive females in their colony, also are generally the largest. Their primary function is reproduction; fire ant queens may live up to 7 years and can produce up to 1,600 eggs per day, and colonies will have as many as 250,000 workers.[10][12] The estimated potential life span is around 5.83 to 6.77 years.[13] Young, virgin fire ant queens have wings (as do male fire ants), but they rip them off after mating.

Males (drones)

Males mate with the queen. They die soon after mating.

Other roles

There are other types of roles in an ant colony like the workers and the soldier ants. The soldier ants are known for their larger and more powerful mandibles while the worker takes care of regular tasks (the main tasks in a colony are caring for the eggs/larvae/pupae, cleaning the nest, and foraging for food).[10] However, Solenopsis daguerrei colonies contain no workers, as they are considered social parasites.[14]

Solenopsis daguerrei is a species of parasitic ants native to Argentina and Uruguay .[1] The young queens of the species invade the nests of other species, such as the red imported fire ant (RIFA) (Solenopsis invicta). This is made possible by the fact that the S. daguerrei queen produces pheromones which are very similar to those produced by the queens of the host species. The young queen finds a queen of the host species and latches onto it, eating the food intended for the host queen and slowly killing it. The S. daguerrei queen then begins laying eggs. These are taken care of by the host ants, sometimes preferentially to their own brood. S. daguerrei only produce winged virgin queens and males. No workers are needed, since these are provided by the host species. The winged ants fly off to mate and invade new colonies.


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今度は「アカカミアリ」に注意 神戸港で見つかる | NHKニュース
34 mins ago - 強い毒を持つ南米原産のアリ「ヒアリ」が見つかった神戸港で、毒を持つ別のアリ「アカカミアリ」が見つかり、神戸市が注意を呼びかけています。
