

An early advocate of a unified Europe, Otto was president of the International Paneuropean Union from 1973 to 2004.[45] He served from 1979 until 1999 as a Member of the European Parliament for the conservative Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) party, eventually becoming the senior member of the European Parliament. He was also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.[46] He was a major supporter of the expansion of the European Union from the beginning and especially of the acceptance of Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. During his time in the European Parliament, he was involved in a fracas with fellow MEP Ian Paisley, a unionist Protestant pastor from Northern Ireland. In 1988, Pope John Paul II had just begun a speech to the Parliament when Paisley, a vehement anti-Catholic, shouted that the Pope was the Antichrist, and held up a poster reading "Pope John Paul II Antichrist". Otto snatched Paisley's banner and, along with other MEPs, ejected him from the chamber.[47]He was one of the men instrumental in organising the so-called Pan-European Picnic at the Hungary-Austria border on 19 August 1989.[5] This event is considered a milestone in the collapse of Communist dictatorships in Europe.[48]He was reportedly a patron of the Three Faiths Forum, a group which aims to encourage friendship, goodwill and understanding amongst people of the three monotheistic faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.[citation needed]


リヒャルト・ニコラウス・栄次郎・クーデンホーフ=カレルギードイツ語Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Coudenhove-Kalergi1894年11月16日 - 1972年7月27日)は、クーデンホーフ家カレルギー家が連携した伯爵一族クーデンホーフ=カレルギー家の人物で、東京生まれのオーストリアの国際的政治活動家汎ヨーロッパ連合主宰者。日本人名の幼名を持ち、その名は、青山 栄次郎(あおやま えいじろう)。汎ヨーロッパ主義(パン・ヨーロッパ主義)を提唱し、それは後世の欧州連合構想の先駆けとなった。そのため欧州連合の父の一人に数えられる。哲学の博士号があり、地政学に造詣が深く、ジャーナリストとしての顔も持つ。ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェンの「歓喜の歌」がヨーロッパのシンボル欧州の歌」に採択されたのはクーデンホーフ=カレルギーの提案による[1][2]。多数の著作を残し、代表作は『パン・ヨーロッパ』(1923年)、『自由と人生』(1937年)など。


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United States of Greater Austria

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House of Habsburg-Lorraine

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Mont Pelerin Society
(赤)ずきんちゃん みたい
まぁスターウォーズ とかも
カジュアルにするとパーカー みたいだな(ヤダー着れないのは困る)
美智子さんのピアノ演奏の映像はたいてい Bosendorfer

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