



The Queen of UK and France







English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England.[4][5][6] It is named after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic peoples that migrated to the island of Great Britain. Existing on a dialect continuum with Scots and then most closely related to the Low Saxon and Frisian languages, Modern English is genealogically Germanic. However, its vocabulary also shows major influences from French (about 28% of English words) and Latin (also about 28%),[7] plus some grammar and a small amount of core vocabulary influenced by Old Norse (a North Germanic language).[8][9][10] Speakers of English are called Anglophones.

The earliest forms of English, collectively known as Old English or "Anglo-Saxon", evolved from a group of North Sea Germanic dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th century; these dialects generally resisted influence from the then-local Common Brittonic and British Latin languages. However Old English dialects were later influenced by Old Norse-speaking Viking settlers and invaders starting in the 8th and 9th centuries. At the time, Old English and Old Norse even retained considerable mutual intelligibility. Middle English began in the late 11th century after the Norman Conquest of England, when considerable Old French (especially Old Norman French) and Latin-derived vocabulary was incorporated into English over some three hundred years.[11][12] Early Modern English began in the late 15th century with the start of the Great Vowel Shift and the Renaissance trend of borrowing further Latin and Greek words and roots into English, concurrent with the introduction of the printing press to London. This era notably culminated in the King James Bible and the works of William Shakespeare.[13][14] The printing press greatly standardized English spelling,[citation needed] which has remained largely unchanged since then, despite a wide variety of later sound shifts in different English dialects. 

Unlike Icelandic and Faroese, which were isolated, the development of English was influenced by a long series of invasions of the British Isles by other peoples and languages, particularly Old Norse and Norman French. These left a profound mark of their own on the language, so that English shows some similarities in vocabulary and grammar with many languages outside its linguistic clades—but it is not mutually intelligible with any of those languages either. Some scholars have argued that English can be considered a mixed language or a creole—a theory called the Middle English creole hypothesis. Although the great influence of these languages on the vocabulary and grammar of Modern English is widely acknowledged, most specialists in language contact do not consider English to be a true mixed language.[25][26]

The Middle English creole hypothesis is the concept that the English language is a creole, which is typically a language that developed from a pidgin. The vast differences between Old English and Middle English have led some historical linguists to claim that the language underwent creolisation at around the 11th century, during the Norman conquest of England.

  With the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, the now norsified Old English language was subject to contact with Old French, in particular with the Old Norman dialect. The Norman language in England eventually developed into Anglo-Norman.[11] Because Norman was spoken primarily by the elites and nobles, while the lower classes continued speaking Anglo-Saxon (English), the main influence of Norman was the introduction of a wide range of loanwords related to politics, legislation and prestigious social domains.[10] Middle English also greatly simplified the inflectional system, probably in order to reconcile Old Norse and Old English, which were inflectionally different but morphologically similar. The distinction between nominative and accusative cases was lost except in personal pronouns, the instrumental case was dropped, and the use of the genitive case was limited to indicating possession. The inflectional system regularised many irregular inflectional forms,[47] and gradually simplified the system of agreement, making word order less flexible.[48]

In Wycliff'e Bible of the 1380s, the verse Matthew 8:20 was written: Foxis han dennes, and briddis of heuene han nestis.[49] Here the plural suffix -n on the verb have is still retained, but none of the case endings on the nouns are present. By the 12th century Middle English was fully developed, integrating both Norse and French features; it continued to be spoken until the transition to early Modern English around 1500. Middle English literature includes Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, and Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. In the Middle English period, the use of regional dialects in writing proliferated, and dialect traits were even used for effect by authors such as Chaucer.[50]


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2016/06/28 — 時代はイングランド+米国主導の大英語共栄圏. 保守党政権の元閣僚のデビッド・ハウエルも、近著『Old Links & New Ties』の中で、英連邦は英国 ...
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ルーアン大聖堂にはノルマン人で初代ノルマンディー公になったロロの墓がある。また、百年戦争で捕虜となったジャンヌ・ダルクは、1431年にこの町で火刑に処されている ...
2022/03/29 — もし国王が保護の手を引きあげればユダヤ人虐殺が起こるのが常だった。 イングランドにユダヤ人が最初に入ってきたのはノルマン・コンクエストの時に ...
1 日前 — 2017/07/22 — バイユーのタペストリー(フランス語:Tapisserie de Bayeux)は、1066年のノルマン・コンクエスト(ノルマンディー公兼イングランド王 ...
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ハリー杉山 公式ブログ - ご先祖様。 - Powered by LINE

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2014/11/23 — 本名は杉山ヘンリーアドリアンフォリオットスコットストークス ... そんなエドワード一世、僕の実家であるグラストンベリーとも深い関わりがあります ...
ですので、ハリーさんの本名は、「杉山ヘンリーアドリアンフォリオットスコットストークス」。 第5代イングランド王・エドワード1世の直系の子孫となります。
本名ヘンリー・スギヤマ・エイドリアン・フォリオット・スコットストークス。 目次. 1 来歴; 2 人物; 3 ...
本名:杉山ヘンリー・アドリアン・フォリオット・スコットストークス ... ハリー杉山さんは、第五代イングランド王「エドワード一世」の末裔(まつえい)です。


エドワード1世英語Edward I1239年6月17日 - 1307年7月7日[1])は、プランタジネット朝イングランド(在位1272年11月17日 - 1307年7月7日)。  










  • 国王がユダヤ人を追放すると人々からは自己犠牲の行為として称賛される[30]
  • 「微利金貸し」のキリスト教徒から金融を受ける目途が立った[30]
  • 財産没収による一時的な収入増加が見込める[11]






Edward was born at the Palace of Westminster on the night of 17–18 June 1239, to King Henry III and Eleanor of Provence.[3][a] Edward is an Anglo-Saxon name, and was not commonly given among the aristocracy of England after the Norman conquest, but Henry was devoted to the veneration of Edward the Confessor, and decided to name his firstborn son after the saint.[4]

Edward the Confessor[a] (Old EnglishĒadƿeard Andettere [ˈæːɑdwæɑrˠd ˈɑndettere]LatinEduardus Confessor [ɛduˈardus kõːˈfɛssɔr]Ecclesiastical Latin[eduˈardus konˈfessor]c. 1003 – 5 January 1066) was one of the last Anglo-Saxon English kings. Usually considered the last king of the House of Wessex, he ruled from 1042 to 1066. 












14 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

ややこしいですね さてどんなマジックなのでしょう楽しみです

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

Hey guys ! In english please !! loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

匿名 さんのコメント...


ミネ さんのコメント...


アフリカ系他の種族ビックリするほどいなくなる とか起きるんだろな~

あの式典での聖歌に やっぱ源はユダヤ教ってのが前面に出てたのあって
継承はあってもこの様式は最後でした ってなったりしてとか思ってる 

匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

うんこさんは団員のアイドルなんですぅぅぅぅ そんなイラつかないでぇぇえwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

6:13 シッポガハエテルゾ

匿名 さんのコメント...

Mr.団長 saids merciless english domination is coming,
but no one use english for comment in this entry.
It means Japan’s english education is only wasting time and their english level are worst in the world.

