


【独自】兵庫医大が「孔子学院」閉鎖 中国と共同運営の研究機関 海外では「スパイ拠点」疑惑も


 兵庫医科大(兵庫県西宮市)が、東洋医学の教育・研究拠点として中国の大学と共同運営していた「中医薬孔子学院」を閉鎖したことが分かった。「孔子学院」は中国政府が約20年前から各国の大学内に設立し、日本でも15大学に開設されたが、文部科学省が活動の不透明さを問題視し、欧米を中心にスパイ活動や政治宣伝機関の拠点とも疑われている。閉鎖は国内2例目で、同様の動きが相次ぐ可能性もある。   孔子学院は2004年以降、中国語や中国文化を広げるため、中国政府の出資で設立。中国側の報道によると、160超の国・地域で約550カ所が開設されている。現地と中国の教育機関が共同運営する形を取り、中国側が中国人教師を派遣している。  文科省によると、日本では05年に立命館大が初めて開設。早稲田大や関西外国語大などが続き、19年までに計15大学に広がった。  一方、近年になって米国では、孔子学院が中国のスパイ活動に利用されている疑いがあるとして、米連邦捜査局(FBI)が捜査。英国では今年9月に首相の後任を決める与党・保守党の党首選で、孔子学院を一斉閉鎖させることの是非が争点に浮上している。  関係者によると、兵庫医科大は12年11月、中国の北京中医薬大学と共同で「中医薬孔子学院」を設立。日本で漢方薬として普及している「中医薬」の研究や人材育成を進めるとうたい、医療系の孔子学院はアジア初だった。  日中の研究者や学生が相互に訪れ、シンポジウムや市民講座も開いてきた。ただ、学院長は兵庫医科大の教授が務める一方で、中国人とみられる副学院長にも「中国側学院長」との肩書があり、どちらが事実上のトップで意思決定の権限を持つのかが見えにくいとの指摘もあったという。  閉鎖は2月28日付。兵庫医科大は理由について「運営母体の中国国際中文教育基金会との協定期間が満了したため」とのみ説明。閉鎖の経緯▽運営に絡んで中国から資金提供を受けていたか▽教育活動への介入があったか-などについては「お答えできない」としている。  国内では昨年3月に工学院大学(東京)が閉鎖。文科省によると、現在は13大学が運営している。


Copyright © 2009-2010 复旦大学孔子学院办公室Inc. All rights reserved. 地址:上海市杨浦区邯郸路220号电话:+86-021-55665276.

孔子学院办公室. 为推动中国语言和文化在世界的传播,复旦大学在国家汉办的指导和帮助下,与海外友好学校共建了七所孔子学院孔子学院以开设汉语教学项目为主,举办 ...




Fosun Pharma agreed to make an equity investment of k€45,568 (k$50,000) for 1,580,777 ordinary shares in BioNTech via Fosun Industrial Co., Limited, ...
Under the terms of the agreement, Fosun Pharma has agreed to make an equity investment of USD 50 million (EUR 44 million) for 1,580,777 ordinary ...


Events after the Reporting Period

As part of the strategic alliance with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd (“Fosun Pharma”; Stock Symbol: 600196.SH, 02196.HK) whereby the two companies will work together on the development of BNT162 in China, Fosun agreed to make an equity investment which was received in mid-April 2020. The issuance of 1,580,777 ordinary shares with the nominal amount of k€ 1,581 was registered within the commercial register (Handelsregister) as of April 23, 2020.


Fosun Group was founded in 1992 as the Guangxin Technology Development Company by five graduates[7] of Fudan University in Shanghai:[8] Guo Guangchang,[9] Liang Xinjun,[10] Wang Qunbin[11] (Chinese汪群斌), Fan Wei[12] (Chinese范伟), and Tan Jian (Chinese谈剑).[9] Fosun started its business by doing market research.[13] The major holding company of the group, Fosun High Technology, was incorporated in 1994 in mainland China. Then Fosun extended its business into the healthcare industry (as Fosun Pharmaceutical),[14] real estate,[15][16] and steel etc.[1 

Fudan University was established in 1905 as Fudan Public School. ... In 1902, Ma Xiangbo(马相伯), a Chinese Jesuit priest, scholar and educator, ...
In 1902, Ma Xiangbo(马相伯), a Chinese Jesuit priest, scholar and educator, spent all his fortune and established Zhendan Academy (later Aurora ...


In 1902, Ma Xiangbo(马相伯), a Chinese Jesuit priest, scholar and educator, spent all his fortune and established Zhendan Academy (later Aurora University) in the empty buildings of Xujiahui Catholic Observatory. In 1905, the imperialist forces in the Xujiahui Catholic Church plotted to seize the leadership of the academy, forcing Ma to leave for recuperation. In order to protestagainst the interference of the church, about 130 students led by Yu Youren and Shao Lizi left the academy, giving their support to Ma for rebuilding the institution in Wusong. On September 14th the same year, or August 16th based on lunar calendar, Fudan Public School, the first higher education institution run by Chinese people, opened at the government office of Wusong area, Shanghai.

In 1927, No.4 Sun Yat-Sen University School of Medicine was set up in Wusong. It is the first medical school established and run by Chinese people. The founders of the medical school, Yan Fuqing, Le Wenzhao and Gao Jinglang, practiced medicine and education with the sheer intention to relieve patients from pain.

6 日前 — 岸田首相が、22日に来日するバイデン米大統領を東京都港区白金台の「八芳園」に招待し、夕食を共にする方向で調整していることが分かった。
2021/05/31 — 孫文=コロナウイルス のConfirmation. 兵庫県丹波篠山市内の集落を訪問・撮影した部落差別動画がネット上で公開され、動画共有サイト「ニコニコ ...
2013/11/18 — 荒尾市の県指定史跡「宮崎兄弟の生家」に16日、九州大や熊本大などに通う中国人留学生グループが訪れ、辛亥革命を主導した孫文と地元出身の自由民権 ...
2014/08/27 — site:tokumei10.blogspot.com 孫文 玄洋社 - Google 検索 via kwout. で、戦後の玄洋社や黒龍会の残党は、ダメリカのイスラエル・ロビーの飼い犬、 ...
35B5抗体@孫文大学. Chinese scientists claim to have isolated an antibody which can effectively neutralize all strains of Covid-19, referencing both lab ...


Applied Unificationism

A Blog of Unification Theological Seminary

Neo-Confucian Principle(s) in the Thought of Sun Myung Moon

by Thomas Selover

Reverend Moon was arguably one of the most influential of modern Koreans, and certainly one of the most controversial. In order to better understand his thought, it is natural and helpful to pay attention to Korean cultural influences, including Confucian and Neo-Confucian content, which have helped to shape the patterns of his thinking.

In his autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, Rev. Moon recounts his early childhood in an environment where fervent Christian revivalism was spreading in a society deeply imbued with Confucian patterns of life and thought. He noted,

When I turned ten, my father had me attend a traditional school in our village, where an old man taught Chinese classics… At school, we read the Analects of Confucius and the works of Mencius, and we were taught Chinese characters.

Through this education, he developed a life-long love of Chinese characters, and he delighted in expounding new insights from the form of the characters. This article explores some family resemblances between Neo-Confucian thought and Unification thought in four areas, hoping to shed some intriguing light in both directions.

Li  理 as “Principle”

The first evidence of Neo-Confucian content is in the phrase “Divine Principle” or “The Principle,” used in ordinary Unification parlance as shorthand for Rev. Moon’s teachings, particularly insofar as those teachings are understood to be revelatory. Because the Divine Principle (DP) text relies on biblical quotations to advance its philosophical and theological points, it has generally been  viewed in relation to Christian theology. However, the background for many of the ideas contained in the DP book, including the title itself, can be traced to Confucian and Neo-Confucian themes instead.

In Neo-Confucian thought, li (principle) signifies the inherent principles of the natural world, as well as our human ability to understand those principles (intelligibility). For Neo-Confucian thought, li are immanent in the world of experience, rather than being primarily conceptual or formulaic.

Recognizing the Neo-Confucian background to the concept of li (principle) helps us to understand that “the Principle” is not a book, but rather the book called Divine Principle (DP) is an account of the Principle. Recalling this Neo-Confucian insight on the nature of li may help Unificationists avoid the kind of disputations over verbal formulas that have plagued the history of Christianity in the West.

Yin and Yang

Another site of Confucian influence is in the first major section of Exposition of Divine Principle, “The Principle of Creation.” This section builds up a basic theory of how the characteristic patterns of the myriad things manifest the character of their Source or Creator. In the course of this exposition, there is a direct reference to Confucian and Neo-Confucian sources. The text mentions the Yijing (Book of Change) as the basis of East Asian philosophy and continues:

There, the origin of the universe is the Great Ultimate (Ultimate Void). From the Great Ultimate arose yang and yin, and from yang and yin came forth the Five Agents — metal, wood, water, fire and earth — and from the Five Agents all things came into existence.

This turns out to be a paraphrase of the opening lines of a key Neo-Confucian text called “Explaining the Diagram of the Great Ultimate (T’ai-chi-t’u shuo)” by Chou Tun-i. This text then proceeds to trace the interaction of yin and yang in the unfolding of the cosmos. Exposition of Divine Principle specifically affirms the polarity of yin and yang as a principle that is found throughout all things.

As Rev. Moon put it in an oft-quoted discourse titled “In Search of the Origin of the Universe”: “If we go deeper and deeper in our search for the origin of the universe, we arrive at God. We come to know that God possesses dual characteristics of male and female.” Although Unification piety often continues to use the male-language for God inherited from the Christian tradition, there seems to be little justification for that in light of the Principle. Indeed, at the Coronation of God ceremony, which Rev. Moon held in 2001, God was represented by a dual throne. In this respect, we can say that the One is best represented by two.

Unmanifest and Manifest

Early Neo-Confucianists debated the substantiality of the Great Ultimate. The issue was whether the “Great Ultimate” from which the substantial world derives is likewise substantial, or whether there is a separate, incorporeal, unmanifest “Ultimate Void” behind the scenes, as suggested by the Diagram:

Historically, the debate was won by those who argued that although the “unmanifest” (Ultimate Void, the top circle in the diagram) and “manifest” (Great Ultimate, the second circle) are spoken of and depicted separately, the two terms should be understood as inseparable descriptions of the One Source. This became the orthodox Neo-Confucian view, which was later used in both China and Korea as a standard for higher education and the government civil service examinations.

Later in his life, an intriguing new theme emerged in Rev. Moon’s teaching: “The God of Night and the God of Day.” Members of the Unification community have found this terminology genuinely puzzling. However, when this theme is placed in fruitful proximity with the Neo-Confucian “Diagram of the Great Ultimate,” it can be seen as likewise depicting a continuous flow from the unmanifest and mysterious to the manifest and evident, metaphorically from Night to Day. The Unmanifest, or “Night,” seems to be beyond specific characteristics or predicates, simply the unfathomable. Nevertheless, when the two aspects (“poles”) are held tightly together, there does seem to be one thing that could be predicated of the Unmanifest — namely, the creative urge or desire to manifest. As with the yin-yang polarity, the One is best represented as two.

Hoondokhwe and Neo-Confucian Fellowship

As Unificationists know, Rev. Moon initiated a pattern for regular study gatherings, known as hoondokhwae (“gatherings for reading and study”). Over recent years, the recommended format and the scope of texts for this practice have been in a process of continuous change and adjustment. The practice of hoondokhwae may take various forms, from communal reading to interactive discussion. This seems to be another sign of Neo-Confucian influence, and reflecting on the Neo-Confucian practice can suggest ways that hoondokhwae might develop further.

One of the discoveries of the Neo-Confucian fellowship was a mutual, reflective investigation of “classical” or scriptural texts, coupled with personal practice, in a way that each could enhance the other. This practice was called “savoring the text” and “investigation of things.” It was central to the process of “savoring the text” that it be done in a hermeneutic circle of like-minded fellow students. The shared value of “reverence” indicates not only the attitude with which each individual approaches the classical texts, but also the attitude with which those engaged in Neo-Confucian learning would treat one another.

If the Unification hoondokhwae is to continue and expand as a genuinely enriching practice for Unificationists, there must develop a similarly open-ended approach to the texts — coupled with “small group” dynamics of shared “investigation.” In such a circle, as in the Neo-Confucian fellowship, participants can grapple with the texts’ difficulties on several levels (literal meaning, metaphorical implications, and “precept to practice”). The practice, then, would provide an opportunity for discernment of li (The Principle) to take place collectively. Savoring the words and phrases of hoondokhwae texts, mutually exploring the Principle in patterns of thought, and sharing the experiences of daily life in light of those texts could create a very attractive hoondokhwae practice.

One of the challenging issues for the Unification community going forward is how to study Rev. Moon and Mrs. Moon’s teachings so that a creative understanding of the Principle is possible, and regularly experienced. A concern of mine is that the insights recorded in the Principle books might become rote, recited rather than reflected upon. Recalling Neo-Confucian examples may help to forestall the tendency to rely on literalistic readings of particular texts, in favor of the practice of experiential savoring. Then, hoondokhwae itself would imply an invitation to investigate the Principle for oneself, in a circle of like-minded friends, as it appears in the texts and in the observable world around us.

During this period, just after the passing of Sun Myung Moon, it is an urgent matter for the Unification community to come to a new self-understanding of what it means to live by the Principle, without depending on his constant charismatic leadership. In this regard, I believe that an awareness of the resonances with Neo-Confucian thought and practice can be of much assistance.♦

Dr. Thomas Selover (UTS Class of 1977) is a professor at Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology in Korea. He received his doctorate from Harvard University Divinity School in comparative religion and Confucian thought, and has taught at universities and colleges in the U.S., Canada, China, and Korea.

This article is adapted from Dr. Selover’s full paper, “Neo-Confucian Principle(s) in the Thought of Sun Myung Moon,” Journal of Unification Studies, vol. 15, 2014. The entire 2014 issue is now available online.




日本経済新聞www.nikkei.com › article
2016/03/06 - ... 世紀初め、仏パスツール研究所のカルメットらが菌をシャーレで増やし、一部を別のシャーレに移して増やし…と231回繰り返すことで毒性を弱め、発病しないようにした。1921年に初めて人間に投与した。 細菌 ...

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3 日前 - 3月27日)、結核予防に使用されるBCGワクチンが新コロナウイルスに対する防遏(ぼうあつ)策として注目されている。オーストラリアでは、医療 ... 1924年 赤痢菌の発見者・志賀潔が、開発者のカルメットからBCGを分与される 1942年 日本 ...

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日本ビーシージー製造株式会社 Japan BCG Laboratory
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In 1996, Renault's CEO Louis Schweitzer hired Ghosn as his deputy and charged him with the task of turning the company around from near bankruptcy. Ghosn elaborated a plan to cut costs for the period 1998–2000, reducing the workforce, revising production processes, standardising vehicle parts and pushing the launch of new models. The company also undertook organisational changes, introducing a lean production system with delegate responsibilities inspired by Japanese systems (the "Renault Production Way"), reforming work methods and centralising research and development at its Technocentre to reduce vehicle conception costs while accelerating such conception.[16] Ghosn became known as "Le Cost Killer".[17] In the early 2000s, for orchestrating one of the auto industry's most aggressive downsizing campaigns and spearheading the turnaround of Nissan from its near bankruptcy in 1999, he earned the nickname "Mr. Fix It".[18]

Louis Schweitzer (born 8 July 1942 in Geneva, Switzerland) is a former Chairman of Renault, first taking that post on 27 May 1992 in succession to Raymond Lévy:[1] he was also CEO from 1992 to 2005. He was in addition Chairman of AstraZeneca until 8 June 2012 where he was appointed as a Director 11 March 2004.[2][3] He is a non-executive director of BNP ParibasElectricité de FranceVeolia EnvironnementVolvo AB and L'Oréal, and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Philips Electronics NV[4]
Louis Schweitzer is the son of Pierre-Paul Schweitzer, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1963 to 1973. He is the grandnephew of Albert Schweitzer, and so related to Jean-Paul Sartre.[5]
Schweitzer has a degree in law and is a graduate of France's elite Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and École nationale d'administration.
He was appointed Inspector of Finance at the French Treasury in 1970. In 1981, he became Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Laurent Fabius in his various government posts (Budget Minister, Minister for Industry and Research and Prime Minister).
He joined Renault in 1986 and became Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategic Planning in 1988.
He was appointed Executive Vice President and COO in 1989, and President and COO in 1990. He was Renault's Chairman and CEO from May 1992 to April 2005, and president of the Renault-Nissan Alliance Board from 2001 to 2005. On 29 April 2005, he became Chairman of the Renault Board of Directors.
In 1995, the Justice Ministry investigated Schweitzer for being an "accomplice in poisoning" of the hemophiliacs. The case stemmed from his tenure as Chief of Staff to Laurent Fabius and whether he knowingly allowed blood infected with HIV to be distributed to recipients.[6] In 2003, the Court of Cassation dismissed the charges against him and several other officials.[7]
He was found guilty in 2002 of conducting surveillance on the phone of Jean-Edern Hallier as part of a special unit of the Elysée Palace and fined. The Court of Cassation upheld his conviction in 2008.[8][9][10]
Schweitzer is a Commander of the French Légion d'honneur and National Order of Merit, and director of several French and foreign companies. He is also member of governing boards of various general organisations, particularly in the cultural field.
Since 6 March 2005, Schweitzer has been President of the Haute Authorité de Lutte Contre les Discriminations et Pour l'Egalité. This role was entrusted to him by the French President.
In 2013, he was appointed one of the 250 Grand Officers of the Legion of Honour.
Schweitzer is a Protestant.

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Veolia

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Veolia

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Veolia

Jean-Edern Hallier (1 March 1936 in Saint-Germain-en-LayeYvelines – 12 January 1997 in Deauville) was a French author.
Hallier was the son of World War I French General André Hallier. Jean-Edern was born one-eyed in 1936. While the Hallier family has ancient Breton roots on his father's side, Jean-Edern later (L'évangile du fou) claimed his mother had Alsatian and Jewish heritage.
Hallier, returning to France after World War II, first studied at the Pierre-qui-vire convent and then at a Paris lycée and at Oxford. He travelled extensively, even getting shipwrecked in the Persian gulf, and in 1960 founded the literary review Tel Quel with Philippe Sollers. Three years later he published his first novel, "Les Aventures d'une jeune fille" (A young lady's adventures). He then worked as a publisher with Plon and finished his second novel, "Le Grand écrivain" (The Great Author), in 1967.
Deeply stirred by the 1968 student riots in Paris, he disclosed his then leftist views in the partly autobiographical La Cause des peuples (1972), plunged into politics full-time and started the first, leftist version of his paper, L'Idiot international, partly funded at first by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. On January 26, 1973, Marc Gilbert cancels his presence on the set of French talk-show, Italiques.[1][2]
He traveled to Chile after Pinochet's 1973 coup, with funds gathered by Régis Debray which were to be handed out to the Chilean resistance. However, he returned to Paris without the money and without having handed it to the resistance, claiming he had bought 400.000 hectares in the Amazon Basin to provide shelter for the future Chilean exiles.[3] He progressively broke up with the left-wing after this event. He also broke with the nouveau roman in 1974 with Chagrins d'amour.
He hosted one of the first pirate radio stations in 1977, "Radio Verte", close to the ecology movement. Radio Verte functioned for two days only, but wielded a lasting influence.
He was suspected of simulating his own kidnapping in 1982, and being behind a bombing in Régis Debray's building (which caused no casualties), a suspicion recently confirmed by Régis Debray and Gilles Ménage, who worked for President François Mitterrand in the Elysée cell involved in the wiretap scandal. He also committed, it was alleged, less serious "attacks", such as setting fire to Françoise Mallet-Joris's doormat. Mallet-Joris was one of the Goncourt jury, and the fire was meant as a protest against the way literary prizes were awarded.
He was successively a Maoist, an admirer of Fidel Castro, while at the same time getting close to Jacques Chirac, and even supporting Pinochet after his return from his expedition to Chile.[3]
Close for a time to François Mitterrand, who successfully ran for President in 1981 for the Socialist Party (PS), he later opposed him, threatening to reveal the existence of his illegitimate daughter Mazarine Pingeot. From the moment he threatened to publish a pamphlet on Mitterrand in 1982, he was closely watched by the special cell in the Elysée Palace in an attempt to block the revelation of Mazarine's existence.[3] Hallier's telephone conversations were continually eavesdropped on by the Elysée palace from 1982 onward.[4] He and any potential publisher were hounded by tax inspectors dispatched to instill the fear of "God" (Mitterrand's nickname) into them, his apartment was burned down, etc. To this day it is very difficult to obtain one of Hallier's books anywhere but in a few independent libraries.
In 1991, L'Idiot international was one of the French newspapers which opposed participation to the Gulf War, and Jean-Edern Hallier went to Iraq to cover the hostilities. He had earlier published Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses (1988), and personally delivered a copy of the book to the Iranian embassy in Paris [3] He was attacked in defamation for articles published in L'Idiot international by Jack Lang and others. He never defended himself during the trials, and never went in Appeal Court. He had to auction off his flat in order to pay damages to Bernard Tapie who had successfully charged him with defamation.[3]

He died in a road accident, in Deauville in 1997, leaving a son.

Ahmed Salman Rushdie[7] was born on 19 June 1947[8] in Bombay, then British India, into a Kashmiri Muslim family.[9][10][11] He is the son of Anis Ahmed Rushdie, a Cambridge-educated lawyer-turned-businessman, and Negin Bhatt, a teacher. Anis Rushdie was let go from the Indian Civil Services (ICS) after it emerged that the birth certificate submitted by him had changes to make him appear younger than he was.[12] Rushdie has three sisters.[13] He wrote in his 2012 memoir that his father adopted the name Rushdie in honour of Averroes (Ibn Rushd).
He was educated at Cathedral and John Connon School in Bombay, Rugby School in Warwickshire, and King's CollegeUniversity of Cambridge, where he read history.[8]

In 1860 Bishop Harding and the Cathedral Chaplain opened a grammar school within the walled city of Bombay which, along with a smaller establishment for girls, were the first of many strands that have joined to form the Cathedral and John Connon School.[4][5]
A Choir School, established with the objective of providing choristers for the St. Thomas Cathedral, Mumbai, the first Anglican Church in Mumbai was founded in October 1875. Meanwhile, the Bombay Scottish Education Society was founded in 1866. The society put up a building on the Esplanade, and named it for John Connon (then Chief Registrar of Bombay).






ル・モンド = ザ・ワールド がマクロンに謝罪


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ジョン・ウェスレー - 匿名党
2014/03/27 - http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82. ジョン・ウェスレー - Wikipedia via kwout. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82. ジョン・ウェスレー - Wikipedia via kwout. site:tokumei10.blogspot.com アングリカン 、、、(爆wwwwwwwwwwww.

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日本聖公会 呉信愛教会 Kure Shin-Ai Church, Anglican Church in Japan - 広島県呉市 - Religious Organization | Facebook via kwout. アングリカンなのに「X」な件。(爆w. Posted by てんこもり野郎 at 0:58. Labels: 神社DE仏教 ...

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7 日前 — 川村泰史 結婚 - Google 検索 via kwout. https://www.google.co.jp/#q=site. site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 高橋治則 - Google 検索 ... 英Guardian紙が ...
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2015/08/06 — 高橋 治之(たかはし はるゆき、昭和19年(1944年)4月6日 - )は、日本の実業家。電通顧問。 ... イ・アイ・イグループ総帥高橋治則の兄









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