


'Russian warship, go f*** yourselves': Final words of Ukrainian border guards protecting Snake Island – just 40 miles from Romanian border in the Black Sea – before Kremlin navy opened fire killing all 13 of them when they refused to surrender

  • All Ukrainian border guards protecting tiny island in the Black Sea from Russia were killed yesterday 
  • Small contingent of soldiers, reportedly 13, were posted on Snake Island in Odessa region near Romania 
  • In a radio message, the soldiers were told by a sailor on board the Kremlin warship to surrender
  • The Ukrainian troops defiantly refused to give up the territory, and instead replied: 'Go f**k yourselves!’  
  • Snake Island will allow Russia to claim territorial waters stretching 12 nautical miles out to sea 

ズミイヌイ島[1](ズミイヌイとう、ウクライナ語: Острів Зміїний; ズミーイヌィ島、ルーマニア語: Insula Șerpilor; シェルピロール島)は、黒海の北西部、ウクライナルーマニア国境付近の沖合にある島あるいは岩。現在はウクライナに属する。黒海沿岸各地に植民都市を建設した古代ギリシア時代から、アキレウス伝説の聖地としてヨーロッパ世界に知られていた。ソビエト連邦の崩壊以降、黒海上の境界画定をめぐるウクライナ・ルーマニア両国の係争の種となったことでも有名である。


Snake Island is an igneous rock formation located 35 km from the coast, east of the mouth of the Danube River. The island's coordinates are 45°15′18″N 30°12′15″E. The island is X-shaped, 690 meters from S-W to N-E by 682 meters from N-W to S-E, covering an area of 0.205 km2 (0.079 sq mi). The highest area is 41 metres (135 ft) above sea level. The island does not have a prominently featured mountain, but rather a low-slope hill. 


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