


15 hours ago — President Joe Biden learned Saturday that many Michigan cherry farmers are having a tough season because of volatile weather.
12 hours ago — The president and his entourage avoided the hectic crowds of downtown Traverse City instead to tour King Orchards near Central Lake. It was ...

7 hours ago — At Kings Orchard in Central Lake, Biden met with several Michigan politicians including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Senators Gary Peters and ...

At one point, Biden asked about the differences between two types of cherry trees in the orchard.

King McAvoy told him that the trees would normally be "laden with fruit," but some of the branches came down.

"It's been a rough year," she said, adding that farmers really don't know how to handle the volatile weather.

Michigan's tart cherry crop for this season is estimated to be 65.6 million pounds, a 5% drop from the 69.3 million pounds harvested in 2020, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But both years marked a two-thirds drop from the 201 million pounds harvested in 2018 and a lesser but substantial decline from the 170 pounds in 2019.


This was followed by four days of rain, ending last Sunday, that split cherries, mainly sweet ones. Farmers and industry watchers used words such as “demoralizing,” “devastation,” even “anger.”

Biden was then introduced to some of the farm's cherry pickers, who were up on ladders picking the ripe fruit. 

Later, a crowd of what appeared to be 200 customers hooted and hollered praise for Biden as he rounded a turn in the orchard and came into view. The president worked his way down the line, shaking hands and posing for pictures. At one point, he crossed over the line to join the crowd. 

Biden's visit wasn't publicized, and most of the people waiting to shake Biden's hand had come to the orchard to pick U-pick strawberries, a White House aide said. 

After 3:25 p.m., Biden entered the orchard market and declared, "I'm going to look at the pies." Employees gave him a tour of the market, where he was shown canned jam and canned cherries.



13 hours ago — Biden visited a cherry farm near Antrim County with Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and democrat senators Peters and Stabenow. 78-year- ...

2020/11/09 — Software that 'Glitched' in MI, GA, Incorrectly Gave Biden 1000s of Votes, Used in 28 States. The election software that “glitched” in both Georgia and Michigan — which in Michigan's case, incorrectly gave Joe Biden ...
2020/12/12 — やっぱ最高裁も逃げましたね。要するに憲法違反にも最高裁は目をつぶるという前例ができたわけですな。(爆wwwwww. とりあえず民主党も各州の裁判所も最高裁もMSMもCIAもFBIもDOJもBig ITほか反トランプ ...
2 日前 — 23 時間前 — SCOTUSがテキサスを却下したとたんにAntrim Countyのドミニオン投票シムテムズから票入れ替えの物的証拠がぽぽぽぽぽーん♪(爆w.
2020/12/15 — 4 日前 — 6 日前 — Per angusta ad augusta is a Latin phrase that means "through difficulties to honors,""through trial to triumph," or "through difficulties to great things. マイク・ペンス副大統領@Augusta - 匿名党.
2020/11/11 — http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2020/11/diebold.html. 2020年11月9日月曜日 何故かミシガン州のAntrimで6000票のトランプ票をバイデン票とカウントしたカニダ発祥のDominion Voting Systemsにロックオン!
Matthew DePerno@Antrim County - 匿名党 - blogger. tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/12 › matthew-deperno... ... 2020/11. While the chairman of SmartMatics ...


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https://committees.senate.michigan.gov › ...PDF
report - Committees - State of Michigan
9 Apr 2021 — Indeed, a recent Gallup Survey found as much as 59% of voters no longer trust our elections. Voting and ... process in Michigan and drill down on claims and testimony specific to the 2020 election.
56 pages·4 MB

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