

As of 2016, Google has focused a majority of its efforts on a few key topics, based upon a premise of equality and opportunity.
Gain of Function. It was reported on June 19, 2021, that Google has generously contributed to the EcoHealth Alliance in support of virus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for the past decade. The Wuhan lab has been identified as the potential source of Covid-19 virus leak that has killed millions around the world. Measured over the decade, Google’s financial support of the Wuhan lab’s gain of function research would dwarf other activities shown below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google.org

REVEALED: Google funded virus research carried out by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance for over a decade

  • Google's charity arm, Google.org, has provided financial backing for research and studies carried out by Peter Daszak and his EcoHealth Alliance charity 
  • The financial ties, which were first reported by The National Pulse , are disclosed in various scientific studies dating back to at least 2010 
  • Daszak has faced intense scrutiny since it emerged that his charity previously worked with the Wuhan lab accused of being the source of COVID-19
  • He has been removed from the COVID-19 commission looking into the origins of the pandemic after it emerged that he tried to gag the Wuhan lab leak theory 
  • It was not immediately clear how much funding Google has provided over the last decade to Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance 



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