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Republicans send criminal referral to DOJ about alleged voter fraud in Nevada

 Updated Nov 06, 2020, 12:02 AM

Republicans sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department, seeking an investigation into alleged voter fraud in Nevada, a state President Trump needs in order to have a chance of winning a second term.

The Nevada Republican Party announced on Thursday that lawyers reached out to Attorney General William Barr with vote counting still underway in the Silver State and just after Trump held a press conference at the White House during which he accused his opponents of trying to "steal" the election.

"Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV," the party said in a tweet.

The GOP did not immediately provide evidence of the potential fraud described in the tweet. The Washington Examiner reached out to the Nevada GOP for further comment. A DOJ official told the Washington Examiner on Thursday evening that the agency received the criminal referral and was looking into the matter.

Republican candidates for Congress in Nevada filed a late Thursday complaint with the U.S. District Court of Nevada against Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, alleging the use of a flawed signature verification system, the denial of access to vote count observation, and voter fraud.

“Irregularities have plagued the election in Clark County, including lax procedures for authenticating mail ballots and over 3,000 instances of ineligible individuals casting ballots. Ballots have even been cast on behalf of deceased voters. Moreover, the public has often been prohibited from observing the processing of mail ballots, resulting in much of their work being done in the shadows without public accountability,” the lawsuit said.

The complaint said that Republicans were asking for “an Injunction directing Defendants and their officers, agents, employees, attorneys, and any other person acting under their direction or control to cease the use of the Agilis system to count ballots in Clark County” as well as “injunctive relief directing Defendants and their officers, agents, employees and any other person acting under their direction or control to allow meaningful access to the ballot counting process.”

The Nevada Supreme Court previously allowed Clark County to continue with its mail-in ballot vote counting process in a Nov. 3 ruling.

Earlier in the day, Trump's campaign announced plans to file a lawsuit alleging that there were at least 10,000 ballots cast in Nevada by voters who do not live in the state. Richard Grenell, a former acting director of national intelligence who is now a Trump campaign surrogate, told Lou Dobbs on Fox Business that a referral would be followed by a lawsuit filed in the next few hours.

In a letter, shared on Twitter by Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh, lawyers for the Trump's campaign said they "verified" the claims of alleged voter fraud by "cross-referencing the names and address of voters with the National Change of Address database."

A separate letter was sent to Mary-Anne Miller, an attorney representing Clark County, Nevada, which includes Las Vegas, outlined their findings and accused Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria of "inaction" on cleaning voter rolls that the lawyers said had led to "material adverse consequences on our election security."

The Washington Examiner reached out to Clark County's election department for comment on the Nevada GOP's criminal referral.

Gloria told reporters Thursday morning that “we are not aware of any improper ballots that are being processed." When asked if he had been shown the voter fraud evidence that Republicans have alleged, Gloria said, “Not directly that I’m aware of.”

A reporter also asked the Clark County official about the likelihood that at least a single vote had been cast improperly.

“I can’t give you a probability on that. What I can tell you is that we’re firm in our commitment to making sure that we’re processing ballots with high integrity in the state of Nevada,” Gloria said. “A lot of that depends on anybody who is aware of something that they feel was nefarious — they need to notify our office, and we’re getting the Nevada Secretary of State involved in investigating that, but we’re doing everything we can to uphold the integrity of the process here in Clark County.”

Adam Laxalt, a Republican who formerly was Nevada's attorney general, claimed to have evidence of voter fraud, though he didn’t make it immediately public.

“We firmly believe that there are many voters in this group of mail-in people who are not proper voters,” Laxalt said during a press conference in Las Vegas earlier in the day. “In the last many days, we have received reports of many irregularities across the valley. We believe that there are dead voters that have been counted. We are also confident that there are thousands of people whose votes have been counted that have moved out of Clark County during the pandemic.”

Grenell was at the news conference too.

"The Harry Reid machine recklessly threw ballots into the mail, and now we cannot check whether or not there are non-residents, which we have evidence, publicly-available evidence," Grenell said, adding, "it is publicly available information that nonresidents have voted."

DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told the Washington Examiner earlier on Thursday that “the Department of Justice pursues all actionable information it receives and, as is always the case, encourages anyone who suspects a federal crime to report it to their local FBI field office.”

Democratic nominee Joe Biden said he has "no doubt" he will be declared the winner once all the votes are counted. The Nevada State Democratic Party reacted to the threat of legal action by casting the Republicans as desperate.

“The writing is on the wall for the Trump campaign. As the voices of Nevadans are finally heard, Trump and the Nevada GOP have no other recourse than scare tactics and baseless suits," Nevada State Democratic Party Chairman William McCurdy II said in a statement.

"Today, in a shameful display, partisan hacks attacked the integrity of Nevada’s voting system without evidence, threatening to disenfranchise the voices of their fellow Nevadans in the process," he added. "This is not the first time Republicans have filed suit in an attempt to suppress voters, nor is it the second or the third. Republicans want to circumvent democracy because things aren’t going in their favor. But the will of the people will not be ignored. Trump’s presidency was disastrous for Nevada, and now he is facing the consequences of leaving Nevada families behind. While the Trump campaign attempts to silence hardworking families, NV Dems will stand alongside them until every vote is counted.”




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