









Daszak was a member of the group of experts who gathered at the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, in February 2018 to conduct a review of diseases threatening world health. Their report included a warning about the possibility of a pandemic which could break out in the near future as the result of a still unknown pathogen. At this meeting this type of hypothetical, unknown pathogen was given the name Disease X and included on a list of eight diseases which should be given highest priority in regard to research and development efforts, such as finding better diagnostic methods and developing vaccines.[5] [6]

When the coronavirus began to spread beyond China in February 2020, he explained the consequences of an outbreak beoming designated as a pandemic and discussed the subsequent steps, such as lockdowns, and other preparations which this would involve, as follows:
I wouldn’t be surprised if WHO called this a pandemic this week or next week and we’ve got multiple countries infected with community transmission in those countries. That’s really the definition of a pandemic — on different continents.... For sure, this is Disease X. ...We still have that window of opportunity, but we have to really act quickly right now.... I think it's incumbent on health authorities around the world to start telling their public what to expect and how to get ready.[13]
In April 2020, during the public controversy about the origins of the coronavirus which has caused the COVID-19 pandemic, Daszak appeared on an internet news program, Democracy Now!, to refute the idea that the virus was the result of a laboratory accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

I’ve been working with that lab for 15 years. And the samples collected were collected by me and others in collaboration with our Chinese colleagues. They’re some of the best scientists in the world. There was no viral isolate in the lab. There was no cultured virus that’s anything related to SARS-coronavirus-2. So it’s just not possible.[14]

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Disease X

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Disease X

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Disease X


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匿名 さんのコメント...

野生動物の肉の取引に加え、人が野生動物の生息地に侵入していること、世界中で行き来が盛んになったことによって、動物由来のウイルスが簡単に広がるようになっていると、感染症予防に取り組むNGO「エコヘルス・アライアンス(EcoHealth Alliance)」のピーター・ダザック(Peter Daszak)氏は指摘する。
 また、ダザック氏も参加する感染症予防を目的とする「グローバル・バイローム・プロジェクト(Global Virome Project)」は、自然界には未知のウイルスが約170万種存在し、そのおよそ半数が人類にとって有害だと推測している。


