
近畿大学の養殖マグロ@Le Bernadinから芋づる式に

Le Bernardin is a French seafood restaurant in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.[1] Gilbert Le Coze and his sister Maguy Le Coze started the restaurant in Paris in 1972, where it was called Les Moines de St. Bernardin. They restarted the restaurant in New York in 1986, not long after receiving a third Michelin star.[2]Gilbert le Coze died of a heart attack in 1994, and Éric Ripert succeeded him as chef de cuisine. Chef Ripert later opened another restaurant, Philadelphia's 10 Arts and Westend Bistro, in Washington, D.C..
Signature dishes include kindai maguro (farmed Pacific bluefin tuna) and wagyu beef.[citation needed] In 2016, investigative journalists from the US news program Inside Edition found that Le Bernardin, among other restaurants, was falsely marketing their beef as Kobe beef.[3] After the report, the restaurant reworded their menu to read wagyu beef.[4]

 →Kindai Maguro = 近畿大学の養殖マグロ

 →Kindai Maguro = 近畿大学の養殖マグロ

 →Kindai Maguro = 近畿大学の養殖マグロ


Gilbert Le Coze (1945 – 28 July 1994) was a French chef known for his innovative methods in seafood preparation. Le Coze's cooking has been compared to Japanese cuisine and has influenced a generation of American cooks.[1][2][3]In 1972 he left Brittany to open his own restaurant in Paris, Les Moines de St. Bernardin with his sister Maguy Le Coze.
In 1986, the Equitable Life Assurance Company invited them to move the restaurant to the company's Manhattan headquarters. The restaurant's name was simplified to Le Bernardin. Le Coze worked with future head chef Eric Ripert. The restaurant gained two Michelin stars under Le Coze's management. 

山守凌平@La Défense - 匿名党
2017/05/18 - Important corporations headquartered at La Défense include Neuf Cegetel, Société Générale, Total, Aventis, Areva, and Arcelor. The tallest skyscraper, the Tour First belongs to AXA, constructed in 1974. It is 231 metres (758 ...

Ripert was good friends with Anthony Bourdain and appeared in many episodes of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations and Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.
For three years, Ripert has hosted the Tibetan Aid Project's Taste & Tribute New York benefit dinner and auction at his Manhattan restaurant, Le Bernardin. "Funds raised at the annual Taste & Tribute benefit dinners help support efforts to restore Tibetan-language texts to libraries all over the Himalayan region. So far, this project has led to the distribution of nearly two million traditional Buddhist texts—one of the largest free book distributions in history.

アンソニー・ボーデイン@フレンチキムチ派 - 匿名党
2016/06/15 - 米有名シェフ「米国で韓国料理が浮上…プデチゲすごい料理」 2016年06月08日11時50分 [ⓒ 中央日報日本語版] 米国の有名シェフであるアンソニー・ボーデイン氏が最近、米国で最も関心を引くフードとして韓国料理を挙げた。 ボーディン氏 ...

オバマとタイ飯食ってたアンソニー・ボーデインさん(61)が滞在先のフランス ...
2018/06/08 - 米料理の鉄人ボーデインさんが旅先で死亡、自殺か [2018年6月8日21時58分] 米CNNテレビは8日、米国の人気シェフ、アンソニー・ボーデインさん(61)が滞在先のフランスのホテルで死亡しているのが見つかったと報じた。自殺とみられる ...

シュバイツァー博士の生まれ故郷で刺殺したアンソニー・ボーデインから ...
2018/06/10 - シュバイツァー博士の生まれ故郷で刺殺したアンソニー・ボーデインからコンデ・コマ@弘前市まで芋づる式に. Anthony Bourdain Had Massive Impact On Jiu-Jitsu ... Says Rener Gracie 4 6/8/2018 4:08 PM PDT Anthony Bourdain Had ...

David Bowie's Lazarusとアーシア・アルジェントと首釣ったアンソニー ...
2018/06/15 - 2018年6月10日日曜日シュバイツァー博士の生まれ故郷で刺殺したアンソニー・ボーデインからコンデ・コマ@弘前市まで芋づる式に http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2018/06/blog-post_10.html 、、、(爆wwwwwwwwww. Posted by ...


禁断のM資金ことMeth資金と禁忌大学とロッテが日本がロシアになみだ目 ...
2016/12/17 - ロッテ. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2016/07/blog-. 日本貿易学会にロックオン via kwout. →近畿大学 →DEBNATH SAIFULLAH OZAKI@立命館 ... site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 近畿大学 マグロ - Google 検索 via kwout.


米国が新たな制裁、イラン革命部隊との関係を理由に石油化学企業PGPIC ...
3 日前 - 米国が新たな制裁、イラン革命部隊との関係を理由に石油化学企業PGPICを標的に経済制裁. #BREAKING US hits Iran's ... オザキさんが米軍に束縛されたとなっては今や日本外交は八方ふさがりですなあ・・・(爆wwwwwwww. 安倍首相、イランと .... 日本貿易学会が緊密に連携し、AIBA会員が日本貿易学. ... サイフラ・オザキ


There does not appear to have been any significant damage to the structure of the 750-foot-tall building, which houses the AXA Equitable Center. Other tenants include BNP Paribas, Stifel, New Mountain Capital, Sidley Austin LLP, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, UBS, and Citigroup.
The building is also home to the critically-acclaimed French restaurant La Bernardin, which announced that it will not be open to night due to the today's crash.

BNPパリバ(日本)といふ導火線にも火が!(爆w - 匿名党
2011/11/19 - BNPパリバ(日本)といふ導火線にも火が!(爆w. http://facta.co.jp/blog/archives/20111117001038. BNPパリバ(日本)への公開質問状:阿部重夫発行人ブログ:FACTA online via kwout. http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=.


新天皇は西松建設所縁の三宅坂ビルを可憐にスルー - 匿名党
2019/05/22 - 2009/02/16 - 日本の闇の中枢は三宅坂ビルの中にある(w 最近AKCが集中してる西松建設、鹿島建設・キヤノン、 ... 2019/03/17 - ですが・・・ 今上とは異なり朝鮮人が創った松代大本営への疎開を拒否した昭和天皇は戦勝国により戦争犯罪 ...


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