

Iran has two naval forces with separate missions and commands. This is why.
By Brian Murphy
June 14 at 1:02 PM

Iran’s naval forces have a split personality. There is the regular navy with conscripts and career officers with a chain of command to the defense minister and others in government.

And then there are the more elite seagoing divisions run by the Revolutionary Guard, whose commanders answer directly to the nation’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The same two-tier structure applies to Iran’s land forces. But Iran’s warships and support vessels — often under watch by U.S. and allies — offer some of the clearest displays of the country’s divided military.

The two-sided nature of the naval forces also adds a layer of complexity to the U.S. claim that “Iran did do it” after two tankers were damaged this week in the Gulf of Oman.

Both naval forces operate relatively independently and with separate leadership — making it harder to discern who gave the orders and why if Iranian involvement is confirmed.

The U.S. Central Command on Thursday released a grainy video that a spokesman, Capt. Bill Urban, said showed a Revolutionary Guard “Gashti Class patrol boat” removing an unexploded mine from one of the damaged tankers.

Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, denied any Iranian role and accused the Trump administration of “sabotage diplomacy.”

Military experts and political analysts have followed developments in Iran’s two navies for years. Both have grown in size and scope.

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