



マイケル・ランドン(Michael Landon, 1936年10月31日 - 1991年7月1日)は、アメリカ合衆国を代表する映画監督俳優脚本家。テレビドラマの製作者としても評価があり、なかでも主演した代表作『大草原の小さな家』シリーズにおいてのチャールズ・インガルス役で日本でも知られる。
ニューヨーク市クイーンズ区出身。本名ユージン・モーリス・オロウィッツ(Eugene Maurice Orowitz)。両親がともに芸能関係者であった。父イーライ・モーリス・オロウィッツはユダヤの流れをくむ劇場オーナーで、母ペギー・オニールはステージで活躍したダンサー、モデル、シンガー、舞台女優と多彩な経歴を持っていた。ランドンが4歳のときに一家はニュー・ジャージー州のコリングズウッドに引っ越した。そこでランドンは、保守的なユダヤ教のシナゴーグにおいてバル・ミツワー(ユダヤ教の成人式)を受けている。少年時代のランドンにとっての最大の悩みは、母が自殺未遂を繰り返したことである。家族旅行で海に出かけたときに、母がおぼれて死のうとしたこともあった。そのときはランドンが母を救ったのであるが、助かった後の母は何事もなかったかのように振る舞ったという。こうした過酷な環境で育てられたランドンだが、両親の意にそぐわず本人は軟弱な少年であった。しかし、高校生になるとスポーツに目覚め、やり投の競技で選手として幾つもの大会に出場。奨学金を得て、南カリフォルニア大学に進学した。

Landon was born Eugene Maurice Orowitz on October 31, 1936, in Forest Hills, a neighborhood of Queens, New York.[2][3] His parents were Peggy (née O'Neill; a dancer and comedian) and Eli Maurice Orowitz. His father was Jewish,[4] his mother Roman Catholic. 

Charles Phillip Ingalls (/ˈɪŋɡəlz/; January 10, 1836 – June 8, 1902) was the father of Laura Ingalls Wilder, known for her Little House series of books. He is depicted as the character "Pa" in the books and the television series.

Early life and family

For information on the relatives, see: List of real-life individuals from Little House on the Prairie.
Charles Ingalls was born in Cuba, New York, the second of nine children of Lansford Whiting and Laura Louise (nee Colby) Ingalls. Ingalls' parents appear as "Grandpa" and "Grandma" in the Laura Ingalls Wilder book Little House in the Big Woods.
Ingalls' father was born in Dunham, Missisquoi County, Lower Canada (now Dunham, Quebec, Canada), a descendant of Henry Ingalls (1627–1714) who was born in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England and settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.[2] His mother was born in Vermont and was a descendant of Edmund Rice, an early immigrant to Massachusetts Bay Colony.[3] Ingalls' paternal grandmother was Margaret Delano a descendant of Mayflower passenger Richard Warren as well as from the Delano family of New York and ancestors of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In the 1840s, when Ingalls was a young boy, his family moved from New York to the tallgrass prairie of Campton Township, just west of Elgin, Illinois.[4]
Ingalls grew into an accomplished hunter-trapper, carpenter, and farmer. He had a love of music and reading, and played the violin.
On February 1, 1860, Ingalls married a neighbor, the quiet and proper Caroline Lake Quiner. Together, they had five children: Mary Amelia, Laura Elizabeth, Caroline Celestia (Carrie), Charles Frederick (Freddie), who died in infancy, and Grace Pearl.

Family travels and settling

Wisconsin to points west

For his entire life, Ingalls had a strong case of "wanderlust". He is quoted by his daughter, Laura Ingalls Wilder, in her Little House series of books as saying: "My wandering foot gets to itching".[5] From their original home in the woods of Wisconsin, Ingalls moved his family to Indian Territory in southeastern Kansas, then back to Wisconsin, Burr Oak, Iowa and from there to southern Minnesota. Presented with an opportunity to work for a railroad in Dakota Territory, he longed to move yet again, as the family was struggling financially in Minnesota.

De Smet, final home

After promising his wife, Caroline, that the family would finally settle in one place, it was in 1879 that Ingalls decided to stay in De Smet, Dakota Territory following their move from Minnesota. The first winter after arriving in De Smet, the family lived in what was known as the surveyor's house. Following the first winter, Ingalls decided to try farming in the area of Silver Lake, outside town. A few years later, he had "proved up" his claim and sold the farm, choosing to move back into De Smet and build a home on Third Street. Construction on the house began in 1887 and was completed in 1889. It was in this house that Ingalls, along with his wife and daughter Mary, lived out the rest of his days. In 1880, Ingalls opened a general goods store. The business closed in 1881. A respected citizen of De Smet, Ingalls held various elected positions in the town, including Justice of the Peace and deputy sheriff.
Ingalls helped found, build, and was an active member of the First Congregational Church in De Smet. The first service was held in the new church building on August 30, 1882. Ingalls and his wife, along with oldest daughter Mary, were among the church's eight original charter members.


Charles Ingalls died on June 8, 1902 at the age of 66. A Freemason, Ingalls was given Masonic rites at his funeral.[6] He is buried at De Smet Cemetery alongside his wife, Caroline, his daughters Mary, Carrie, and Grace, as well as his infant grandson who died at 12 days old, the child of daughter Laura and son-in-law Almanzo Wilder.


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