
Chang'e 4@Dark side of the moon から Bohemian Rapsody まで芋づる式に

Chinese spacecraft becomes first EVER to touch down on dark side of the moon as it transmits never-before-seen 'close range' images after making historic landing

A Chinese spacecraft called Chang'e 4 has successfully made the first landing on the far side of the moon
The lunar explorer touched down at 10.26am (2.26am GMT) local time in the Aitken basin's Von Karman crater
The mission communicates with Earth via a relay satellite known as the Queqiao which launched in May
Moon's Von Karman crater is at its south pole and is 1,600 miles across and eight miles deep

By Joe Pinkstone and Alex Robertson and Tim Collins For Mailonline

Published: 01:17 EST, 3 January 2019 | Updated: 12:46 EST, 3 January 2019

There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark



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2018/12/10 - http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2018/12/urgent-urgent-emergency.html ... usually under the name of Cream of Saint Joseph ("Crema de san José"), since it was a traditional dessert served during Saint Joseph's Day, although ...


Kármán was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Austria-Hungary as Kármán Tódor, the son of Helen (Kohn or Konn, Hungarian: Kohn Ilka[7]) and Mór Kármán.[8] One of his ancestors was Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel.[1] He studied engineering at the city's Royal Joseph Technical University, known today as Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

The Maharal was probably born in Poznań, Poland,[2]—though Perels[3] lists the birth town mistakenly[2] as Worms in the Holy Roman Empire—to Rabbi Bezalel (Loew), whose family originated from the Rhenish town of Worms. His birth year is uncertain, with different sources listing 1512,[3] 1520[4] and 1526.[2][5] His uncle Jakob ben Chajim was Reichsrabbiner ("Rabbi of the Empire") of the Holy Roman Empire, his brother Chaim of Friedberg a famous rabbinical scholar. There is no documented evidence of his having received formal religious education, leading scholars to conclude that he was an extremely gifted autodidact.[6]

Jakob ben Chajim (died 1574) was a rabbi in Worms, and appointed by Emperor Ferdinand I as Reichsrabbiner (Rabbi of the Empire) of the Holy Roman Empire in 1559.[1] He was the uncle of Judah Loew ben Bezalel.[2]

Ferdinand was born in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, the son of Queen Joanna I of Castile from the House of Trastámara (herself the daughter of the Catholic Monarchs Isabel I of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon) and Habsburg Archduke Philip the Handsome, who was heir to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor. Ferdinand shared his customs, culture, and even his birthday with his maternal grandfather Ferdinand II of Aragon. He was born, raised, and educated in Spain, and did not learn German when he was young.

In 1547 the Bohemian Estates rebelled against Ferdinand after he had ordered the Bohemian army to move against the German Protestants. After suppressing the revolt, he retaliated by limiting the privileges of Bohemian cities and inserting a new bureaucracy of royal officials to control urban authorities. Ferdinand was a supporter of the Counter-Reformation and helped lead the Catholic response against what he saw as the heretical tide of Protestantism. For example, in 1551 he invited the Jesuits to Vienna and in 1556 to Prague. Finally, in 1561 Ferdinand revived the Archdiocese of Prague, which had been previously liquidated due to the success of the Protestants.

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