










ウィリアム・バージェス: William Burges[ˈbərɛs]、1827年12月2日 - 1881年4月20日)は、イギリス建築家デザイナーである。ビクトリア時代の芸術的建築を造った巨人の中にあって、その作品は19世紀の工業化と新古典主義建築様式の双方から逃れ、ユートピア的中世ヨーロッパの建築と社会の価値を再構築することを追求した。ゴシック復古調の伝統に立ち、ラファエル前派のものを写し、アーツ・アンド・クラフツ運動の先駆けとなった。また、ジャポニスム支持者としても知られる[1]。 

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com アーツ・アンド・クラフツ

The Tower House, 29 Melbury Road, is a late-Victorian townhouse in the Holland Park district of Kensington and Chelsea, London, built by the architect and designer William Burges as his home. Designed between 1875 and 1881, in the French Gothic Revival style, it was described by the architectural historian J. Mordaunt Crook as "the most complete example of a medieval secular interior produced by the Gothic Revival, and the last".[2] The house is built of red brick, with Bath stone dressings and green roof slates from Cumbria, and has a distinctive cylindrical tower and conical roof. The ground floor contains a drawing room, a dining room and a library, while the first floor has two bedrooms and an armoury. Its exterior and the interior echo elements of Burges's earlier work, particularly the McConnochie House in Cardiff and Castell Coch. It was designated a Grade I listed building in 1949.
Burges bought the lease on the plot of land in 1875. The house was built by the Ashby Brothers, with interior decoration by members of Burges's long-standing team of craftsmen including Thomas Nicholls and Henry Stacy Marks. By 1878 the house was largely complete, although interior decoration and the designing of numerous items of furniture and metalwork continued until Burges's death in 1881. The house was inherited by his brother-in-law, Richard Popplewell Pullan. It was later sold to Colonel T. H. Minshall and then, in 1933, to Colonel E. R. B. Graham. The poet John Betjeman inherited the remaining lease in 1962 but did not extend it. Following a period when the house stood empty and suffered vandalism, it was purchased and restored, first by Lady Jane Turnbull, later by the actor Richard Harris and then by the musician Jimmy Page.

Harris was born 1 October 1930, in Limerick: his siblings included Patrick Ivan (1929–2008), Noel William Michael (1932–1996), Diarmid (Dermot, 1939–1985), and William George Harris (1942–2007).[2][3] His niece is actress Annabelle Wallis.
He was schooled by the Jesuits at Crescent College: a talented rugby player, he appeared on several Munster Junior and Senior Cup teams for Crescent, and played for Garryowen.[4] Harris' athletic career was cut short when he caught tuberculosis in his teens. He remained an ardent fan of the Munster Rugby and Young Munster teams until his death, attending many of their matches, and there are numerous stories of japes at rugby matches with actors and fellow rugby fans Peter O'Toole and Richard Burton.

In 1957, Harris married Elizabeth Rees-Williams, daughter of David Rees-Williams, 1st Baron Ogmore. They had three children: actor Jared Harris, who was once married to Emilia Fox; actor Jamie Harris; and director Damian Harris, who was once married to Annabel Brooks and was once the partner of Peta Wilson. Harris and Rees-Williams divorced in 1969, after which Elizabeth married Rex Harrison. Harris' second marriage was to the American actress Ann Turkel. In 1982, they divorced.
Harris was a member of the Roman Catholic Knights of Malta, and was also dubbed a knight by the Queen of Denmark in 1985.
Harris paid £75,000 for William Burges' Tower House in Holland Park in 1968, after discovering that the American entertainer Liberace had arranged to buy the house but not yet put down a deposit.[20][21] Harris employed the original decorators, Campbell Smith & Company Ltd. to carry out extensive restoration work on the interior.[21]
Harris was a vocal supporter of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) from 1973 until 1984.[22] In January 1984 remarks he made on the previous month's Harrods bombing caused great controversy after which he disavowed his support for the PIRA.[23][24][25]

She married Richard Harris in 1957, with whom she had three sons (Damian Harris, Jared Harris, and Jamie Harris). They divorced in 1969. Sir Rex Harrison was her second husband from 1971 to 1975. He had two sons (Noel Harrison and Carey Harrison) from a previous relationship. Rees-Williams wed Peter Michael Aitken in 1980 and divorced in 1985. He has two sons from a prior relationship, (James and Jason Aitken), and is the cousin of her current husband, Jonathan Aitken, whom she married on 25 June 2003. Jonathan already had three daughters and one son,[2] (Alexandra Aitken, Victoria Aitken, Petrina Khashoggi, and William Aitken).[3]


レッド・ツェッペリンの名曲「天国への階段」、盗作疑惑で訴訟か - 匿名党
2014/05/23 - 1971年に発表された「天国への階段」は、レッド・ツェッペリンのギタリスト、ジミー・ペイジ(Jimmy Page)が、1970年に英ウェールズ(Wales)のコテージで作曲を始めたとされている。この8分の楽曲については、ロック史上最高の名曲と評される ...

ジミー・ペイジ@広島 - 匿名党
2015/07/31 - 昔、ジミーとは数回日本とロンドンで一緒に悪さし、ロバートとはKidderminsterのパブで○ン○の大きさを競い合ったことがあったりするわけですが・・・(爆wwwww. http://tokumei10.blogspot.jp/2014/07/blog- · 池田大作とジミー・ペイジ | 匿名 ...

ジミー・サビルが変態シオニストサマナだった件 - 匿名党
2014/06/28 - "Jimmy Savile" "Keswick" Geldof Crowley - Google Search via kwout ... →Other Stars linked to the cult include Jimmy Page .... Ex-BBC Reporter Who Exposed BBC's Cover-Up of Pedophile Jimmy Savile Just Died Collective ...

ジミー・ペイジ中国人説 - 匿名党
2008/08/20 - 閉会式にベッカム、ジミー・ペイジが出席 9日付英紙タイムズなどによると、24日の北京五輪の閉会式には、サッカー界のスーパースター、ベッカムや伝説のロックバンド、レッド・ツェッペリンのギタリスト、ジミー・ペイジら英国のスターが ...

ポール・マッカートニーの不都合な真実 - 匿名党
2014/05/21 - Yeah, looks a lot like the one used by Jimmy Page・・・(爆wwwwww 70年代にジミーが一番頻繁に使用してたもんはギターじゃなくて・・・(爆wwwwwww. 20日、体調不良のポール・マッカートニーを応援するべく、映画『ニューヨーク・ ...

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