
ビチャイ・スリバッダナプラバ@King Power

ヘリ墜落死のレスター・シティ会長葬儀に選手ら参列 岡崎慎司の姿も










ヴィチャイ・スリヴァッダナプラバタイ語: วิชัย ศรีวัฒนประภา、ラテン翻記:Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha、1958年4月3日 - 2018年10月27日)は、タイ王国の華人の実業家。2010年から2018年に亡くなるまでイングランド・プレミアリーグレスター・シティFC会長を務めた[1]

In 2017, King Power was accused of failing to pay the Thai state 14 billion baht (£327 million) from the operation of their airport duty-free shop monopoly. The original agreement, signed in 2006, requires that 15 percent of duty-free shop income be paid to the Thai government. The lawsuit alleges that King Power colluded with airport employees to pay the government only a three percent slice of duty free takings. The lawsuit was filed by a deputy chairman of a government anti-corruption subcommittee. Two other King Power group companies owned by the Srivaddhanaprabha family were also accused of corruption in the legal action, along with a senior King Power executive. Fourteen officials working for Airports of Thailand PCL (AOT) have also been named in the suit.[17] King Power immediately dismissed allegations of corruption relating to its contract with state-owned AOT.[18] The allegations were described as "absolutely untrue" by Dr. Nitinai Sirismatthakarn, President of AoT, who explained the allegations were based on a misunderstanding of contract modifications negotiated by AoT. In effect, fee percentage was effectively reduced, but there is a lack of understanding of this modification in the contracts as rate does not apply to the same calculation structure. Instead of charging 15 percent of profit, AoT receives three percent of turnover, resulting in increased fees received by AoT (seven times previous fees). "This absolutely cannot be considered as damage to the state", Dr. Nitinai said.[19] The Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases in Bangkok accepted the case in November 2017, and said it would begin to hear witnesses on 12 February 2018.[20] In August 2018, the court said it would extend a hearing into accusations of graft against AOT and King Power, delaying a decision on whether to take up the case. The court will hold another hearing on 4 September 2018, summoning the AOT president to clarify the AOT's duties, revenues, and regulations governing commercial activity.[21] The Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases dismissed the case on 18 September 2018, ruling that the plaintiff "was not an affected party, therefore he cannot sue in this case."[22]


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