

世界大学ランク、東大46位 200位内に日本2校だけ




中国の大学は大躍進、止まらない東大の没落 世界大学ランク46位 日本は「大学村」を破壊せよ


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高等教育改革 進めている 文科省の キャリアたちの


旧科学技術庁の 原子力畑 出身な 件

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Evil Mickey attacks Japan - A 1936 japanese animation

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www.telegraph.co.uk › universityeducation
The 'strategic partners' who offer Chinese students a route to UK - Telegraph
Jun 27, 2012 - For tens of thousands of Chinese students, the route to a British education begins at one of the universities' “strategic partners” or “official agents” in Shanghai and Beijing.

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いわゆる pro-beijing こと

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How can I protect my family and myself during a nuclear blast?

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What Would War with North Korea Look Like?

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North Korean Nuclear Bombs

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www.chuko.co.jp › 新書
2000/05/25 - 日本人は英語が苦手だ」という通念など、信じるに足らない。かつての日本には、驚嘆すべき英語の使い手がいた。日本にいながらにして、英米人も舌を巻くほどの英語力を身につけた〈達人〉たちは、西洋かぶれになることなく、外国文化との真 ...

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英語教育論争史 - 517 ページ
鈴木孝夫 - 1978 - ‎スニペット表示
昭和十七年二九四二)三月七日の『報知新聞』夕刊に、武藤貞一は、「敵色の根源は英語だ」〔資料^〕と超して、「敵国語たる英語は何としても ... であり、「最もおむべきは軽佻浮薄なる米英思想であり一襟章の如きは余りに些々たる末事」と評している〔资料^〕。

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How British Trainers Quietly Help Shape North Korean Education | The Diplomat
https://thediplomat.com › 2017/03 › how...
Mar 30, 2017 · The British Council has operated in North Korea for nearly 17 years, ever since the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) reached an agreement with the DPRK in May 2000 on an English Language ...

“'We Learn English for Our Revolution': English Education in North Korea” | talk=Eng 2U - WordPress.com
https://michaelschulman.wordpress.com › ...
English language usage is thought of as a barometer of a nation‟s modernity. Although North Korea in recent years has made strides in English education, particularly in obtaining native-speaking teachers, they are still ...


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【教育動向】全国学力・学習状況調査(全国学力テスト)の英語出​題が授業を変える!?(1/2ページ) - ...
www.sankei.com › lif1705120026-n1
May 12, 2017 · 次期学習指導要領では、英語教育が大きく変わることになっていますが、英語の全国学力テストへの追加は、 ... 文科省は次期学習指導要領で、グローバル化に対応した人材の育成を目指し、小学校高学年で英語を ...

英語学習アプリ「POLYGLOTS」と楽しく続く習慣化アプリ​「みんチャレ」がサービス連携 - ...
www.sankei.com › prl1708030318-n1
Aug 3, 2017 · 70万人が使うシェアNo.1の英語リーディング学習アプリ「POLYGLOTS」を運営する株式 会社ポリグロッツと、楽しく続いて人生が変わる習慣化アプリ「みんチャレ」を運営するA10 Lab Inc.がサービス ...

【水平垂直】「使える英語」どう教える 中教審案 授業時間確保・小学校教員の質が課題(1/2ページ) - ...
www.sankei.com › lif1608020008-n1
Aug 2, 2016 · グローバル化の進展で“使える英語”が求められる中、次期学習指導要領の審議まとめ案で英語

教育の強化方針が示された。小学校英語では国語との連携も重視されるが、指導者を確保できるかなど ...
【モンテーニュとの対話 「随想録」を読みながら(6)】嗚呼、英会話コンプレックス(​1/4ページ) - ...
www.sankei.com › lif1708200004-n1
Aug 20, 2017 · 現在、小学5年、6年で実施されている英語の「聞く・話す」中心の外国語活動が、次期学習

指導要領が実施される2020年度からは、検定教科書を使う正式な教科となる。同時に3年、4年では英語 ...
【教育動向】小6の約3割が英語嫌いに(1/2ページ) - 産経ニュース
www.sankei.com › lif1705220026-n1
May 22, 2017 · 2011(平成23)年度から小学校の高学年に「外国語活動」(英語教育)を導入した現行学習指導要領は、実施から6年がたちました。これについて国立教育政策研究所は、…

匿名 さんのコメント...

五輪まで1000日 おもてなし充実 課題はやっぱり英語力(1/2ページ) - ...
www.sankei.com › ecn1710280023-n1
5 days ago · 急増する訪日外国人観光客を出迎える小売業界などでは、英語習得や営業ツールの多言語表記など、 ... ようこそことば研究会で小売接客向けの「ようこそ言葉」を学ぶ参加者たち=24日、東京都渋谷 ...

高まる英会話学習熱 「東京五輪おもてなし」で意欲(1/3ページ) - ...
www.sankei.com › lif1509040004-n1
Sep 4, 2015 · 2020年東京五輪・パラリンピックまであと5年。一大イベントにボランティアとして関わろうと、時間に余裕のあるシニアの英会話学習熱が高まっている。訪日客の増加を背景に、困っている外国人に英語で声を掛けよう ...

英会話、同世代で学びやすく 専用コースや短期留学人気(1/3ページ) - ...
www.sankei.com › lif1708180009-n1
Aug 18, 2017 - 2020年の東京五輪・パラリンピック開催や訪日外国人の増加を背景に、シニア世代の間で英語への関心が高まっている。英会話教室や短期留学でもシニア向けプランが登場し…

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東京臨海部に「英語村」 小中高生年20万人受け入れ - 産経ニュース
www.sankei.com › lif1703230035-n1
Mar 23, 2017 · 東京都教育委員会は23日、小中高生が英語だけを使う生活を体験し、実践力を身に付けるための施設として開設を検討してきた「英語村」の概要を公表した。東京都江東区の臨海部のビルを利用して、 ...

【TOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAY】18年9月オープンの東京都「英語村」、​17年9月に申込受付開始 - ...
globaledu.jp › グローカル
Mar 24, 2017 · 年間20万人を受け入れ. 東京都が2018年9月に開業を予定している英語村の名称や詳細が、2017 年3月23日(木)に公表されました。 【関連記事】2016年10月に公表された英語村概要. 名称は「TOKYO GLOBAL ...

東京版 英語村の名称が「TOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAY」に決定|英ナビ!
www.ei-navi.jp › news
Mar 29, 2017 · 東京都は2016年に「英語村(仮称)」の事業提案を募集し、学研ホールディングスを幹事社とする5社からなる ... 今年2月には「株式会社TOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAY」を設立し、東京都と協議を重ね、当初の予定 ...

<新会社設立のお知らせ>株式会社TOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAYの設立~2018年9月、東京にオープンする体験型英語学習施設の運営会社~|株式会社 学研ホールディングスのプレスリリース
https://prtimes.jp › 経営情報
Mar 24, 2017 · 2016年9月30日、「英語村(仮称)」事業審査委員会設置要綱に基づく「英語村(仮称)」 事業審査委員会において、株式会社学研ホールディングス(東京・品川 代表取締役社長:宮原博昭)を幹事 ...

学研 英語インストラクター 求人

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3 days ago - 標識や看板が英語だらけ…まるで外国のようなたたずまいを見せる街、北海道・倶知安町。スキーリゾートとして名高い「ニセコ」地区にあり、外国人が急増している街だ。ここで暮らす一組の国際結婚の夫婦を通して見えてきた、“今どき”の ...

【社会/教育】外国人が定住、分校に活気 北海道の町、インターナショナル ...
Sep 22, 2014 - 倶知安(くっちゃん)町立西小学校樺山分校は、児童27人の小さな学 校だ。1年から6 ... だが、若い外国人と町外から移り住んだ日本人との国際結婚が 相次ぎ、 ... スクール・ニセコ校では、すべての授業が英語を使って行われている。一人ひ

道立高校も将来を見越して倶知安高校等の国際バカロレアプログラム対応 ...
hokkaido-shohousen.seesaa.net/article/452435012.html?seesaa... -
Aug 5, 2017 - 道立高校も将来を見越して倶知安高校等の国際バカロレアプログラム対応を行うべき。,2016年12月15日。 ... 国際的な大学入試資格というだけあって、授業は英語、フランス、スペイン語等で行われる事が一般的だが、日本での ... 最近、北海道ローカルのニュース番組などで取り上げられていたが、ニセコ地区では国際結婚カップルや外国人中心に国際バカロレアプログラムの導入を望む声が高まっているそうだ

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A Slip of the Tongue
The Rich Multilingual World
How learning and speaking another language enriches our lives
25 March 1995

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なにしろ言語表現の違いによる mokusatsu の歴史を評価したくない国だもん

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Abe was translating that the media was saying "look at me"
Trump thought Abe was saying it so he looked at him

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石田達夫 ロンドン

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Neoteny in humans - Wikipedia
This implies that proportionately large heads and proportionately short legs would be neotenous features for adults. Neoteny in humans is the retention of juvenile features well into adulthood. This trend is greatly amplified in humans especially when compared ... However, humans also have relatively large noses and long legs, both peramorphic (not neotenic) traits, though ...

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On This Day, Dec. 23: Japan's ex-PM Hideki Tojo executed - UPI.com
https://www.upi.com › 2018/12/23 › On-...
5 日前 · On Dec. 23, 1948, former Prime Minister Hideki Tojo and six other Japanese war leaders were hanged in Tokyo under sentence of the Allied War Crimes Commission.

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Reiko Chiba Charles E. Tuttle

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[PDF]Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism - Homeland Security ...
1994/11/14 - threat proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (those weapons categorized as nuclear, chemical or ...... through the use of directed and modulated violence. ...... Kaplan writes that in 1993, Shoko Asahara directed Seiichi Endo to develop a bio-weapon that could be used against the Japanese royal family on the day of the wedding between Prince Naruhito and Masako Owada.

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Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=1118315065 -
Jeff Kingston - 2012 - ‎History
Masako caused another stir in off-the-record comments following a 1996 press conference in which she said she enjoyed reading the novels of Nobel laureate Kenzaburo Oe, a staunch critic of the imperial system who once turned down an imperial decoration saying it was unsuited to democracy.

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The Politics of Reparations and Apologies
Stephanie Wolfe · 2013 · Political Science
Japan Other injustices ces at Kimpo airport (South Korea) that he “wishes to express his 'sincere regret' for an ' unfortunate period' in relations between the two countries for which he felt deep remorse” 1984 ...

The Political Economy of Japanese Society: Volume 2: ...
Junji Banno · 1998 · Political Science
Shiina's arrival speech in Seoul was the subject of careful consideration by Japan and Korea. ... by the former Foreign Minister Kosaka Zentaro on his visit to Korea, that 'our relationship in the past has been regrettable'.

Political Apologies Archive | Institute for the Study of Human Rights
https://www.humanrightscolumbia.org › ...
... 1965: Japan-South Korea Relations. In South Korea, Japanese Foreign Minister Shinna Etsusaburo expresses “sincere regret” and “deep remorse” over the “unfortunate period” in relations between the two ...

1965: Japan-South Korea Relations | Institute for the Study of Human Rights
www.humanrightscolumbia.org › 1965-j...
In South Korea, Japanese Foreign Minister Shinna Etsusaburo expresses “sincere regret” and “deep remorse” over the “unfortunate period” in relations between the two countries.To: South Korea From: Japan Year of Apology: 1965

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Some Unpublished Letters of Townsend Harris
Townsend Harris, ‎Shio Sakanishi - 1941
Townsend Harris Shio Sakanishi. This series of letters, written while Townsend Harris was residing in Japan, is here printed for the first time through the courtesy of the New York Public Library. The Japan Reference Library is happy to include ...

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The Great Unknown and the Unknown Great: ISSEI WOMEN: Shio Sakanishi, a pioneering figure in education » Nichi Bei
https://www.nichibei.org › 2010/11 › the...
4 Nov 2010 ·...Arrested by the FBI, she was detained indefinitely without charge. Archibald MacLeish protested unavailingly on her behalf, while First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt wrote Attorney General Francis Biddle to ask if anything could be done to help her, and to ask whether Naval Intelligence files revealed any suspect conduct. Both her political opinions and the reasons for her custody are unknown, though it is likely that her name figured on a list of Japanese immigrants (plus a few Nisei) whom Tokyo demanded be repatriated.

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「もうちょい勉強してほしい」東大の教授が元慶応義塾塾長に皮肉 - ライブドアニュース - ...
news.livedoor.com › 国内 › 社会
2018/09/21 · 東京大学の教授と元・慶応義塾塾長の「正面衝突」を週刊ポストが報じた; 英語力がない、 ... 万人が受験する「大学入試センター試験」に代えて「大学入学共通テスト」を導入 ...

RochejacMonmo on Twitter: "酷い。安西祐一郎氏は東大英語の問題を見ていないのではないか。読む・聞く・書くの3技能をバランスよく出題し、内容的にも十分高いレベルで作問 ...
https://twitter.com › status
2018/09/10 · 受験生時代、赤本をやっていて、東大英語が一番よくできてると思いながら解いていました。「大学側が何を問いたがっているのか」が明確で、一問一問の作り込み方、問題として完成度は ...

異見交論55 「東大の見識を疑う」安西祐一郎・中央教育審議会前会長 : 異見交論 : 大学の実力 : 読売教育ネットワーク - 読売新聞
kyoiku.yomiuri.co.jp › iken › contents
2018/09/10 · こうした現状に対し、高大接続改革の設計に当たってきた安西祐一郎・中央教育審議会前会長は「答申が採用されて英語入試が矮小化されるなら、東大は時代の牽引者として国民が負託す ...

東大vs慶應 偉い教授たちが罵り合いの大ゲンカ勃発|NEWSポストセブン
https://www.news-postseven.com › archi...
2018/09/21 · 背景には、大学入試改革を巡る対立があった。政府は2020年度から、毎年50万人が受験する「大学入試センター試験」に代えて「大学入学共通テスト」を導入する。 その際、英語 ...

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Japan in Gulliver's Travels - Wikipedia
Jump to Description - Japan is shown on the map at the beginning of part III,[1] which also shows the island of "Yesso" (i.e. Hokkaido), "Stats island" (Iturup) and "Companys Land" (Urup) to the north. The map also marks the Vries Strait and Cape Patience, though this is shown on the northeast coast of Yesso, rather than as part of Sakhalin, which was little known in Swift’s time. On the island of Japan itself the map shows "Nivato" (Nagato), Yedo, "Meaco" (Kyoto), Inaba and "Osacca" (Osaka)...

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Japan in Gulliver's Travels - Wikipedia
Jump to Description - Japan is shown on the map at the beginning of part III,[1] which also shows the island of "Yesso" (i.e. Hokkaido), "Stats island" (Iturup) and (Urup) to the north. The map also marks the Vries Strait and Cape Patience, though this is shown on the northeast coast of Yesso, rather than as part of Sakhalin, which was little known in Swift’s time. On the island of Japan itself the map shows "Nivato" (Nagato), Yedo, "Meaco" (Kyoto), Inaba and "Osacca" (Osaka)...

The Dutch Trading Companies As Knowledge Networks
Siegfried Huigen、 Jan L. De Jong、 Elmer Kolfin · 2010 · History
Vries was also ordered to reconnoiter nearby 'Yezo', a mysterious group of islands or peninsulas reputedly rich in silver ... For Witsen the exploits of the VOC in the northern parts of the Pacific were of key significance.

Description of the Border Areas of Russia with Japan and Their Inhabitants in Witsen's North and East Tartary
PDFsrc-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp › acta › deGraaf
Etorofu as Staten Eylant (State Island) and Urup as Compagnies Lant (Company. Land). These last names are related to the government of the Netherlands and the United East-Indian Company (VOC) and were ...

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ラトガース フルブライト

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Nisei in His Imperial Majesty's Service - Allied POWS in Japan
The trial of "Tokyo Rose" is well known, and there were several others who were tried for their anti-American actions. ...... Ruth Hayakawa (Nisei from California and suspected of being a Kempei agent; "soft voice and Boston accent"; probably the "Tokyo Rose" ... NOTE: Re Radio Tokyo, a Ruth SumikoKacho is mentioned in MICHI KAWAI, JAPANESE EMIGRANTS AND NISEI by Tomoko Ozawa (2015):

Tokyo Rose / An American Patriot: A Dual Biography
Frederick P. Close - 2014 - ‎History
Sumiko Ruth Hayakawa, born November 4, 1919, in Fukuoka, Japan, was brought to the United States in 1921. According to Toguri Notes, “She was the announcer who took my place on Sundays.” Hayakawa's deposition at trial comports with ...

Former Viscount Married In Tokyo.
 - Page 24
Lodi News-Sentinel - ‎5 Dec 1953 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
TOKYO, Dec. 6 (UP)— -Former Viscount Hironobu Kacho, 48, who was married today to Ruth Sumiko Hayakawa, 34, who received her ... She worked as an announcer for the Japan Broadcasting Corp. with Tokyo Rose during the war. Kacho ...

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South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun: An Impossible Idealist - The Asia Foundation
https://asiafoundation.org › 2009/05/27
2009/05/27 · In the world of international diplomacy and high politics, he beamed like a child visiting Disneyworld for the first time, a marked contrast with his serious and stately predecessor ...

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koreanchristianity.cdh.ucla.edu › open-p...
April 29 Yi Sujông was baptized by J. W. Knox in Tokyo and made a speech at the third Conference of Japanese Protestant Leaders. 1883 foote American minister Foote goes to the palace. 1883 min September 6 Korean ...

Korean Pyongyang Revival methodist presbyterian

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Database of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse - Bishop Accountability
bishop-accountability.org › priestdb › Pri...
The Database of Publicly Accused Priests does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations.The U.S. legal ...

Database of Accused Priests - Bishop Accountability
bishop-accountability.org › member
Database of Publicly Accused Roman Catholic Priests, Nuns, Brothers, Deacons, and Seminarians in the United ... does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims.

Overview of the BishopAccountability.org Database of Publicly Accused Roman Catholic Priests, Nuns, Brothers, Deacons, and Seminarians in the ...
www.bishop-accountability.org › db_ove...
Survivors (particularly those who don't know yet that the priest who abused them has been accused by ... The database does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims ...

Database of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse - Bishop Accountability
www.bishop-accountability.org › psearch
The Database of Publicly Accused Priests does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations. The U.S. ...

US Catholic Church names more than 1,000 priests accused of child sex abuse - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
https://www.abc.net.au › news › us-catho...
2019/01/03 · In an unprecedented public reckoning, nearly 50 dioceses and religious orders publicly ... also found nearly 20 local, state or federal investigations, either criminal or civil, have also been ...

Catholic Church sexual abuse cases by country - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Catholic...
In 2004, the John Jay Report tabulated a total of 4,392 priests and deacons in the U.S. against whom allegations of sexual abuse had been made. The numbers of reported abuse allegations and court cases has ...

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Kenya prosecutors withdraw cocaine smuggling case against British aristocrat Jack Marrian - The Telegraph
https://www.telegraph.co.uk › News
www.telegraph.co.uk からのkenya cocaine
2019/01/24 · The trial of a Scottish aristocrat charged with smuggling 100kg of cocaine into Kenya is on the verge of collapse after prosecution lawyers withdrew their case against him on Thursday.

Kenya drops cocaine smuggling charges against British aristocrat - TimesLIVE
https://www.timeslive.co.za › news › africa
www.timeslive.co.za からのkenya cocaine
2019/03/14 · Kenya's High Court acquitted a British aristocrat on Thursday of smuggling cocaine in a shipment of sugar, ending a high-profile case that captured public interest in how the justice system ...

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Cable: 10TOKYO284_a - WikiLeaks
https://wikileaks.org › plusd › cables
...Former Vice-Foreign Minister Ryohei Murata, who served as Vice Foreign Minister from 1987-89, disclosed to local press the existence of the agreement between the U.S. and Japan (declassified in the U.S. in 1999 and available publicly), that allowed nuclear-armed U.S. vessels and aircraft into Japan. Although Japanese bureaucrats still deny the existence of ant agreement, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has vowed to clarify the issue. Foreign Minister Okada on September 16 ordered MOFA officials to begin an investigation into this and other purported "secret" U.S.-Japan agreements. MOFA has started a document review at MOFA headquarters and the Japanese embassy in Washington D.C. to find Japanese documentary evidence of the agreement. Foreign Minister Okada ordered a report on the findings by the end of November. He has offered to discuss the investigation with us if we have any concerns.

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Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa

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Corinthian Hall Kobe Japan Masonic Lodge

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George Washington Inaugural Bible | St. John's Lodge No. 1 A.Y.M.
www.stjohns1.org › portal › gwib
As one of the oldest Lodges in the United States of America, it is only fitting that our Altar Bible is an ... At the time, printed Bibles were an expensive rarity and the Lodge was fortunate indeed to ...

Washington to Trump: Inaugural Traditions - Federal Hall National Memorial (U.S. National ...
https://www.nps.gov › historyculture › w...
2017/08/02 · Several of the Founding Fathers, including Washington, were Masons. The Bible used for the inaugural oath, printed in 1767, was the Altar Bible of St. John's Masonic Lodge ...

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Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi - Wikipedia
1875, he joined the Freemasons Lodge Alsace-Lorraine in Paris.[4] In 1876, Bartholdi was one of the French commissioners in 1876 to the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. There he exhibited bronze statues of The Young Vine-Grower, Génie Funèbre, Peace and Genius in the Grasp of Misery, receiving a bronze medal for the latter.[1] His 1878 statue Gribeauval became the property of the French state.

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Japan Pop: Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture: ... - Page 223
Timothy J. Craig - 2015
Actively promoting this new type of royal celebrity was a symbiotic relationship between the Imperial Household and the mass media, especially television; the Imperial Family exploited the media's need for attention-getting stories, while the media exploited the Imperial Family's need for a means ...

A Nation of a Hundred Million Idiots?: A Social History of ... - Page 205
Jayson Makoto Chun - 2006
For Japan's first full-fledged media event, we must turn to the Royal Wedding of 1959 when enough people nationwide owned a set to be able to ... with the imperial family exploiting the mass media's need for attention getting stories, and the mass media exploiting the imperial family's need for a ...

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One day, the Broken Butterfly may spread her wings again


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The Global Intelligence Files - BBC Monitoring Alert - IRAN - WikiLeaks
https://wikileaks.org › gifiles › docs › 30...
2011/06/09 · Tehran Kinichi Komano together with Japanese Foreign Ministry's Middle East Director- General ... a one-hour discussion with. Keyhan newspaper Editor-in-Chief Hoseyn Shari'atmadari in which they

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Swiss Medical Weekly - Suicide by firearm in Switzerland: who uses the army weapon? Results from the national survey between 2000 and 2010
https://smw.ch › doi › smw.2018.14646
by N Thoeni · 2018 · Related articles
Sep 23, 2018 · Summary. AIMS. In comparison with other central European countries, Switzerland has a high prevalence of gun ownership and a high rate of suicide by shooting. After the Army XXI reform in 2003, ...

Gun-loving Swiss asked to toughen laws or risk EU tension - BBC News
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-eur...
2 hours ago · Swiss voters go to the polls on Sunday to decide whether to tighten up their gun laws to conform ... And Switzerland's rate of gun suicide, at 2.74 per 100,000, is the second highest in Europe.

Suicide in Switzerland - Wikipedia
Switzerland had a standardised suicide rate of 10.7 per 100,000 (male 15.5, female 6.0) as of 2015. The actual (non-standardised) rate was 12.5 (male 18.5, female 6.6) in 2014.

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Artificial intelligence: Algorithms face scrutiny over potential bias - BBC News
https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › technolo...
20 Mar 2019 · More research into computer algorithms is needed as they could have gender or race biases, the government has warned. It announced independent watchdog the Centre for Data Ethics and ...

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Ohio State Finds Team Doctor Sexually Abused 177 Students - The ...
13 hours ago - Ohio State's president called the findings that a former team doctor sexually abused men at the university ... medically unnecessary — genital exams, regardless of the medical condition the student-patients presented.”.

Ohio State doctor Richard Strauss sexually abused 177 male students ...
14 hours ago - Ohio State team doctor sexually abused 177 students over decades, report finds ... excessive — and seemingly medically unnecessary — genital exams, regardless of the medical condition the student-patients presented.”.

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Heinz-Christian Strache

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"No reason to be upset. We all wear diapers around here."

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Oil tanker 'on fire' after being hit by 'torpedo' in Gulf of Oman
Sky News - 46 minutes ago

Two oil tankers struck in suspected attacks in Gulf of Oman ...
Reuters UK - 30 minutes ago

Oil price jumps after Gulf of Oman tanker 'attacks' - business live
The Guardian - 1 hour ago

Gulf of Oman 'tanker blasts': Crews rescued safely
BBC News - 28 minutes ago

Oil price jumps after tanker reportedly attacked in the Gulf of Oman
ITV News - 30 minutes ago

Crude oil rallies 3% after Gulf tanker incident
Financial Times - 1 hour ago

The Latest: Japan: 2 struck tankers had Japan-related cargo
Washington Post - 12 minutes ago

US Navy aware of 'reported attack' on tankers in Gulf of Oman
NBCNews.com - 12 minutes ago

Oil prices surge after suspected tanker attack near Iran
Reuters Canada - 29 minutes ago

Ayatollah Khamenei meets Japan PM amid US tensions
The Jerusalem Post - 48 minutes ago

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10 Reasons Not To Invest In The Saudi Aramco IPO
2 days ago · Saudi Aramco may be the world's most profitable company, with more than $200 billion of pretax income over the past year. But even if the Kingdom manages to launch its IPO of the company, prudent investors should stay away, at any price.

Aramco invests in making cleaner car engines, doubles down on oil
4 days ago · A Hongqi luxury sports car, left and a Hongqi concept electric sports utility vehicle, manufactured ... of the oil-dependent state-owned behemoth and its owner, the government of Saudi ...

Saudi Arabia puts domestic stock exchange at center of Aramco IPO
4 days ago · "We are tending now towards looking at a Tadawul listing," said Prince Khalid bin Bandar, referring to the Saudi stock exchange, after speaking at the Royal United Services Institute in London. "But ...

'Carbon bubble' could spark global financial crisis, study warns
4 Jun 2018 · Advances in clean energy expected to cause a sudden drop in demand for fossil fuels, leaving companies with trillions in stranded assets. Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent.

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In Chilean desert, global thirst for lithium is fueling a 'water war' - Reuters
29 Aug 2018 · The water trapped beneath the salt pan feeds the world's biggest copper mine and holds in ... regulators handle permits for brine, while the water authority permits freshwater pumping.

Chile, once the world's lithium leader, loses ground to rivals
、from uk.reuters.com
29 May 2019 · FILE PHOTO: A view of brine pools of a lithium mine on the Atacama Salt Flat in the Atacama .... lithium mining could impact separate freshwater reservoirs beneath the Atacama salt pan that ...

The spiralling environmental cost of our lithium battery addiction | WIRED UK
5 Aug 2018 · That's a real issue, because to extract lithium, miners start by drilling a hole in the salt flats and pumping salty ... The river is home to a wide variety of freshwater fish, many originating in the Amazon ...

Indigenous people are left poor as tech world takes lithium from under their feet - Washington Post
19 Dec 2016 · These Andean salt flats hold a wealth of lithium, vital to modern batteries. ..... And if they are connected, it is possible fresh water will refill the remote spaces that are emptied by brine pumping, and that ...

Copper and Lithium Giant Squeezing Water Rights for Miners - Bloomberg
21 Feb 2019 · In a belated response to falling fresh-water levels in desert areas, Chile is moving to protect a natural resource that has been depleted after decades of mining activity.

Must Reads: A war is brewing over lithium mining at the edge of Death Valley - Los Angeles Times
7 May 2019 · A request to drill for lithium near Death Valley National Park has alarmed environmentalists, who ... salty brine beneath the valley floor contains economically viable concentrations of lithium.

A war is brewing over lithium mining at the edge of Death Valley - Phys.org
8 May 2019 · As the aircraft skirted the mountains on the edge of Death Valley National Park, a clutch of passengers and environmentalists peered intently at a broiling salt flat thousands of feet below.

Lithium Linked to Greater Risk of Birth Defects in Exposed Fetuses - US Pharmacist
5 Jul 2018 · New York—The largest-ever study of birth defects in babies exposed to lithium found an elevated risk of major congenital malformations in fetuses after first-trimester exposure to ...

Press release: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 - NobelPrize.org
9 Oct 2019 · Asahi Kasei Corporation, Tokyo, Japan Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan ... The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 rewards the development of the lithium-ion battery. This ...

Shinzo Abe promotes rising star Koizumi in cabinet reshuffle
from www.theguardian.com
11 Sep 2019 · But Shinjiro Koizumi, the son of the former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, faces an early test of his abilities after he was appointed environment minister on ...

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Increasing risk of uterine cervical cancer among young Japanese women: Comparison of incidence trends in Japan, South Korea and Japanese-Americans between 1985 ... - iarc
1 Apr 2019 · In Japan, the incidence of cervical cancer has increased since the late 1990s, especially in young women, despite a decreasing trend in most developed countries. A new study ...

Increasing risk of uterine cervical cancer among young Japanese women: Comparison of incidence trends in Japan, South Korea and Japanese-Americans between ... - NCBI
by M Utada · 2019 · Cited by 1 · Related articles
Int J Cancer. 2019 May 1;144(9):2144-2152. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32014. Epub 2018 Dec 18. Increasing risk of uterine cervical cancer among young Japanese women: Comparison of incidence ...

'Distressing' Trend: Cervical Cancer Increasing in Japan - Medscape
7 Jan 2019 · The increasing incidence of cervical cancer among women in Japan points to an increase in the prevalence of HPV and calls for renewed efforts to screen and vaccinate.

Japanese study finds concerning trends in cervical cancer and treatment response | EurekAlert! Science News
6 Feb 2019 · Osaka University-centered research examined a large-scale Japanese data cohort for trends in cervical cancer prevalence, treatment, and survival. They identified a troubling ...

Challenges in breast and cervical cancer control in Japan - The Lancet Oncology
Japanese women would benefit from new measures to increase participation, a national data surveillance programme to monitor screening activities, and the implementation of a quality assurance ...

Cervical Cancer On The Rise In Japan, Say Researchers | Asian Scientist Magazine | Science, technology and medical news updates from Asia
18 Feb 2019 · The discontinuation of a vaccination program against human papillomavirus may be increasing the incidence of cervical cancer in Japan.

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www.cnbc.com › 2019/11/26 › tiktok-says-it-doesnt-censor-but-a-user-w...
TikTok says it doesn't censor, but a user who criticized China ...
1 日前 - As a TikTok executive refuted allegations of censorship, a 17-year-old user in the U.S. was locked out of her ... after U.S. lawmakers expressed concern that the Chinese company may be censoring politically sensitive content, ...

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Emperor, empress visit Okinawa to commemorate war victims - Kyodo News
2018/03/27 · On the final day, the imperial couple will travel to the city of Tomigusuku on the main island to visit Okinawa Karate Kaikan, a facility dedicated to the karate martial art, which is said to have its roots in Okinawa, before flying back to Tokyo.

Imperial Couple's potentially last visit to Okinawa to take place later this month | The Japan Times
2018/03/05 · Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko will make a three-day visit to Okinawa from March 27 to ... main island to visit Okinawa Karate Kaikan, a facility dedicated to karate, which is said to have its roots in ...

Emperor and Empress visit Okinawa to commemorate war victims | The Japan Times
2018/03/27 · On the final day, they will travel to the city of Tomigusuku to visit Okinawa Karate Kaikan, a facility dedicated the martial art said to have Okinawan roots, before flying back to Tokyo. The Imperial Couple last visited Okinawa in June 2014 ahead of the 70th anniversary of the end of the war.

How Emperor Naruhito was shaped by his studies at Oxford and encounters with the British royal family - Telegraph
1 May 2019 · Japan's Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako pose for a photo on a sofa at ... He served as honorary president of the college's karate and judo clubs, was a member of both the tennis and ...

逮捕術 - Wikipedia
移動先 逮捕術の制定 · 警察庁は柔道の永岡秀一、剣道の斎村五郎、杖術の清水隆次、神道楊心流柔術・空手 の大塚博紀、ボクシングのピストン堀口らを制定委員に任じ、彼らの技術を組み合わせ、逮捕術を創案した。

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Carlos Ghosn had team of conspirators, including ex-'Green Beret', to aid escape
from www.thetimes.co.uk
19 hours ago · According to the Financial Times, the Dubai-based company linked to another former British serviceman, Mike Douglas, paid a $175,000 invoice for the jet. Mr Douglas denied involvement in Mr ...

Japan issues arrest warrant for Carole Ghosn
from www.telegraph.co.uk
10 hours ago · A company linked to former British serviceman Michael Douglas paid $175,000 (£ 133,000) to the private jet operator that took Mr Ghosn from Osaka to Istanbul, the Financial Times reported.

Carlos Ghosn (2) The history of my family, the story of me - Nikkei Asian Review
2017/01/03 · My full name is Carlos Ghosn Bichara, after my grandfather Bichara Ghosn. He was born at the base of Mount Lebanon where there were many Maronite Christians and an abundance of centuries-old ...

Carlos Ghosn's companions on escape included a Green Beret with a rap sheet | The Japan Times
3 日前 · Carlos Ghosn shared his escape flight from Japan with two Americans, one of whom was a former Green Beret who went to jail for fraud. ... Zayek is also part of a family of Lebanese Maronite Christians.

Carlos Ghosn: Trains, planes and audacity: How Carlos Ghosn became the world's most famous fugitive - The Economic Times
11 時間前 · He was deployed to Beirut during the Lebanese civil war, beginning what his lawyers said was “a lifelong relationship with the Christian community in Lebanon”—the same community of which Ghosn is a prominent member. ... For the Ghosn operation, Taylor had a partner, a Lebanese-born man named George-Antoine Zayek.

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Japan issues arrest warrant for Carole Ghosn
from www.telegraph.co.uk
10 hours ago · A company linked to former British serviceman Michael Douglas paid $175,000 (£ 133,000) to the private jet operator that took Mr Ghosn from Osaka to Istanbul, the Financial Times reported.

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Why Carlos Ghosn fleeing to Lebanon could actually be good news for Nissan – and perhaps Britain too | The Independent
7 日前 · Carlos Ghosn's flight to Lebanon may or may not turn out to be a good choice for him personally, but it may be very good news for the future of Nissan – and perhaps for Nissan's operations in Britain.

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Threats to the Peaceful Observance of the Bicentennial: ... - Page 135
https://books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws - 1976 - ‎Read - ‎More editions
13, three terrorists of the Japanese Red Army invaded the French embassy in The Hague. For two days they held 11 hostages, including French Ambassador Jacques Senard. They demanded the release of Yamada, an airplane to fly them to Syria and $1 million.

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Ilich Ramirez Sanchez

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An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Conflict and Conflict ... - Page 656
https://books.google.co.uk › books
John E. Jessup - 1998 - ‎Preview
On 1 3 September 1 974, French ambassador Jacques Senard and ten others were taken hostage when Japanese Red Army terrorists seized the French embassy in ... This may have been an operation planned and financed by the terrorist legend Illich Ramirez Sanchez, also known as " Carlos.

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Jean-Dominique Senard — Wikipédia
Jean-Dominique Senard, né le 7 mars 1953 à Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), est une personnalité française du ... Le père de Jean-Dominique Senard, Jacques Senard, était diplomate ...

Jean-Dominique Senard - Wikipedia
Jean-Dominique Senard (born 7 March 1953) is a French industrialist in the automobile industry. On 11 May 2012, ... On 24 January 2019, Renault's Board of Directors elected Senard as the ...

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A study in contrasts as Senard tries to leave Ghosn saga in rearview mirror
from www.irishtimes.com
19 Jul 2019 · Senard wears a discreet gold signet ring with the seal of a papal count, the title he inherited. His family has owned a chateau and vineyards, which produce prize-winning rosé wine, at Saint-Rémy de Provence since the 17th century. Two prominent business executives in Paris whom I asked about Senard’s reputation gave the same answer: integrity.

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Statement Regarding Interaction Between USS Farragut and Russian Navy Ship
Courtesy Story
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet

On Thursday, Jan. 9, while conducting routine operations in the North Arabian Sea, USS Farragut (DDG 99) was aggressively approached by a Russian Navy ship. Farragut sounded five short blasts, the international maritime signal for danger of a collision, and requested the Russian ship alter course in accordance with international rules of the road. The Russian ship initially refused but ultimately altered course and the two ships opened distance from one another. While the Russian ship took action, the initial delay in complying with international rules while it was making an aggressive approach increased the risk of collision.

The U.S. Navy continues to remain vigilant and is trained to act in a professional manner. We continue to encourage vessels from all nations to operate in accordance with internationally recognized maritime laws, standards and norms.

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カルロス・ゴーン【洋販ラダーシリーズ】: Level 4(2000-word) - Page 6
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Bichara Ghosn became a consultant for airline companies. He traveled to different parts of Brazil to help airlines develop a system of airline networks. Bichara Ghosn died of heart failure in a Brazilian hospital in the early 1950s before Carlos Ghosn was born. Ghosn learned about his grandfather from his parents and from his ...

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China's Demographic Crisis Is a Reality
from www.sixthtone.com
14 Feb 2019 · First, the number of women at the peak of their fertility will decrease by 40% in the next decade, translating to a drop of first-child births. Second, the rate of first child births remains low.

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"Perhaps you were willing to create this disease because you already possess the cure. It’s ingenious. Hire a madman to unleash a catastrophic threat, and then wait just long enough for the world to panic."

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https://www.who.int › news › index5
WHO | United Nations General Assemby September 2012: RMNCH In focus - World Health Organization
2012/09/18 · ... USAID and a Commissioner; Bill Clinton, Founder, William J. Clinton Foundation, 42nd ... Margaret Chan, Director General, WHO - Vice-Chair of the Accountability Commission ...

www.clintonfoundation.org › ...
10 Things Not To Miss During #CGI2013 - The Clinton Foundation
2013/09/23 · Chelsea Clinton will moderate a panel on Tuesday at 4pm ET about generating preventative health — panelists include Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health ...

Honduran youth AIDS activist Keren Gonzalez, 12, with a copy of 'Llavecitas', a magazine she ... of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan and the former US President and founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton.

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Pentagon: 'Huawei is too close to the government'
7 Jun 2019 · Acting US Secretary of Defense Patrick Michael Shanahan talks during bilateral ... The Department of Justice is awaiting the extradition hearing of Huawei's CFO, who is ...

Pentagon Blocks Clampdown on Huawei Sales
4 days ago · The Commerce Department's efforts to tighten the noose on Huawei ... Defense Secretary Mark Esper was asked about The Wall Street Journal's reporting on the ...

Tougher Huawei Restrictions Stall After Defense Department Objects
4 days ago · Proposed changes to further limit American shipments to Huawei have been ... some officials in the Defense Department and other agencies argued that the measure, ...

Commerce Department withdraws Huawei rule after Pentagon pushback: reports | TheHill
4 days ago · The Department of Commerce placed Huawei on the “entity list” in May , preventing ... by reports that the Department of Defense blocked regulations to blacklist ...

Pentagon blocks new Huawei restrictions as threat to US defense interests - The
4 days ago · A Commerce Department effort to toughen limits on U.S. exports of technology to Huawei is in disarray following Pentagon objections.

集金 さんのコメント...

www.bbc.co.uk › news › health-49592468
Defeat malaria in a generation - here's how - BBC News
9 Sep 2019 - Each year there are still more than 200 million cases of the disease, which mostly kills young children. The report says eradicating malaria is no longer a distant dream, but wiping out the parasite will probably need an extra $2bn (£1.6bn) of annual funding. Experts say eradication is a "goal of epic proportions".

www.theguardian.com › world › aug › malaria-will-not-be-eradicated...
'Malaria will not be eradicated in near future', warns WHO ...
22 Aug 2019 - The WHO remains ...

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https://www.who.int › topics › chan
WHO | Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization
She effectively managed outbreaks of avian influenza and of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). In 2003, Dr Chan joined WHO as Director of the Department for Protection of the Human Environment. ... Dr Chan was appointed to the post of Director-General on 9 November 2006. Her term will run through June 2012.

https://www.who.int › speeches › re...
WHO Director-General's speech to the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific - WHO
13 Oct 2014 · In her speech Dr Margaret Chan outlines some of the main lessons learned over the past six months ... and SARS outbreaks in Hong Kong, and managing the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic at WHO, ...

https://www.independent.co.uk › ten...
Ten years after Sars, now we have Mers | The Independent
2 Jun 2013 · Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, did not mince her words. The deadly Sars-like virus that has spread in recent months from the Middle East to Germany, ...

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https://www.jsea.or.jp › Sea304PDF
JAPAN SHIP EXPORTERS' ASSOCIATION Diamond Princess leaves Nagasaki for L.A.
The Diamond Princess, an 116,000GT cruise ship, left. Nagasaki Port on February 27 for Los ... tended by Mr. Micky Arison, Chairman and Chief Execu- tive Officer of Carnival Corporation & plc ...

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Two Princess Ships meet in Southeast Asia for the first time — ASEAN Cruise News
22 Jan 2019...In another first for the cruise liner in the region, both ships were commandeered by two brothers. Captain Paolo Ravera was at the helm of Sapphire Princess – and his older brother Captain Stefano Ravera on Diamond Princess – when both ships docked in Laem Chabang and Phu My. Born in a small town in Italy, the brothers come from a seafaring family − their father was a ship’s captain as well.

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Diamond Princess cruise ship: 24 Americans infected with coronavirus - New York Post
16 hours ago · But ship Capt. Stefano Ravera insisted that the uptick in infected guests does not indicate that the quarantine wasn’t effective, the outlet reported. “It was not unexpected, the additional cases, involving individuals exposed prior to the start of the quarantine,” he said.

65 more coronavirus cases found on Japanese cruise ship - New York Post
19 hours ago · Ship Capt. Stefano Ravera stressed that the startling uptick does not mean the quarantine is not working, according to CNN. “It was not unexpected, the additional cases, involving individuals exposed prior to the start of the quarantine,” he said.

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Technical Naval Museum at La Spezia - Wikipedia

The Technical Naval Museum (Museo Tecnico Navale) in La Spezia is a naval museum mainly related to the Italian Navy. It is located at the main entrance of the Naval Arsenal.

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The Suppression of the Jesuits in the Savoyard State (Chapter 7) - The Jesuit Suppression in Global Context - Cambridge University Press
62 Later that year, following the arrival at La Spezia of Jesuits expelled from Portugal, Charles Emanuel ordered Rivera to veto the resettlement of any of the exiles in his territories, fearing that this ...

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The curious world of cruise ship godmothers - The Telegraph
13 May 2019 · Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge (Royal Princess, Princess Cruises) ... Norwegian Cruise Line thought when they picked Pitbull – real name Armando Christian Pérez – as godfather of ...

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Secrets of Cruise Ships From Crew Codes to Sex to Norovirus - Bloomberg
31 Jan 2018 · 9 Things I Never Knew About Cruises Until I Ran the World's Largest Ship ... The U.S. Health Department requires that every ship maintain a detailed OPP, or Outbreak Prevention Plan.

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cruise ship royal family godmother

The dark side of the 'mega' cruise ships that have revolutionised travel - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
4 Jun 2019 · The image of the out-of-control MSC Opera crashing into a smaller tour boat and the dock in Venice ... The 1,400 seat auditorium inside the Harmony of the Seas cruise ship during the delivery ...

No, Venice hasn't just banned cruise ships from its lagoon - The Local
mega cruise ship over tourism from www.thelocal.it
10 Aug 2019 · Even if the minister's idea is adopted offically in future, experts say it wouldn't address the city's pressing problems with overtourism and damage to its fragile ecosystem - since the cruise liners ...

A rising tide: 'overtourism' and the curse of the cruise ships | Cities | The Guardian
16 Sep 2019 · In Kotor and Dubrovnik large cruise ships dock regularly throughout the season, depositing thousands of people each day into the tourist hotspots and putting intense pressure on the historic ports.

Is the cruise industry responsible for overtourism? | CNN Travel - CNN.com
16 Aug 2019 · Tourism trade is integral in many of the cities that are feeling the brunt of overtourism. Earlier in 2019, Venice's Port Authority President Pino Musolino told CNN Travel that cruise ships create up to 6,000 jobs for the city.

What happens after you flush the toilet on a cruise ship?

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Coronavirus did not originate in Wuhan seafood market, Chinese scientists say | South China Morning Post
3 days ago · as was first thought, according to a new study by a team of Chinese scientists. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was instead imported from elsewhere, said researchers from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden under the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...

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The History of Plague – Part 1. The Three Great Pandemicsjmvh.org › article › the-history-of-plague-part-1-the-three-great-pand...
Plague is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacillus Yersinia pestis and is ... China, and spread to Hong Kong and India, then to the rest of the world.2.

The History of Plague Pt 2. The discoveries of the plague ...jmvh.org › article › the-history-of-plague-pt-2-the-discoveries-of-the-...
The early discoveries in particular by two French physicians, Alexandre Yersin and Paul- Louis Simond, gave medicine the beginnings of a long sought after insight into the bubonic plague – the nature of the bacterium that caused it, the relationship between the bacillus and the primary hosts, the urban and sewer rats, ...

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Joe Hara - Wikipedia
Joseph (Joe) Hara was an American businessman and philanthropist. Hara was best known for his time at Tupperware, where he ... Hara and his wife were extremely active in Orlando and the Jewish Community.

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'What a terrible time to have cancer': falling ill during the coronavirus crisis
7 hours ago · My daughter is transgender and I have to wear surgical gloves when I give her hormone therapy, so I ordered some extra from Amazon. It's scary staring out at a future filled with unknowns ...

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Coronavirus: Florida Retirement Community Makes Few Changes During Outbreak - BuzzFeed News
19 Mar 2020 · The Villages, a retirement community in Florida, is home to over 50,000 residents, most of whom are within the demographic deemed most at risk for the coronavirus. Despite this, and ...

Second man dies from coronavirus after going to famous Miami Beach Winter Party as Florida cases surge to nearly 7,000 - The Sun
7 hours ago · “The National LGBTQ Task Force is mourning the passing of a loyal volunteer, Ron Rich, who succumbed to COVID-19 over the weekend,” the it said in a Facebook post. “Ron was a ...

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Money - New York City - Syrian Jews - Syria - Finances - Business - Wealth - Brooklyn
Oct 14, 2007 · The Syrian Jews were deeply insulted. They are a proud people; community legend boasts that King David built the first synagogue in Aleppo, in what is now Syria. The SY's came to derisively ...

Syrian Jewish Community | NYC Retail Market
Jan 1, 2014 · The Syrian Jewish community, which informally refers to itself as SYs, is a major owner of apparel and other retail companies. The interwoven community of investors, many of whom are ...

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Syrian Jewish communities of the United States - Wikipedia
The Syrian Jewish Communities of the United States are a collection of communities of Syrian Jews, mostly founded at the beginning of the 20th century. The largest are in Brooklyn, Deal, New Jersey and Miami.

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21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Yuval Noah Harari - 2018

Even scientists are not immune to the power of groupthink. Thus scientists who believe that facts can change public opinion may themselves be the victims of scientific groupthink. The scientific community believes in the efficacy of facts, hence those loyal to that community continue to believe that they can win public debates by throwing the right facts around, despite much empirical evidence to the contrary.

Similarly, the liberal belief in individual rationality may itself be the product of liberal groupthink. In one of the climactic moments of Monty Python’s Life of Brian, a huge crowd of starry-eyed followers mistakes Brian for the Messiah. Brian tells his disciples that ‘You don’t need to follow me, you don’t need to follow anybody! You’ve got to think for yourselves! You’re all individuals! You’re all different!’ The enthusiastic crowd then chants in unison ‘Yes! We’re all individuals! Yes, we are all different!’ Monty Python were parodying the counterculture orthodoxy of the 1960s, but the point may be true of the belief in rational individualism in general. Modern democracies are full of crowds shouting in unison, ‘Yes, the voter knows best! Yes, the customer is always right!’

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一斉に投稿 即ち 大量の電力で冷却する

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https://kstp.com › news › george-flo...
George Floyd, fired officer overlapped security shifts at south Minneapolis club | KSTP.com - KSTP TV
May 28, 2020 · George Floyd and now-former Officer Derek Chauvin both worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo club on Lake Street, according to Maya Santamaria. Santamaria owned the building for nearly two decades, but sold the venue within the last few months.

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Robert F. Williams Mao Zedong 1964

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How K-pop is luring young North Koreans to cross the line
Aug 19, 2019 · Now, there is evidence that South Korean K-pop is playing a similar role in subtly undermining the propaganda of the North Korean regime, with rising numbers of ...

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The Open Court, a Monthly Magazine
https://books.google.co.uk › books

Catholic fathers in Japan are said to have given their knightly converts new heraldic bearings. By some authority, even the so-called "Inverted sword" on the summit of mount Kirishima is believed to have been planted by some ... In contrast to these two, we are somewhat surprised to find crosses under slight disguises used among the Samurai of the Hatamoto ... THE CROSS IN JAPANESE HERALDRY.
Paul Carus - 1899 - ‎Read

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https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov › ...
Lincoln to slaves: go somewhere else – Pieces of History
Dec 1, 2010 ·.....Long before the Civil War, in 1854, Lincoln addressed his own solution to slavery at a speech delivered in Peoria, Illinois: “I should not know what to do as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land.” While Lincoln acknowledged this was logistically impossible, by the time he assumed the Presidency and a Civil War was underfoot, the nation was in such duress that he tried it anyway.

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Supermarkets snub coconut goods picked by monkeys - BBC ...www.bbc.co.uk › news › business-53276071
8 hours ago - A Tesco spokesperson told the BBC: "Our own-brand coconut milk and coconut water does not use monkey labour in its production and we ...

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Cormorant fishing (鵜飼い)

DescriptionCormorant fishing is a traditional fishing method in which fishermen use trained cormorants to fish in rivers. Historically, cormorant fishing has taken place in Japan and China, as well as Greece, North Macedonia, and, briefly, England and France. Wikipedia

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Kevin M. Doak - Berkley Center for Religion - Georgetown University

Kevin M. Doak holds the Nippon Foundation Endowed Chair and is also Professor of Japanese Studies in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Georgetown University.

https://japan-forward.com › japans-...
Japan's New Ambassador to the Vatican Has A Mission — and It's Not Just About Religion | JAPAN Forward
Japan's New Ambassador to the Vatican Has A Mission — and It's Not Just About Religion. Dr. Kevin M. Doak June 22, 2020 11:30 pm

https://mainichi.jp › english › articles
Japan names new ambassador to Vatican - The Mainichi
12 Jun 2020 · TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The Japanese government on Friday named Seiji Okada as its new ambassador to the Vatican, effective immediately.

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https://www.nintendolife.com › news
Pokémon Sword And Shield: What UK Locations Are The Towns In Galar Based On? - Feature - Nintendo Life
2019/11/30 · All right, guv'nor? As you are almost certainly aware, the Galar region in Pokémon Sword and Shield is based on the United Kingdom. While the first four regions we encountered ...

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https://www.newsweek.com › u-s-u-...
Mike Pompeo Says Britons Died from COVID-19 Because WHO 'Bought' by China - Newsweek
2 days ago · Mike Pompeo is said to have told MPs that the WHO was a "political, not a science-based organisation"...."When push came to shove, when it really mattered most, when there was a pandemic in China, Dr. Tedros, who was... bought by the Chinese government, I can't say more, but I'm saying this on a firm intelligence foundation, a deal was made... and when push came to shove, you get dead Britons."

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Harvard survey finds Chinese satisfaction with govt rises
... Harvard's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. The landmark report, "Understanding CCP Resilience: Surveying Chinese ...
1 week ago

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https://www.euronews.com › who-c...
WHO chief hits back at Pompeo's 'co-opted by China' claims | Euronews
3 days ago · Dr Tedros said such allegations are "untrue and unacceptable" and warned against politicising the coronavirus pandemic.

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Australia Joining India, US, Japan In Indo-Pacific For Mega Navy Drill "Hugely Beneficial": US
Australia Joining India, US, Japan In Indo-Pacific For Mega Navy Drill "Hugely Beneficial": US. India is considering inviting Australia to the annual ...
2 days ago

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Daily Mail
HMS Queen Elizabeth 'will be sent to the Far East to take part in military drills with US and Japan'
The class leading HMS Queen Elizabeth is expected to visit the region ... US bases in Okinawa off Japan and in Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory, ... wharf in Singapore where Britain's Royal Navy maintains a presence.
2 weeks ago

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China is installing surveillance cameras outside people's front doors ... and sometimes inside their homes - CNN - CNN.com
Apr 28, 2020 · (CNN Business) The morning after Ian Lahiffe returned to Beijing, he found a surveillance camera being mounted on the wall outside his apartment door. Its lens was ...


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Revealed: how TikTok censors videos that do not please Beijing | Technology | The Guardian
25 Sep 2019 · TikTok, the popular Chinese-owned social network, instructs its moderators to censor videos that mention Tiananmen Square, Tibetan independence, or the banned ...

BBC News
Why a new generation of Thais are protesting against the government
Thailand has a long history of political unrest and protest, but a new wave ... [They're] having to always find creative ways to get around all kinds of censorship." ... are being organised in smaller cities, driven by social media.
13 hours ago

'We live in a cage': residents hide as macaque 'gangs' take ...www.theguardian.com › world › jun › we-live-in-a-cage-residents-hid...
24 Jun 2020 - Thailand. This article is more than 1 month old. 'We live in a cage': residents hide as macaque 'gangs' take over Thai city. This article is more ..

Hamtaro - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Hamtaro
Hamtaro, known in Japan as Trotting Hamtaro is a Japanese manga and storybook series ... Free Youth Movement, led a protest against the government of Thailand which involved singing the theme song for “Hamtaro” with modified lyrics to

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China's TikTok social media app has captured the NFL, but not Hong Kong protesters - The
15 Sep 2019 · TikTok's Beijing roots fuel censorship suspicion as it builds a huge U.S. audience ... visual patchwork of the city's unavoidable protests, including pro-China agitprop, ...

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US ambassador-nominee expects more from Japan | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
11 hours ago · Kenneth Weinstein, president and CEO of conservative think tank Hudson Institute, made the comments at his confirmation hearing before the Senate on Wednesday. With the apparent aim of ...

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https://www.nationalgeographic.com › ...
The Enigma of Beauty - National Geographic
Jul 24, 2020 · "That men prefer women with smooth skin, big eyes, curvaceous bodies, and full lips is anything but random," Symons insists. All these traits are reliable cues to youth, good health, and fertility. Take lips ...

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https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › gwao
Sexualized labour in digital culture: Instagram influencers, porn chic and the monetization of attention - Drenten - 2020 - Gender, Work & Organization - Wiley Online Library
Feb 21, 2019 · It has been observed that women's self‐presentation on social media is highly sexualized ( Carrotte, ... shoutout pages, which emphasize heteronormative standards of female beauty and sexuality.

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https://asia.nikkei.com › Articles › T...
The complex culture and history behind 'K-beauty' - Nikkei Asian Review
1 Mar 2018 · The South Korean infatuation with beauty is inextricably linked with the national fascination with celebrity (it is much more extreme here than in Japan or in Europe, for example). South Koreans want to ...

What Successful Beauty Startups Are Focusing On Now
1 Apr 2019 · The Beauty & Money conference taking place in Los Angeles on April 25th ran a competition to ... If the products are right, appeal to men's sensibilities and don't make them feel they're buying ...

New York Post
Coronavirus is giving plastic surgery a lift in patient demand
The plastic surgery business is booming thanks to the coronavirus. In mid-March, non-essential services such as cosmetic surgeons and ...
16 hours ago

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North Korea Handbook - Page 613 - Google Books Resultbooks.google.co.uk › books
The trade volume between North Korea and the EU was North Korea's third ... The trade of diamonds between the EU and North Korea is said to be a success case. The diamond trade is mainly conducted between Belgium and North Korea. Belgian companies reimport diamonds processed by North Koreans while the raw ...
Yonhap News Agency, Seoul - 2002 - ‎History

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"transverse myelitis" "cytokine storm"

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TechinsightJapan2020年9月8日 21:38


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www.bloomberg.com › features › d...
Deadly Chinese Fentanyl Is Creating a New Era of Drug Kingpins - Bloomberg
May 22, 2018 · Yan is accused of trafficking fentanyl on an industrial scale out of factories, but the drug's potency makes it as easy as dealing it from a living room.

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www.dea.gov › default › filesPDF
Fentanyl Flow to the United States - DEA
Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl - ...

www.reuters.com › article › us-usa-...
U.S. sanctions four China-based individuals, firm over fentanyl | Reuters
Jul 17, 2020 · The United States on Friday announced sanctions against four China-based individuals and one company run by alleged Chinese drug kingpin Fujing Zheng for links to trafficking in fentanyl

www.brookings.edu › research › fe...
Fentanyl and geopolitics: Controlling opioid supply from China - Brookings Institution
Jul 22, 2020 · Since 2013, China has been the principal source of the fentanyl flooding the U.S. illicit drug ... to persuading China to crack down on the supply of fentanyl from China to the United States, with ...

nypost.com › 2020/05/13 › the-wuh...
The Wuhan virus isn't the only pandemic to come from China - New York Post
May 13, 2020 · But Wuhan is also the source of another deadly epidemic, long predating COVID- 19: American fentanyl overdoses. It just goes to show how much damage China and our entanglements with its ...

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'Cartels are scrambling': Virus snarls global drug trade
Apr 19, 2020 · “The quarantine of Wuhan and all the chaos there definitely affected the fentanyl trade, particularly between China and Mexico,” said Ben Westhoff, author of "Fentanyl, Inc." “The main reason

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www.whitehouse.gov › president-do...
President Donald J. Trump Has Dedicated His Administration to Fighting Back Against the Opioid Crisis | The White House
Sep 5, 2019 · President Trump is working with allies and global partners to crack down on international suppliers of deadly, illicit drugs like fentanyl. The President has repeatedly called on China to do more to stem ...

www.whitehouse.gov › president-do...
President Donald J. Trump Is Strengthening Efforts To Combat Drug Trafficking And Protect Our Communities | The White House
Jul 10, 2020 · President Trump has engaged with China and Mexico to reduce supplies of heroin, fentanyl, and other illicit opioids. The Administration has cracked down on the distribution of deadly drugs over the ...

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site:www.cia.gov/ "TATSUMI Eiichi"

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East India: Slavery - Volume 5 - Page 112
books.google.co.uk › books

Biden , Beach Magistrate , to the Secretary to Government , dated 27 November 1839 . Sir , With reference to your letter of the 5th instant , I have the honour to forward herewith a bill on the East India Company , amounting to Company's rupees 176. 4. , being the amount due to the sea Lascars ...
East India Company · 1841 · ‎Read · ‎More editions

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Kimchi and soybean pastes are risk factors of gastric cancer - PubMed
by HM Nan · 2005 · Cited by 97 · Related articles
7 Jun 2005 — Kimchi, soybean pastes, and the CYP1A1 Ile/Val or Val/Val are risk factors, and nonfermented seafood and alliums are protective factors against gastric cancer in Koreans. Salt or ...

With such a high sodium content, kimchi has been linked to several diseases, mainly gastric cancer. The World Cancer Research Fund found that there is probable evidence that both salt and salt-preserved foods are associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer (Ge et al. 2012, Umesawa et al. 2016).1 Apr 2017
www.ift.org › issues › april › columns
Kimchi: Salt and Spice and Everything Nice—or Not? - IFT.org

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https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk › ...PDF
Future of the sea: implications from opening arctic sea routes - Gov.uk

This is one reason why major shipping nations such as China, Japan, Singapore and South Korea sought and gained observer status to the Arctic Council1,2 in May 2013, despite their lack of Arctic Circle territory.
39 pages·

https://thediplomat.com › 2014/03
Japan, Korea, Singapore and the Arctic Sea Lanes – The Diplomat
26 Mar 2014 — All three countries have their eye on the potential of the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route.

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www.ined.fr › publications › 1914-...
1914-2014 : A century of change in the French population pyramid - Population and Societies - Ined Editions - Ined - Institut national d'études ...
The French population pyramid has changed continuously since the outbreak of the First World War. Here, we will stop the clock every 20 years, and focus on the situation in 1914, 1934, 1954, 1974, 1994 and 2014. ... It was then dented by military losses and a shortfall of births during the First World War.

France lost around 600,000 people in the course of the war, over half of which were civilians. Following the war's end, the country experienced a baby boom, and the population grew by approximately twenty million people in the next fifty years (compared to just one million in the previous fifty years).7 Jul 2020
https://www.statista.com › statistics
• Population of France 1700-2020 | Statista

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http://www.adrreports.eu › ...
European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports
NEW! To consult the reports for COVID-19 vaccines, follow this link, then click on the letter 'C' and scroll down until “COVID- ...

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https://english.cw.com.tw › article
Tokyo's Kabukicho - City of the Taiwanese|Culture|2019-02-25 ...

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https://www.taipeitimes.com › biz
Evergreen founder to donate assets to charity - Taipei Times
2012/02/08 — Evergreen Group (長榮集團) founder Chang Yung-fa (張榮發) said yesterday he would bequeath all ... Chang, a devout follower of I-Kuan Tao (一貫道), a religious movement that ...

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Asian Porn Performers Are Sick of Being Fetishized in Racist ...https://www.rollingstone.com › culture › culture-features
9 hours ago — Asian porn is one of the most popular subgenres of adult content, with search terms like “Asian,” “Japanese,” or “Chinese” consistently ranked year over year as among the top 25 search terms. And indeed, there is a handful of ...

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https://www.newyorker.com › podcast
“2034,” a Cautionary Tale of Conflict with China | The New Yorker
2021/03/22 — The retired admiral James Stavridis teamed up with Elliot Ackerman, a journalist and former marine, to write about how, in the shadow of an increasingly tense relationship between the U.S. and ...

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Curse of Ham - Wikipedia
The majority of commentators, both ancient and modern, have felt that Ham's seeing his father naked was not a sufficiently serious crime to explain the punishment that follows. Nevertheless, Genesis ...

Fall of man - Wikipedia
The doctrine of the fall comes from a biblical interpretation of Genesis chapter 3. At first, Adam and Eve lived with God in the Garden of Eden, but the serpent tempted them into eating the fruit from ...

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Humanitarian response to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami - Wikipedia
Chang Yung-fa, Chairman of the Evergreen Group, donated 1 billion Japanese yen (approximately US$12,350,000).

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Romans used fir trees to decorate their homes for the New Year. Christians used evergreens as a sign of everlasting life with God.6 Dec 2016
https://www.canr.msu.edu › news
How did evergreen trees become a symbol for Christmas? - MSU ...

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How the UK found Japanese speakers in a hurry in WW2 ...https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › magazine-33860778
12 Aug 2015 — Most of the few who had learnt Japanese at SOAS had, not surprisingly, ... Peter Parker, who later became chairman of British Rail was another - the boys ... So did Britain's former military attache in Tokyo, General Sir Francis Piggott, ... After resigning from British Rail, Parker became a director of Mitsubishi.

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http://www.bbc.co.uk › british › glo...
History - British History in depth: The Glorious Revolution - BBC
2011/02/17 — But it ignores the extent to which the events of 1688 constituted a foreign invasion of England by another European power, the Dutch Republic. Although bloodshed in England was ...

https://www.theguardian.com › jan
Back to 1694: Britain at the birth of the Bank of England | UK news | The Guardian
2009/01/08 — Following the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688, which ousted the Catholic King James II, the Dutch-born William of Orange and his bride, Mary, ruled as joint ...

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Dag Kittlaus, our Norwegian-American CEO, once considered using Siri as the name of his child and liked the Norse meaning "beautiful woman who leads you to victory." For me, Siri, which means "secret" in Swahili, was a tip of the hat to our pre-named days when we began as stealth-company.com.2012/12/21
https://www.forbes.com › 2012/12/21
How Did Siri Get Its Name? - Forbes

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https://www.cambridge.org › core_ti...
Silver fork novel fashionable fiction age reform | English literature 1700-1830 | Cambridge University Press

This first modern full-length study of the silver-fork novel argues that these novels were in fact tools of persuasion, novels deliberately aimed at bringing the British middle classes into an alliance with an aristocratic program ...

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https://digitalcommons.uri.edu › ...PDF
Beyond Massage Parlors: Exposing the Korean Commercial Sex Market in the United States - DigitalCommons@URI - The University of Rhode Island
by Y Dale · 2017 · Cited by 3 — anti-trafficking organizations often describe Korean commercial sexual ex- ploitation in the United States as primarily taking place in storefront broth- els such as massage parlors. For instance, throughout ...

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Former prime minister Jean Chrétien part of secretive project to store nuclear waste in Labrador, emails show
6 days ago — In a letter Chrétien wrote in summer 2019 to an executive at a major Japanese public relations agency, Hisafumi Koga, he argues in favour of storing other countries' nuclear waste in Canada ...

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https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news
Prince Philip pictured at Nazi funeral | Daily Mail Online
2006/03/06 — Prince Philip has broken a 60-year public silence about his family's links with the Nazis. ... children and the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg.

https://www.haaretz.com › europe
William in Israel: The British royal family's complicated history with Nazi Germany - Haaretz.com
2018/06/26 — It's where the Duke of Edinburgh's mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg , is buried. ... Christoph's brother, Prince Philipp, was an even more prominent Nazi, having ...

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Mountbatten—an Anglicised version of Battenberg

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Prince Philip: A turbulent childhood stalked by exile, mental illness and death - BBC News
2 hours ago — The monarch's determination to rescue them owed much to his regret at having failed to save another first cousin, Tsar Nicholas II, during the Russian Revolution five years earlier. Eventually, the family settled on the outskirts of Paris at St-Cloud, in a garden cottage owned by Philip's aunt.

https://www.history.com › news › ro...
Could Anyone Have Saved the Romanovs? - HISTORY
17 Jul 2018 — On July 16, 1918, imprisoned Czar Nicholas II, his wife, and their five children were awoken in ... V of England, the czar's cousin and grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II, could have saved them.

Nicholas II of Russia - Wikipedia
Nicholas II or Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov known in the Russian Orthodox Church as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer, was the last Emperor of All Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his abdication on 15 ...

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https://time.com › ... › remembrance
Prince Philip Dies: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II's Husband | Time
3 日前 — The closest was Philip and Elizabeth's common great-great grandfather, Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who was Prince Consort to Queen Victoria during their 21 years of marriage.

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Daily Mail
Pentagon scientists invent a microchip which senses COVID-19 in your body before you show symptoms
... In response they have developed a microchip to detect asymptomatic COVID in a bid to prevent an outbreak; The chip is inserted below skin and triggers a sensor if COVID infects the body; DARPA have also created a filter ...

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Popular Science
COVID might cause more blood clots than we realized
... be linked to more blood clots than we thought. A new study suggests the coronavirus itself causes blood clots more than we realized. By Philip Kiefer April 12, 2021.

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https://www.ria.ie › sites › filesPDF
Royal Irish Academy TY Module: The Emergency: Ireland in a world at war, 1939-45 John Gibney and Kate O'Malley

2020/04/07 — Mrs Maude Livingston Hall Waterbury (1877–1952), youngest sister of Eleanor Roosevelt's mother. She had been married to Lawrence Waterbury for twelve years and had two ...
118 ページ·1 MB

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Bombing of Tokyo (10 March 1945) - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Bom...
More than 90,000 and possibly over 100,000 Japanese people were killed, mostly civilians, and one million were left homeless, making it the most destructive single air attack in human history. The Japanese air and civil defenses proved ...
‎Background · ‎Preparations · ‎Attack · ‎Aftermath

Bombing of Tokyo — Google Arts & Culturehttps://artsandculture.google.com › entity › bombing-of...
More than 90,000 and possibly over 100,000 Japanese people were killed, mostly civilians, and one million were left homeless, making it the most destructive single air attack in human history. The Japanese air and civil defenses proved ...

The March 1945 firebombing of Tokyo and the immorality of ...https://www.japantimes.co.jp › opinion·
2020/03/09 — The U.S. attack on Tokyo on the night of March 9-10, 1945, reinforces the reality that it usually is the civilians who ... mostly 500-pound E-46 napalm-carrying M-69 incendiary bombs, killing approximately 100,000 civilians in a single night. Almost 270,000 buildings were destroyed, and more than 1 million residents were rendered homeless. It was the single most destructive ...

Tokyo WWII firebombing, the single most deadly bombing raid ...https://www.abc.net.au › news › toky...
2015/03/08 — Tokyo WWII firebombing, the single most deadly bombing raid in history, remembered 70 years on. By North ... in history. Seventy years ago today, US forces firebombed Tokyo to force the Japanese to an early surrender in the dying months of World War II. ... The firestorms killed about 100,000 civilians and wiped out about half of the city. Sorry ... In just two days, more than 100,000 ...

https://crd.ndl.go.jp › detail
佐藤栄作首相の時にアメリカの軍人に勲章をあげたというが、いつ誰だったか。また、反対などはなかったのか... | レファレンス協同データベース
6日朝刊には「ルメイ米大将の叙勲に反対」という見出しで、「広島、長崎の原爆投下を指揮したといわれる同大将に勲章を贈ること」に対し、社会党の反対、広島県労の抗議の記事があり、7日 ...

https://crd.ndl.go.jp › detail
カーチス・ルメイは日本政府から勲一等旭日大綬章を授与されたようだが、同日に同賞を授与されている人物は... | レファレンス協同データベース
2017/03/18 — 同年の受賞者とは受賞時期が異なっているが、内閣府のHPに「昭和39年以降生存者に対する勲章の授与は春秋叙勲として毎年2回(春は4月29日付け、秋は11月3日付け)授与される ...

https://ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › カー...
カーチス・ルメイ - Wikipedia
カーチス・エマーソン・ルメイ(Curtis Emerson LeMay, 1906年11月15日 - 1990年10月1日)は、 アメリカ合衆国の ... 東京大空襲や原爆から叙勲は不適切ではないかという質問に佐藤は「今は

https://crd.ndl.go.jp › detail
佐藤栄作首相の時にアメリカの軍人に勲章をあげたというが、いつ誰だったか。また、反対などはなかったのか... | レファレンス協同データベース
6日朝刊には「ルメイ米大将の叙勲に反対」という見出しで、「広島、長崎の原爆投下を指揮 ... 2011)p.167-170には、「東京大空襲の米軍指揮官に勲一等」としてルメイの叙勲問題について書 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Armenia–Japan relations - Wikipedia
During the World War I, Japanese Empire was involved in the Entente against the Central Powers, placing Japan against the Ottoman Empire, who later committed the Armenian Genocide. Alarmed by the genocide, Japanese Viscount Shibusawa Eiichi began a relief effort to rescue Armenian population, his role has been well perceived by the Armenian community who managed to survive in this dark era.

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Air Force Magazine - 第 53 巻 - 51 ページ
books.google.co.jp › books
1970 · ‎読む · ‎他の版
In a single Tokyo raid in 1945 , American bombers killed 80,000 and left another 1.5 million homeless . The Japanese estimated that 200,000 lost their lives in the atomic - bomb attack on Hiroshima . Soviet Russia puts its World War II casualties at twenty million , or a tenth of its population .

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A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Radioactive Oatmeal Go Down
8 Mar 2017 — When MIT and Quaker Oats paired up to conduct experiments on unsuspecting young boys · Fernald State School, where the boys lived when they were part of MIT's Science Club . ( ...

https://www.nytimes.com › settleme...
Settlement Reached in Suit Over Radioactive Oatmeal Experiment - The New York Times
1 Jan 1998 — A group of former students who ate radioactive oatmeal as unwitting participants in a food experiment will share a $1.85 million settlement from Quaker Oats and the Massachusetts ...

https://nypost.com › 2013/06/23 › k...
Kids used as lab rats - New York Post
23 Jun 2013 — It was funded by the US Atomic Energy Commission — and Quaker Oats. ... Tudor also instructed the matrons at the orphanage to do the same to the children when she ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › r...
1 Jan 1998 — A group of former students who ate radioactive oatmeal as unwitting participants in a food experiment will share a $1.85 million settlement from Quaker Oats and the Massachusetts ...

https://priceonomics.com › the-mit-s...
The Dark Secret of the MIT Science Club for Children - Priceonomics
19 Apr 2016 — The plan was simple: to feed children copious amounts of Quaker Oats cereal, and track the natural absorption of iron and calcium using radioactive tracers. To recruit test subjects, ...

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wa...
Walter E. Fernald Developmental Center - Wikipedia
The experiment was conducted in part by a research fellow sponsored by the Quaker Oats Company. MIT Professor of Nutrition Robert S. Harris led the experiment, which studied the absorption of ...

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Klaus Fuchs - Wikipedia
Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs (29 December 1911 – 28 January 1988) was a German theoretical physicist and atomic spy ... In 1936, Emil arranged with Quaker friends in the United States for Kristel to ...
Died: 28 January 1988 (aged 76); East Berlin, German Democratic Republic

Emil Fuchs (theologian) - Wikipedia
A religious socialist, Fuchs was one of the first Lutheran pastors to join the Social Democratic Party of Germany. As a devoted pacifist, he later joined the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

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https://core.ac.uk › pdfPDF
Population Control in Japan: An Economic Theory and Its Application - CORE
by M BRONFENBRENNER · Cited by 7 — In the same year (1948), the Occupation permitted introduction of a Eugenic Pro- tection Law (Yfisei -hogo-hd) into the Japanese Diet, where it passed handily. This law, as amended and broadened ...
22 pages·1 MB

http://etheses.lse.ac.uk › Barn...PDF
The London School of Economics and Political Science Armchair Occupation: American Wartime Planning for Postwar Japan, 1937-1945
by D Barnes · 2013 — 4 Marlene Mayo, “American Wartime Planning for Occupied Japan: The Role of the Experts,” in. Robert Wolfe ... Janssens used the president's remarks about eugenics in order to piece together his.
228 pages·1 MB

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draper macarthur japan population eugenics

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https://www.nyu.edu › sangerPDF
The Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition: Smith College - NYU
Informed by movements for women's rights, social welfare, eugenics, public health, First ... National interest in population problems, spurred by the Draper report in ... visit Japan (includes third party letters to MacArthur and several of his ...
531 pages·27 MB

https://books.google.co.uk › books
Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal ...
Robert Zubrin — 2017 · Political Science
EUGENICS. AND. POPULATION. CONTROL. However, there was one high-ranking American official ... While MacArthur dragged his feet, Draper, with the backing of John D. Rockefeller III, sent to ...

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Aunt Jemima - Wikipedia
In June 2020, Quaker Oats announced that the Aunt Jemima brand would be retired "to make progress toward racial equality." They subsequently announced in February 2021 that the line will be re-branded in June 2021 ...

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Anarchism and religion - Wikipedia
The Quaker church, or the Religious Society of Friends, is organized along anarchist lines. All decisions are made locally in a community of equals where every members voice has equal weight. While there are no formal ...

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Today in History - October 14 | Library of Congress
https://www.loc.gov › item › october-...
2020/10/14 — ... As sole proprietor, Penn established the Province of Pennsylvania (meaning “Penn’s Woods” and named for his father) as a “holy experiment”—intended for Quakers but open to everyone. Published in 1682, Penn’s Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsilvania in AmericaExternal provided that all believers in “One Almighty and Eternal God…shall in no wayes be molested or prejudiced for their Religious Perswasion or Practice in matters of Faith and Worship.” Together with Penn’s 1701 Charter of PrivilegesExternal, which granted significant rights of governance to an elected legislature, this document is an important precedent for the shaping of the U.S. Constitution decades later.

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Scientists discover 'living fossil' thought to have been extinct for 273mn years on ocean floor near Japan - RT
2 時間前 — Two symbiotic marine lifeforms who somehow evaded the prying eyes of human scientists and 'disappeared' from the fossil record over a quarter of a billion years ago have been found ...

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www.nytimes.com › health › herbici...
Report Finds Traces of a Controversial Herbicide in Cheerios and Quaker Oats - The New York Times
2018/08/15 — In its report, released Wednesday, the Environmental Working Group said that it tested 45 samples of breakfast foods made from oats grown in fields sprayed with herbicides. Then, using a strict ...

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Imagemainichi.jp › english › articles
Fish contaminated with radiation caught off northeastern Fukushima Prefecture - The Mainichi

2021/02/24 — Fish contaminated with radiation caught off northeastern Fukushima Prefecture ... FUKUSHIMA -- Radioactive cesium five times above permitted levels in Japan has been detected in black rockfish ...

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Kensington, Philadelphia - Wikipedia
Over time non-Hispanic black and Hispanic street dealers took over larger portions of the drug trade, especially heroin, fentanyl, and crack cocaine. The intersection of Kensington Avenue and ...

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Sky News
Nearly 1,000 arrested and 400 knives seized in police crackdown on violent crime in London
London recorded the highest rate of knife crime in the country in 2019-20, with 179 offences involving a knife per ... Police recorded 683 homicides in England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police) in the year ...

This is Local London
Spate of London knife crimes worry students, Hannah Sawyer ...
London had a homicide rate of 14.5 per million people over April 2010 to March 2020, which was the third worst homicide rate in England and Wales, according to Statista. In 2019/20 alone, 145 people were murdered, mostly ...

London Evening Standard
Half of all London homicide victims are black, says Cressida Dick
Half of all London homicide victims are black, says Cressida Dick. VIEW 2 ... But she insisted tackling violent crime “is her number one priority”. ... Last year, the Met had a 96 per cent detection rate for homicide, she said.

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Quaker Socialist Society – The world holds enough for everybody's need, but not for everybody's greed… Gandhi

The Quaker Socialist Society provides fellowship and a forum for people who believe that political affairs are an essential part of Quaker life. We stand for ethical socialism, social justice and a fair, safe and peaceful world .

まいご さんのコメント...

Amerasia - Wikipedia
OSS agents investigated by breaking into the New York offices of Amerasia on March 11, 1945, where they found hundreds of classified documents from the Department of State, the Navy, and the OSS. The OSS notified ...

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GHQ 勤務日本人検閲者のデータベース―漢字名の判明した数百名の多様な証言 - NPO法人インテリジェンス研究所

2014/05/31 — 2、英子・アドナン・クマス、神戸生まれ、「終戦直後に大阪の進駐軍検閲部で翻訳の仕事」. インドネシア人 ... 終戦処理費(賠償金)から支出されていた検閲者給与. 記録が年金 ...
5 ページ·337 KB

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The Re-invention of the American West: Women's Periodicals and ...
Noriko Suzuki · 2009 ·
When she learned that the United States Education Mission to Japan shipped the Little House books to Japan as gift books in 1947 , Ishida asked CIE for permission to translate these books . Although Ishida requested permission to translate ...

県立長野図書館、戦後70年特別企画Ⅱ「GIFT;子どもの世界が変わった時ー進駐軍とともにやってきた児童書と戦前・戦中・戦後ー」を開催(12/22~1/28・長野) | カレント ...
2015/12/18 — 1945年11月以降、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)の機関である民間情報教育局(Civil Information and Education Section:CIE)が全国23カ所に設置した図書館であるCIE図書館の活動、 ...

戦後70年特別企画Ⅱ「GIFT;子どもの世界が変わった時ー進駐軍とともにやってきた児童書と戦前・戦中・戦後ー」 | 県立長野図書館
2015/12/18 — この「GIFT」と付いた本をきっかけに県立長野図書館の歴史を紐解いてみると、そこには戦後占領期に進駐軍が設置したCIE図書館(※)の活動や、教科書の歴史、戦前・戦後の子どもの本など、戦後70 ...

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Amorphia Mikuriya quaker

どしゃぶり晴子 さんのコメント...

http://etheses.lse.ac.uk › ...PDF
The London School of Economics and Political ... - LSE Theses Online

Foreign Government Loan Issues on the London Capital Market, 1870 - 1913, ... 8.14 South Manchurian Railway Co. debenture issues, 1907-1911. 330. Table 9.1 ... government (including municipal and company) foreign loan issues. ... included investors with Jewish and Quaker connections and many clients of M. Samuel.
399 ページ·12 MB

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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ma...
Matheson & Company - Wikipedia
The Rio Tinto Company was launched on 28 March 1873, headed by Hugh Matheson. ... Hugh Matheson and his financial partners controlled Rio Tinto until the late 1880s, when the London and Paris Rothschilds gained ...

Rio Tinto といへば

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https://commons.wikimedia.org › wiki
Category:Anne Morrow Lindbergh - Wikimedia Commons
2020/07/09 — Anne Lindbergh; Jon Lindbergh; Reeve Lindbergh; Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. Spouse. Charles ... Charles Lindbergh and his wife visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.jpg 430 × 700; 90 KB. Charles ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Nakahama Manjirō's Hyōsen Kiryaku: A Companion Book : Produced for ...
books.google.co.uk › books
Rosenbach Museum & Library · 1999 · [[‎Full view]]
Lenders near and far have enriched the exhibition and hence our understanding of the context in which the Manjiro manuscript was created. ... Mark Isaksen, Alfred Schuyler), Betty Fiske, the Millicent Library (Carolyn Longworth), Fair Haven Town Hall, the American Numismatic Society (John Klee- berg), the Chester County ...

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South China Morning Post - The plight of those forced to wear adult diapers in China | Facebook
3 日前 — "I need to be like a child again.”: Many in China struggle with urinary incontinence, but refuse to use adult diapers.

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History of the George Washington Bicentennial Celebration: Foreign ...
books.google.co.jp › books
United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission · 1932 · ‎読む · ‎他の版
The evening performance began shortly after 8 o'clock and was preceded by a short address of welcome from Mr. E. W. Frazar , who called upon both the American Ambassador and Prince Tokugawa to say a few words . Mr. Frazar , dressed in a Colonial costume of blue satin , greeted the guests ...

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The That Cup Of Tea Involves More Than You Think. - Page 13
books.google.co.uk › books

The Evening Independent · ‎21 Oct 1959 · ‎Newspaper · ‎Full view
and cultivated in Japan, Then, in 1615. a British agent in Japan wrote n letter in which he referred to a "pot of tea. ... become that the British East India Company, finding it such a profitable enterprise, fin- ally succeeded in cultivating the plant in ...

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The Vaccinators: Smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the 'Opening' of Japan - Ann Jannetta

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EcoHealth upsala unicef

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https://www.bbc.com › news › worl...
Budapest protest against China's Fudan University campus - BBC News
2 日前 — Fudan University is one of China's most prestigious educational institutions. The campus in Budapest, which is expected to be finished by 2024, will be its first site in the ...

https://www.reuters.com › china › h...
Hungarians protest against planned Chinese university campus | Reuters
1 日前 — The government signed an agreement with Shanghai-based Fudan University in April on ... the planned Chinese Fudan University campus in Budapest, Hungary, June 5, 2021.

https://www.euronews.com › hungar...
Hungary agrees to open Chinese university campus in Budapest by 2024 | Euronews
2021/05/02 — Hungarian officials insist that Fudan, ranked among the top 100 universities in the world, will help raise the standard of higher education in Hungary, providing courses to 6,000 ...

https://www.scmp.com › article › th...
Thousands march in Budapest against Hungary's plan to build Chinese university campus | South China Morning Post
2 日前 — Plans to build a satellite campus of Fudan University in the Hungarian capital draw an estimated 10000 to a protest, organisers say.

https://rcos.nii.ac.jp › miho › 2019/12
復旦大学、大学憲章から「思想の自由」の文言を削除|国内政治と学術界|国立情報学研究所 オープンサイエンス基盤研究センター
2019/12/21 — もう一箇所、修正された箇所では、「中国共産党の統率を厳守し、党の教育方針を完璧に履行する」とあります。 [Inside Higher Ed] (2019.12.19) Chinese University Drops ...

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The Emperors of Modern Japan - Page 169
books.google.co.uk › books
Ben-Ami Shillony · 2008 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
... where her father Matsudaira Tsuneo had served as ambassador. Setsuko's mother, Nobuko, was Sadako's friend from school. Another childhood friend of Sadako was Alice Perry, the great grandniece of Commodore Perry. Alice Perry was the daughter of an English teacher at Keiō University and she married Joseph Grew, the ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Friend Peace Scholarships, 1911-1936 - Page 9
books.google.co.jp › books
1936 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
... Pierpont Morgan of Japan ( although his interests are said to be even more extensive and varied than the greater New York financier ) , a great charity worker , and head of the Orphan Asylum of Tokyo ; and Hon . Aisuke Kabayama , son of ...

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The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of ...
books.google.co.uk › books
Ron Chernow · 2010 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
Yuki's trust fund was administered by J. P. Morgan and Company, which was unable to send her payments during World War II. Afterward, Henry ... As the prewar Count Kabayama, he had squired Tom and Florence Lamont around Tokyo and in the 1930s had helped Lamont set up an information bureau. After the occupation, he ...

まいご さんのコメント...

St. Paul's College, Macau - Wikipedia
St. Paul's College, Macau · St. Paul's College of Macau ( · "St. · The College was the base for Jesuit · Since 1557, · Missionary activities in Japan · In 1576 · In 1579 Valignano made his first visit to ...

http://sundayex.catholic.org.hk › node
Macau marks 440th anniversary | Sunday Examiner
The bulk of the Catholics were described as being Portuguese families and their slaves, who mostly were armed security guards from Japan or India, as well as a small handful of local Chinese people. Although not a ...

Luso-Asians - Wikipedia
Luso-Japanese (Nipo-Portuguese) — Indians, Siamese, Malays, Chinese and Japanese travelled to Portugal as sailors, clerics, servants, slaves and ambassadors. Many male Luso- ...

Portuguese language in Asia - Wikipedia
Bilingual sign in Macau · Portuguese and Chinese, seen on this street sign, are official languages in Macau · Multilingual sign in Japanese, Portuguese, and English in Oizumi, Japan. Return ...

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A History of the Canadian Missionaries and Korean Protestants in ...https://prism.ucalgary.ca › bitstream › handle › ucal...PDF
William John MacKenzie: Linking Atlantic Canada to Korea .................................... ... intentionally used the Cross of St. George as a means to draw people to him.

Images of the Cross in Early Modern Korea - UCLA ONLINE ...http://koreanchristianity.cdh.ucla.edu › stories › J...
by SD Oak · 2010 · Cited by 1 — 7 Why did Korean Protestant Christians build these expensive high wooden flagpoles in their churchyards? What were the symbolic meanings of the Red Cross .

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Nikkei Asia
China's bid for digital-yuan sphere raises red flags at G-7
TOKYO -- Financial chiefs from the Group of Seven major economies will discuss rules for digital currencies issued by central banks, hoping to ...
1 week ago

China's cryptocurrency-mining crackdown spreads to Yunnan ...
China's crackdown on cryptocurrencies has spread to the country's southwest with a campaign against misuse of electricity by bitcoin miners in ...
3 days ago

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Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI)

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Taboo in Advertising - Page 115books.google.co.jp › books
Elsa Simões Lucas Freitas · 2008
A significant part of the humour in this campaign clearly results as well from two types ... to Fig 7 in Chapter Three, where the two tomatoes symbolizing a pair of testicles are shown under a soft light, so as to avoid an excessive taboo reading.

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The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV ... - medRxivhttps://www.medrxiv.org › content
by FK Fohse · 2021 — ...The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.

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佐藤百太郎 - Wikipedia
https://ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 佐藤...

1875年(明治8年)に一時帰国して、自店で米国商法を学ぶ商業実習生を募集し、森村豊(森村組)、新井領一郎、伊達忠七(三井物産)、鈴木東一郎(丸善)​、増田林三郎(狭山茶)を連れ米国に戻る。1876年(明治9年)、ニューヨークで ...

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UN(連合国)を国際連合と意図的に誤訳させたのは誰ですか .
https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp › ...
1 answer
Sep 6, 2015 — 日本国としては、1956年(昭和31年)12月18日国際連合に加盟しましたが、翌19日の国連加盟に関する「外務省告示138号条約第26号」に「United Nations」を「​国際連合」と翻訳しています。当然外務省が関わっています。

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First Japanese Businesspeople in New York. Six young men - Momotaro Sato, Ryoichiro Arai, Toyo Morimura, Rinzaburo Masuda, Chushichi Date, and Toichiro​ ...

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