

Guam, which is known as the 'Tip of the Spear', is home to thousands of American service members and their families at both Andersen Air Force Base and Naval Base Guam


(CNN)The US Marine Corps has identified three Marines who died after a US military aircraft ditched into waters off Australia's east coast on Saturday.
A news release from the Marine Corps base in Camp Butler, Okinawa, named the three as 1st Lt. Benjamin Cross, 26, Cpl. Nathaniel Ordway, 21, and Pfc. Ruben Velasco, 19.

Benjamin was the last-born of Jacob's thirteen children (12 sons 1 daughter), and the second and last son of Rachel in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition. He was the progenitor of the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin. In the Hebrew Bible unlike Rachel's first son, Joseph, Benjamin was born in Canaan.
In the Samaritan Pentateuch, Benjamin's name appears as "Binyaamem" (Hebrew: בנימין, "Son of my days"). In the Quran, Benjamin is referred to as righteous young child, who remained with Jacob when the older brothers plotted against Joseph. Later rabbinic traditions name him as one of four ancient Israelites who died without sin, the other three being Chileab, Jesse and Amram.
According to the Hebrew Bible, Benjamin's name arose when Jacob deliberately corrupted the name Benoni, the original name of Benjamin, since Benoni was an allusion to Rachel's dying just after she had given birth, as it means son of my pain.[1] Textual scholars regard these two names as fragments of naming narratives coming from different sources - one being the Jahwist and the other being the Elohist.[2]

Cross = 十字架

Nathaniel (less frequently, Nathanael, Nathanial or Nathanel) is a given name derived from the Greek form of the Hebrew נְתַנְאֵל (Netan'el), meaning "God has given".[2]
The name is borne by an apostle of Christ, according to the Gospel of John (1:45; 21:2).

Nathanael (Hebrew נתנאל, "God has given") of Cana in Galilee was a follower or disciple of Jesus, mentioned only in the Gospel of John in Chapters 1 and 21.
In the Gospel of John, Nathanael is introduced as a friend of Philip, from Bethsaida.[1] The first disciples called by Jesus are all portrayed as reaching out immediately to family or friends: thus, Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote — Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph”.[2]
Nathanael is described as initially being skeptical about whether the Messiah could come from Nazareth, saying: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?",[3] but nonetheless, he accepts Philip's invitation to find out. Jesus immediately characterizes him as "an Israelite in whom is no deceit".[4] Some scholars hold that Jesus' quote "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you", is based on a Jewish figure of speech, referring to studying the Torah. Nathanael recognizes Jesus as "the Son of God" and "the King of Israel".
He reappears (as "Nathanael of Cana") at the end of John's Gospel, as one of the disciples to whom Jesus appeared at the Sea of Galilee after the Resurrection.[1]

Nathanael has often been identified with Bartholomew the Apostle mentioned in the synoptic gospels and Acts 1:13.[1][5]

Reuben (son of Jacob)

According to the Book of Genesis, Reuben or Re'uven (Hebrew: רְאוּבֵן‎‎, Standard Rəʾuven Tiberian Rəʾûḇēn) was the eldest son of Jacob with Leah. He was the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Reuben
The text of the Torah gives two different etymologies for the name of Reuben, which textual scholars attribute to different sources: one to the Yahwist and the other to the Elohist;[1] the first explanation given by the Torah is that the name refers to God having witnessed Leah's misery, in regard to her status as the less-favourite of Jacob's wives, implying that the etymology of Reuben derives from raa beonyi, meaning he has seen my misery; the second explanation is that the name refers to Leah's hope that Reuben's birth will make Jacob love her, implying a derivation from yeehabani, meaning he will love me. Another Hebrew phrase to which Reuben is particularly close is ra'a ben, meaning behold, a son, which is how classical rabbinical literature interpreted it, although some of these sources argue that Leah was using the term to make an implied distinction between Reuben and Esau, his uncle.[2][3] Some scholars suspect that the final consonant may originally have been an l (similar to an n in the early Hebrew alphabet), and Josephus rendered the name as Reubel; it is thus possible that Reuben's name is cognate with the Arabic term Ra'abil, meaning wolves.[4]

Velasco (also Belasco or Belasko) is a Spanish family name[1] and masculine first name[2] derived from the Basque bela- meaning 'raven' or 'crow' and the diminutive suffix -sco.[3][4] The name also made its way into Portuguese language as Vasco. Notable people with the surname include:

Ord hails from the Breakworld, a planet home to a warrior culture whose technology allows them to see partial versions of the future. These “timeshadows” foretold that their planet would be destroyed by a mutant from Earth, most likely a member of the heroic X-Men team. For decades, Ord fought and won in many arena-style battles for the honor of being chosen to travel to Earth with a declaration of war. However, the spy agency S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient Worlds Observation and Response Department), a sub-division of S.H.I.E.L.D. that handles extraterrestrial matters, was able to settle diplomatically with him by offering him a chance to eradicate the mutant gene, while they would seek to identify the mutant that would be responsible for the Breakworld’s destruction.
In order to fulfill his end of the bargain, Ord secretly stole the body of Colossus, a former member of the X-Men, before it was due to be cremated. Using his advanced alien technology, Ord had Colossus restored to life and kept him prisoner for years while experimenting on him. Ultimately, Ord discovered the cure to the Legacy Virus still in Colossus’ system and presented his findings to Benetech geneticist Doctor Kavita Rao, who was able to modify it into creating a “cure” for the “mutant condition.” As Rao appeared in front of the world media to announce the cure, Ord hoped to flush out the X-Men and staged a hostage situation at a charity gala. True to form, the X-Men arrived to save the hostages and confronted Ord. Making short work of the heroes, Ord was driven off by the timely arrival of the alien dragon Lockheed, ally of the X-Man Shadowcat, who engulfed Ord’s head in flame, causing him to flee.
Seeking revenge, Ord stole into the Xavier Institute to find that the X-Men had left to investigate Benetech. Wanting to leave the X-Men a message, Ord injected the young student Wing with the “cure”, removing the boy’s powers and instructing him to tell the X-Men that the mutant abomination would never be a threat to the Breakworld. Ord then returned to Benetech and confronted the X-Men; however, another timely arrival –Colossus, who had been found and freed by Shadowcat – saw him defeated once more. Head of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury and S.W.O.R.D.’s Special Agent Abigail Brand arrived to defuse the situation, but while explanations were being made, mutants desperate to obtain the cure stormed the facility, allowing Ord to escape in the confusion. The X-Men were able to prevent him from leaving Earth in his spacecraft, and he was taken into custody by S.W.O.R.D.

Lockheed is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character appears most commonly in association with the X-Men. He is an alien dragon that is the longtime companion of Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde), a member of the X-Men and Excalibur.

Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with the X-Men. The character first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #129 (January 1980) and was co-created by writer-artist John Byrne and Chris Claremont.
A mutant, Pryde possesses a "phasing" ability that allows her, as well as objects or people she is in contact with, to become intangible.[1] This power also disrupts any electrical field she passes through, and lets her simulate levitation.
The youngest person to join the X-Men, Kitty received her first codename, Sprite, from Storm. Professor X also suggested the codename Ariel, which Kitty adopted for a short time prior to becoming Shadowcat, undergoing many notable costume changes for each codename until settling for her trademark black and gold costume. After joining the Guardians of the Galaxy, she replaced her fiancé and became part of the legend of the Star-Lord.
During her early years, she was portrayed as a "kid sister" to many older members of the X-Men, filling the role of literary foil to the more established characters. In the years since her introduction, she has aged and matured, developing into a main character in her own right.

In the X-Men film series, Kitty was portrayed by young actresses in cameos: Sumela Kay in X-Men (2000) and Katie Stuart in X2 (2003). Ellen Page portrayed the character in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) and X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). She is ranked #47 in IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes.


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