

ペスト医者(ペストいし、英語: plague doctor )あるいはイタリア語でメディコ・デッラ・ペステ (イタリア語: medico della peste ) とはペスト患者を専門的に治療した医師のことで、黒死病が蔓延した時代に多くのペスト患者を抱えた都市から特別に雇用された者たちである[1]。報酬も都市側から支払われたため、ペスト医師は貧富の隔てなく誰であろうと公平に治療を施した[2]。本来であれば専門教育を受けた経験豊富な医師の仕事であるが、彼らの多くは往々にしてよそでは商売の成り立たない二流の医者か、自分の身を立てようとする若い医者であった[1]
ペスト医師は契約に基づきペスト患者の治療を行う、町医者あるいは「地域ペスト医」(community plague doctors)という名で知られていた。一方で「一般開業医」としての医師も別にいて、両者がヨーロッパの一つの都市や街に同時に存在するということがありえた[1][3][4][5]フランスオランダでは医学知識の乏しい者がペスト医師となることもしばしばで「実験主義者」とあだ名されるほどだった。医師として雇われる以前には果物売りをしていた者さえいたという[6]









イタリアのパヴィーアでは1479年にジョバンニ・ド・ヴェントゥーラ英語版という人物を地域ペスト医として雇っている[4][32]。アイルランドの医者であるネラヌス・グラサヌス英語版(1563年? - 1653年)は何人ものペスト患者を治療した勇気を讃えられスペイン、フランス、イタリアで大変な尊敬を受けていた[33][34]。錬金術師として有名なパラケルススもまた中世のペスト医師の1人である[35]

A plague doctor was a medical physician who treated victims of the plague.[1] They were specifically hired by towns that had many plague victims in times of epidemics. Since the city was paying their salary, they treated everyone: both the wealthy and the poor.[2] However, some plague doctors were known for charging patients and their families extra for special treatments and/or false cures.[3] They were not normally professionally trained experienced physicians or surgeons, and often were second-rate doctors unable to otherwise run a successful medical business or young physicians trying to establish themselves.[1] These doctors rarely cured their patients; rather, they got a count of the number of people contaminated for demographic purposes.
Plague doctors by their covenant treated plague patients and were known as municipal or "community plague doctors", whereas "general practitioners" were separate doctors and both might be in the same European city or town at the same time.[1][4][5][6] In France and the Netherlands, plague doctors often lacked medical training and were referred to as "empirics". In one case, a plague doctor had been a fruit salesman before his employment as a physician.[7]
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some doctors wore a beak-like mask which was filled with aromatic items. The masks were designed to protect them from putrid air, which (according to the miasmatic theory of disease) was seen as the cause of infection. The design of these costumes has been attributed to Charles de Lorme, the chief physician to Louis XIII.[8]

Charles de Lorme, Delorme, d'lorm, or De l'Orme (1584–1678), was a medical doctor. Charles was the son of Jean Delorme (a professor at Montpellier University), who was the primary doctor to Marie de' Medici. This ultimately opened doors for Charles' medical career soon after he graduated from the University of Montpellier in 1607 at the age of 23. He first came to Paris after graduation to practice medicine under the watchful eye of his father, until he was ready to practice as a regular doctor on his own. There are no records of his marriages, except that he married for the third time at the age of 78. This wife died within a year.[3]
Charles was the personal physician to several members of the royal family of the House of Medici from 1610 to 1650. He was the main doctor to Louis the Just after his father retired and additionally became the primary physician to the king's brother Gaston, Duke of Orléans starting in 1629.[4][5][6]
Charles was the chief physician of three French kings, Henri IV, Louis XIII and Louis XIV.[7] He was very reputable in his profession as a doctor.[8] He acquired the friendship of Cardinal Richelieu and Chancellor Pierre Séguier, who granted him a pension.[8]

Mineral baths and spas

Jean de Lorme, Charles' father, was one of two doctors from Moulins that introduced Bourbon-Lancy as a spa town to Europe. Charles was the heir to his father's interest in the spa town, however for some unknown reason promoted the rival spa town of Bourbon-l'Archambault. Charles profited hugely from promoting the spa in this town. He was accused with the proverb d'avoir pris pension des habitants pour y faire aller bien du monde ("to have boarded the inhabitants in order to make the world go well") because of his enthusiasm for this rival spa. Charles gave the spa of Bourbon-l'Archambault its excellent reputation in the European upper class.[5]

The first European epidemic of the bubonic plague dates back to the mid 6th century and is called the Plague of Justinian.[9] The largest number of people affected by the epidemic were the Black Death victims of Europe in the 14th century. In medieval times, the large loss of people (due to the bubonic plague) in a town created an economic disaster. Community plague doctors were quite valuable and were given special privileges; for example, plague doctors were freely allowed to perform autopsies, which were otherwise generally forbidden in Medieval Europe, to research a cure for the plague.
In some cases, plague doctors were so valuable that when Barcelona dispatched two to Tortosa in 1650, outlaws captured them en route and demanded a ransom. The city of Barcelona paid for their release.[5] The city of Orvieto hired Matteo fu Angelo in 1348 for 4 times the normal rate of a doctor of 50-florin per year.[5] Pope Clement VI hired several extra plague doctors during the Black Death plague. They were to attend to the sick people of Avignon. Of eighteen doctors in Venice, only one was left by 1348: five had died of the plague, and twelve were missing and may have fled.[10]


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