


A section of the Bayeux Tapestry has been unveiled at Tonbridge Castle
By Will Harrison | Posted: July 14, 2017

Guests at a special ceremony at Tonbridge Castle this morning were transported back hundreds of years, as a replica section of the Bayeux Tapestry was unveiled.

Former Tonbridge and Malling MP Sir John Stanley was on hand to reveal the new tapestry, titled Embarquement, alongside mayor Roger Dalton and with extra help from one of The Slade School's Year Six pupils.

The section of the tapestry was given to Tonbridge by French National Assembly member Nicole Ameline, who was "hugely impressed and enthused" by Tonbridge Castle having been invited by Sir John after the 2014 D-Day Commemorations in Normandy.

Guests at a special ceremony at Tonbridge Castle this morning were transported back hundreds of years, as a replica section of the Bayeux Tapestry was unveiled.

Former Tonbridge and Malling MP Sir John Stanley was on hand to reveal the new tapestry, titled Embarquement, alongside mayor Roger Dalton and with extra help from one of The Slade School's Year Six pupils.

The section of the tapestry was given to Tonbridge by French National Assembly member Nicole Ameline, who was "hugely impressed and enthused" by Tonbridge Castle having been invited by Sir John after the 2014 D-Day Commemorations in Normandy.

Mayor Roger Dalton, a Year Six pupil, and former Tonbridge and Malling MP Sir John Stanley unveil the tapestry

As Sir John unveiled the tapestry he said: "This tapestry will be of huge interest to the people of Tonbridge and will have wide appeal to all the tourists that come to visit Tonbridge Castle.

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"Without the Council's vision and determination, Tonbridge Castle would have remained just a ruin as it was when I first became Tonbridge and Malling's MP in 1974.

'Embarquement' depicts horsemen and foot soldiers embarking on a ship bound for the invasion of England

Tonbridge Castle is now one of the great historic castles in Britain for children and adults to visit. I hope that 'Embarquement' will add to their interest and enjoyment for many years to come."

The hand-woven replica section Bayeux Tapestry of the entitled shows horsemen and foot soldiers embarking on a ship bound for the invasion of England by William the Conqueror in 1066.

Sir John also addressed his successor, Tom Tugendhat, who was also present, congratulating him on his new appointment as chair of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee.

Mayor of Tonbridge and Malling, Roger Dalton, also spoke: "I am delighted to accept this beautifully hand-woven replica of a section of the famous Bayeux Tapestry, which will hang in pride of place in the Great Hall at Tonbridge Castle.

"We are very grateful to Sir John Stanley for presenting the Council with such a lovely memento of a key moment in British history and I'm sure it will be greatly admired by visitors to the Castle for many years to come."

The section of tapestry is on display on the wall of the Great Hall inside the Castle.


バイユーのタペストリーフランス語Tapisserie de Bayeux)は、1066ノルマン・コンクエストノルマンディー公イングランドウィリアム1世によるイングランド征服)の物語の刺繍画である。長辺約70m(現存63.6m)、短辺約0.5mの亜麻リネン)製の布に、毛糸で刺繍が施されており、ヘイスティングズの戦いのくだりまでが現存している。11世紀フランスとイングランドにかかわる歴史的遺物であり、また当時の服装や武器、軍船、戦闘方法などを伝える貴重な史料でもある。
フランスはノルマンディー地方の都市バイユーにあるバイユー大聖堂に長く保管されていたが、近代の戦火による混乱の中を転々とした後、旧に復され、現在ではバイユー・タペストリー美術館 (Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux[1]) に保管・展示されている。

一般にタペストリー(フランス語:タピスリー、つづれ織)と呼ばれるが、技法的には誤りで、織物ではなく刺繍作品である。亜麻の布地に、青、茜、黄色など自然素材で染色された毛糸が使用されている。刺繍技法としては、線を描くアウトライン・ステッチを基本に、バイユー・ステッチ (point de Bayeux) と呼ばれる、輪郭の内側を糸で密に埋めていく手法が用いられている。








2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


英国、南シナ海への軍艦派遣を計画 中国の反発必至 | ロイター

World | 2017年 07月 28日 15:21 JST

[シドニー 27日 ロイター] - 英国のファロン国防相は27日、南シナ海に来年、軍艦を派遣し、「航行の自由作戦」を実施する計画を明らかにした。同海域で領有権を主張する中国の反発は必至とみられる。また、欧州連合(EU)からの離脱交渉が本格的に始まった英国と、中国の関係が冷え込む可能性がある。


匿名 さんのコメント...

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