

外套(がいとう)とは防寒などのために着る外衣をいう。英語では overcoat(オーバーコート)という。なお、日本語では「オーバー」または「コート」と略すこともある(もっとも、日本語で「コート」とは外套のみを意味するのではない。コートの他の用法についてはコート参照)。

An overcoat is a type of long coat intended to be worn as the outermost garment, which usually extends below the knee. Overcoats are most commonly used in winter when warmth is more important.
They are sometimes confused with or referred to as topcoats, which are shorter and end at or above the knees. Topcoats and overcoats together are known as outercoats. Unlike overcoats, topcoats are usually made from lighter weight cloth such as gabardine or covert, while overcoats are made from heavier cloth or fur.

Gabardine was invented in 1879 by Thomas Burberry, founder of the Burberry fashion house in Basingstoke, and patented in 1888. The original fabric was waterproofed[how?] before weaving and was worsted wool or worsted wool and cotton, tightly woven and water-repellent but more comfortable than rubberized fabrics.[4] The fabric takes its name from the word "gaberdine", originally a long, loose cloak or gown worn in the Middle Ages, but later signifying a rain cloak or protective smock-frock.[5][6]






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皇后さま 風邪のような症状で夕食会を欠席



