

青山 健熙(あおやま けんき[1]1939年 - )は、北朝鮮の元工作員。1998年に脱北した[1]。「青山健熙」は仮名であり、本名は非公開。




  1. ^ a b c 亀井和真 (2003年2月6日). “日本帰還脱北者「同志会」を結成−−青山健煕さんが声明文”. 毎日新聞
  2. ^ “北朝鮮元工作員、難民認定へ 入管「妥当」の報告 「国が迫害」根拠に”. 読売新聞. (2003年5月29日)
  3. ^ “脱北者の難民非認定 入管判断覆す「中国国籍も保有」 法務省”. 産経新聞. (2003年11月12日)
  4. ^ “脱北の元工作員が国賠提訴”. 産経新聞. (2006年11月23日)

Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is a Los Angeles–based non-profit organization. Founded and largely staffed and financed by Scientologists, its stated mission is "To teach youth around the globe about human rights, thus helping them to become valuable advocates for the promotion of tolerance and peace."[1]
The organization promotes[2] Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's writings on human rights and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by sponsoring essay and art contests and by providing materials for students and teaching guides for schools.[3]

According to the Church of Scientology International, Scientologist Mary Shuttleworth founded the organization in August 2001 "in coordination with the Church of Scientology International's Human Rights Office".[4] Scientology's website states that by 2004 it had established activities in more than 26 countries, including Mexico, the United States and Sweden.[5]


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