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クロアチアには3百80万人の洗礼を受けたカトリック教徒がいて、全人口の約85%を占める。国家的な聖地はマリヤ・ビストリツァMarija Bistrica)である。クロアチア議会Parliament of Croatia)が1687年に宣言して以来、クロアチアの守護聖人は聖ヨセフである[1]

The Croatian Province of the Society of Jesus (Croatian: Hrvatska pokrajina Družbe Isusove) is a province of the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, of the Catholic Church which is active in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia.
The Society of Jesus runs a faculty of philosophy at the University of Zagreb (separate from the main, secular faculty of philosophy) as well as the Student Catholic Centre within the Archdiocese of Zagreb. It has parishes in Rijeka and Zagreb.
The Province also maintains residences in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ohrid, Macedonia where they provide religious education to seminarians in the local dioceses.

House of Novosel

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Novosel family is a Croatian noble family, influential in the Kingdom of Croatia, and in the later Austro-Hungarian Empire during the period in history marked by the Ottoman wars in Europe. Notable members of this family bore the tiles of Prince (Prince of the Palace, Latin principi curialis), Commander of the Fort (Hrvatska Kostajnica), Vice Prefect (Požega County and Zagreb County), member of the Royal Court (Latin judicium delegatum) and member of the Royal Commission for suppressing revolt.
In the 15th century the Novosels settled below Medvednica. The Novosels were highly represented in the battles against the Turks, as evidenced by the coat of arms of Prince (Croatian knez) Mark (Marko) Novosel, whereon he is depicted riding on horseback and holding the severed head of a Turkish Duke. The Novosel family was connected by kinship with the famous House of Drăculeşti and Prince Dracula (Vlad Tepes), the voivode of Wallachia. Furthermore, Novosel family is connected by kinship with Royal House of Liechtenstein through marriage of Ana von Novoszel (Novosel) daughter and Prince Rudolf von Liechtenstein.


The Novosels, had their noble title confirmed (after the original confirmation of the Prince's and Duke’s status disappeared in the war against the Ottoman Empire) on 12 September 1744 under Empress Maria Theresa. The muniment of nobility and the coat of arms confirmed Prince Luka Novosel of the Croatian and Slavonian part of Transleithania as Commander of the Hrvatska Kostajnica for the military merits of his fighting against the Ottoman Turks. Prince Luka Novosel was elected deputy prefect of Požega County on 12 November 1750; on 8 April 1755 Empress Maria Theresa appointed him a member of the Commission and a member of the Royal Court (judicium delegatum) in suppressing revolts in Virovitica County. The session of the Commission and the Court started on 21 May 1755.
Empress Maria Theresa appointed Count Joseph Keglević the president of the Commission and Royal Court, and as members of the Commission and Court she appointed General Count Serbellonia, the advisors of Ignat Kemfa, and the deputy prefect of Požega County, Luka Novosel. The Chairman of the Commission soon came to the conclusion that the sources of rebellion in the entire County of Virovitica were the serfs from Bukovica and "five villages of the upper Alexandar Pejačević" on the Virovitica estate. On 14 June 1755 the Commission was ordered to capture the ringleaders of the revolt in these six villages. Anthony (Antun) Novosel, son of Prince Luka Novosel, was appointed as a Prince by Bishop Maximilian Vrhovac de Rakitovec and also married the bishop’s sister Francisca. Emperor Joseph II ordered Bishop Maximilian to give his printing office and bookstore to someone else, so the bishop give them to the Prince Antun Novosel. In 1796 Novosel printing office printed the book Robinson Crusoe translated to Croatian. This was first edition of Robinson Crusoe book translated to Croatian in Croatia and wider.[1] Anthony Novosel was the proprietor of Dolec near Laduc in the Susedgrad seigniory. He died 27 April 1800.
Through many marriages the House of Novosel become related to many important noble families of that era such as:


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